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Competition List Questions (formally called Merit List) [MERGED]

ward0043 said:
Thanks for the input, I agree that I have no choice really. But it is a shitty situation none the less. Should corrections accept me, I honestly don't think it would be a smart idea to accept any potential military offers (even though I'd want to), because even if I get a call it does not mean I will successfully pass the military training. Not to mention, that by leaving corrections shortly after being accepted, I might effectively be burning down that bridge as well. But what can I do but play with the cards I'm dealt :P

Going by the fact that you stated you had test to write, and that it is in correctional field (I believe you mean prison administration/guard, correct me if I am wrong)  I'm assuming it is a governmental Job. If so, once you have gone through your Probation period (usually 3-6 months) you can request a leave of absence for career enhancement (up to 1 year of LWOP) and still be on the employed list, meaning if you get the call, you could put the job on "hold" and try the military then decide if you want to switch up or not. I currently work in the public service and this is what i have done. It is one of the great things about being unionized.

P.S. If it is at the federal level, expect to wait at least 6 months before you get a call if you pass the test and are "pooled". I forgot i had applied for my current job when i got the call, took them over a year when they told us the calls we're going to be made the month after the interviews we're over.

Edit: Forgot to mention, when on the LWOP, your job will only remain available as long as the term contracts get renewed, if they don't renew then you don't have a job anymore, but either way you wouldn't of had one even if you weren't on LWOP. (Just in case, LWOP = Leave w/o pay)
Thanks for the heads up DogFighting101  :salute:!  I believe I passed the tests, but from here it looks like I get to play the waiting game like everyone else  :'(
ward0043 said:
Thanks for the heads up DogFighting101  :salute:!  I believe I passed the tests, but from here it looks like I get to play the waiting game like everyone else  :'(

Most of the waiting when it comes to these jobs is due to the assessment boards, usually the boards are made up of 3 members and most of the time they have thousands of applicants, so the screening process is what takes the longest (we had about 3000 applicants when i applied). Once that is done and you receive the confirmation letter to state you got "screened in" (after the interviews ans possibly more testing), the wait time before you get a job offer Will vary depending on the current budget status for that particular department and/or if they actually still need to fill the positions (some times the lists are only anticipatory postings, which means they are just made in case they would need an employee over the next 2 years). Good luck with the process, hopefully you will get news from either CF or GC asap.

Does anybody know how to find out how far down i am on the merit list? When i ask my local recruiting center, they are telling me that they don't have access to see that. I just called the National recruiting center to check and i was told "you have to check with your local CFRC"
Is it something we can never find out?
I am just trying to figure out a wait time. I got merit listed for ACOP few months ago and i didn't get selected on the last week selection. (this is for Jan BMQ)
appreciate if anybody with information
From what I've seen around here, some RCs will tell you and some won't.
Also from what I've seen around here, there's not a ton you can do with the information even if you have it.
To add to the above statement, your "spot" on the merit list doesn't necessarily end up as a job offer, you could be listed in the bottom tiers (or even just below the years intake) and if the trade you applied for is somewhat competitive you might get bumped down everytime a new applicant gets in (if this applicant has better scores on his overall assessment). So even if you were in spot 15 (as an example), the folowing week you could be down to 17-20 and then after that week you could go back up to 12 etc. So it's always a good idea to try and improve your scores (do volunteer work, join a sports team, etc.).

P.S. The numbers don't mean anything, I just used them figuratively.
When a selection is made by either the production Officer at a CFRC or at CFRG the merit list is computer generated. Once the selection is started new names added to the merit list will not show up until the list is regenerated. If you are "in the numbers" before the selection runs and there is a vacancy open you will get a job offer. However if there is no opening, no selection. If you are the top of the merit list one day and a new list is generated and you are below the line, you wait. This is further complicated by a national merit list but some occupations are locally selected. You could be the top nationally but there is no vacancy in your CFRC but one in another CFRC they can only select from their people on the list.
Bottom line is to be the best applicant by a combination of CFAT, education (school marks) and interview results. We are in a serious business so serious preparation for all aspects of the process is required.
CFR FCS said:
This is further complicated by a national merit list but some occupations are locally selected. You could be the top nationally but there is no vacancy in your CFRC but one in another CFRC they can only select from their people on the list.

