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  1. frankyboy1

    Offer deferred 5 months due to unnecessary medical check

    Note: the medical person I dealt with at the Toronto recruiting centre is the most senior person in the medical section at the moment..
  2. frankyboy1

    Offer deferred 5 months due to unnecessary medical check

    Hey guys, I don't really know the military system that well, but is there anything I can do here to start training in September? Details below.. After a 9 month wait, I got a pilot DEO offer to start BMOQ Sept 1, 2014. A few months back I saw a naturopathic doctor to improve my general...
  3. frankyboy1

    Process after applicant selected

    Thanks! I hope yours comes soon, Gunshark. When are you starting Molloy?
  4. frankyboy1

    Process after applicant selected

    Yup. Just got my offer for September 1 BMOQ start date. Required a lot of bugging to find out though!
  5. frankyboy1

    Process after applicant selected

    Oh I'm fully aware of that but I can't wait around forever and if a phone call saves me thousands of dollars I'm all for it.
  6. frankyboy1

    Process after applicant selected

    I called the Toronto RC and that's reception's new policy due to under-staffing and the volume of status update calls. You'd have to go direct to one of the file manager's if you want any information really. Being told only a few days or a week in advance of a September start will cost me...
  7. frankyboy1

    Process after applicant selected

    Hi guys, I am applying for a DEO pilot position. I unofficially found out last week that on my file it says I've been selected, but I really need to know if I'll be a part of the September BMOQ or the January one (I'm planning important wedding attendance). The recruiting office won't tell me...
  8. frankyboy1

    "So You Want To Be A Pilot" Merged Thread 2002 - 2018

    I was unofficially told last week that on my file was a note saying "applicant selected DEO" but I don't know if that's for July's round of for November.
  9. frankyboy1

    "So You Want To Be A Pilot" Merged Thread 2002 - 2018

    That must have been from the end of June batch of selections. They made another round of selections end of July I think.
  10. frankyboy1

    "So You Want To Be A Pilot" Merged Thread 2002 - 2018

    Has anyone gotten a pilot DEO offer recently?
  11. frankyboy1

    Pay Structure Question

    Gents, Haven't been able to find these answers elsewhere on the forums. I have a few questions regarding the pay structure as seen in the following site: http://www.forces.gc.ca/en/caf-community-pay/reg-force-class-c-officer-rates.page? 1) Pay Level C is for DEO (which is what I'm applying...
  12. frankyboy1

    Enhanced Reliability Check (ERC) - Merged

    Hey, I've seen other posts where most people with dual citizenship haven't needed a Pre-assessment, but does having both dual citizenship and a sister living in Kenya increase my chances or even guarantee that I'll need this assessment done? I really don't want to have to wait an additional...
  13. frankyboy1

    BMQ / BMOQ - Medical, Dental, Mental health questions [Merged]

    I'm merely attempting to become better informed. I am currently not in the Canadian Forces nor considering anything illegal. Just wondering what the protocol is. Thanks
  14. frankyboy1

    BMQ / BMOQ - Medical, Dental, Mental health questions [Merged]

    Hey guys, During my army career (basic training and onwards), will I have to alert the authorities if I'm bringing a prescription into the base? What's the protocol around that? If the prescription is for personal reasons, is there a way to bring it in without anyone being made aware? Will they...
  15. frankyboy1

    Noob Questions

    Great info, runormal. It seems like things vary quite a lot which is potentially unsettling. I understand its tough to get out of the army after BMQ (in reg force), but is there any more concrete info I can get? Is it simply a matter of how an officer feels that day? This might be a question...
  16. frankyboy1

    Noob Questions

    Thanks for the info gents. Is basic training in the Reserves much different than the CF? Is it an easy transition into the CF after Reserves basic training? I heard the CF is scaling down its Air Force. Should I not even bother trying to become a pilot (waiting 4 years for the call sounds...
  17. frankyboy1

    Noob Questions

    Hey guys, I'm considering doing basic training and have a few questions: 1) Do I have to sign on for more than just basic training, or if the army life isn't for me can I opt out after basic is over? 2) If I do basic training and decide the army isn't for me, can I ever be called to duty for...