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  1. May123

    What Happens if you miss the call for employment?

    i found the best way to see how long you are in progress was to look online and log in to your GC key. It may not be updated but its a good start. https://clegc-gckey.gc.ca/j/eng/l?ReqID=RA3A56948DB464F07BAC68880C8B448B945D7132A
  2. May123

    January 6 BMQ anyone?

    Guess theres only a few of us on here going...
  3. May123

    Selection Dates 2013-2018

    Congrats bud!
  4. May123

    January 6 BMQ anyone?

    I have a feeling that that's gonna be most people there.. ;)
  5. May123

    January 6 BMQ anyone?

    Anyone on here going January 6 to BMQ? Thanks
  6. May123

    What Happens if you miss the call for employment?

    Thanks! Atleast it's unofficial instead of waiting to know!
  7. May123

    What Happens if you miss the call for employment?

    Got the Call! Jan 6 BMQ! Infantry!
  8. May123

    Selection Dates 2013-2018

    Just got my call! jan 6 BMQ! Infantry here we come!
  9. May123

    What Happens if you miss the call for employment?

    Tell me About it! Its been a few weeks now from the 21st! ah well, they must have there reasons!
  10. May123

    What Happens if you miss the call for employment?

    I was told by a recruiter in Kingston that there really busy and it might take as long as 2 weeks starting now for them to start going out!
  11. May123

    Almost all trades are now hiring?

    Thanks a lot! I'm sure this was mentioned above, but you wouldn't happen to know the status of infantry? Thanks again
  12. May123

    Almost all trades are now hiring?

    When people say open for this year, do they mean there still selecting or are they just accepting applications? Thanks,
  13. May123

    What Happens if you miss the call for employment?

    Thanks a lot!! Really appreciate it!
  14. May123

    What Happens if you miss the call for employment?

    When would be the latest date they would call you? Any help would be great! Thanks! And Good luck to everyone!
  15. May123

    Almost all trades are now hiring?

    Any know hen you latest date to be selected would be??
  16. May123

    What Happens if you miss the call for employment?

    Any one get there call yet?
  17. May123

    What Happens if you miss the call for employment?

    Not sure if the people did there applications online here? but from what ive seen that log in, your GC Key account you made gives you the whole process of your application and tells you what you've handed in. Its hard to understand what it means. If anybody has any insight that would be greatly...
  18. May123

    What Happens if you miss the call for employment?

    Glad I'm not the only one! Best of luck!
  19. May123

    What Happens if you miss the call for employment?

    Hey thanks a lot! Il be living by the phone!