Oh wow. I had no idea this was possible. Does this sort of situation happen often? Or is it just something that could theoretically happen within the system?
Yes it can happen quite often but usually the CFRC will let you know if they have vacancies open or not.
CFR FCS said:
Yes it can happen quite often but usually the CFRC will let you know if they have vacancies open or not.

As an on the ground example:

Our current platoon at St.Jean is mostly Combat arms - I was informed at the time of my application there were only 3 Armour officer spots available, only to find there was 15-17 Armour Officers selected from Central/Eastern Canada (and their selections happened long after I was selected for Infantry). My guess is they assume that since there is a shortage of Armour Officers in the Dragoons (based in Petawawa), they would likely hire Armour officers from that region, as they would be most likely to want to stay in that region.

Donny said:
Does anybody know how to find out how far down i am on the merit list? When i ask my local recruiting center, they are telling me that they don't have access to see that. I just called the National recruiting center to check and i was told "you have to check with your local CFRC"
Is it something we can never find out?
I am just trying to figure out a wait time. I got merit listed for ACOP few months ago and i didn't get selected on the last week selection. (this is for Jan BMQ)
appreciate if anybody with information

Welcome to the joke of a process know as Canadian Forces Recruiting.
TBone22 said:
Welcome to the joke of a process know as Canadian Forces Recruiting.

You still want in, though, don't you? 

I think I can see why you haven't been called yet.  ::)
TBone22 said:
Welcome to the joke of a process know as Canadian Forces Recruiting.

Well, I've heard the hiring process at this location is somewhat more streamlined.  You could alway give them a try if the CF doesn't hire you as fast as you think you should be. 

Uniformed service is uniformed service afterall....isn't it?? 
Ayrsayle said:
As an on the ground example:

Our current platoon at St.Jean is mostly Combat arms - I was informed at the time of my application there were only 3 Armour officer spots available, only to find there was 15-17 Armour Officers selected from Central/Eastern Canada (and their selections happened long after I was selected for Infantry). My guess is they assume that since there is a shortage of Armour Officers in the Dragoons (based in Petawawa), they would likely hire Armour officers from that region, as they would be most likely to want to stay in that region.

I don't think thats actually fact, just so follow-on readers don't fall victim to guesstimates and speculation.
Eye In The Sky said:
I don't think thats actually fact, just so follow-on readers don't fall victim to guesstimates and speculation.

Was the speculation given to me by staff here - but you are completely correct, it is speculation as opposed to fact.  Seems to make sense though, until I hear something more solid.
Donny said:
I am just trying to figure out a wait time. I got merit listed for ACOP few months ago and i didn't get selected on the last week selection. (this is for Jan BMQ)
appreciate if anybody with information

I am also currently merit listed but was not selected in 2011.  Through reading the countless other threads offering advice to would-be CF members, I have come to the following conclusion:

As each trade has a uniquely competitive merit list, other applicants can always "bump you down" if they have a superior application. With this in mind, it stands to reason that an applicant should worry less about how they compare to other applicants at a given time, and worry more about themselves.  In my opinion, the key is to constantly improve one's own application in an attempt to keep oneself at the top of said merit list. Secondly to improvement, patience is also important.

With regards to my application, I'm going to learn another language whilst I wait to be selected. Remember, we are not owed a job by the CF simply because we applied. If we receive the call it is because the CF WANTS US.

My  :2c:
Deelo said:
an applicant should worry less about how they compare to other applicants at a given time, and worry more about themselves. 

CDN Aviator said:

Yeah, and from a potential recruit...I thought I felt a disturbance in The Force.

Deelo, you have to tell us, what is your opinion on being allowed your iPhone during BMQ? I can assure you we are dying to know.
Scott said:
Yeah, and from a potential recruit...I thought I felt a disturbance in The Force.

Combined with a compliment from me..........you know something is wrong.