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Search results

  1. WO2 Gubbels

    Canada Better off with European Union or North American Union?

      I share the same opinion as some of the other posters, I myself would prefer to be part of the EU.  I also firmly believe that the day canada has even the slightest odds/hope of joining the EU is the day we find mermaids in atlantis possibly somewhere in lake ontario.  As far as I see it the...
  2. WO2 Gubbels


    Hi DVessey,  I was wondering what kind of materials are you studying on course (presently and/or in the future)?  I am interested in pursuing CELE in the future after I am done school.  I have browsed the CF recruiting site and the descriptions provided there are incredibly vague.  I am a...
  3. WO2 Gubbels

    Cadets Asked To Leave Mall

    When a cadet unit fundraises, the money is used by them to pay for training, materials etc, they are using the funds to support themselves.   Poppy distribution has absolutely nothing to do with fundraising, as others have already mentioned.  I was shocked and appalled to read that you equated...
  4. WO2 Gubbels

    Affiliated Units and Cadet Training

      I don't know of any Air sqn's that have affiliated units.  I'm sure there are some but they are few and far between as there are not many air reserve units around either.  We do famil flights with civilian aircraft (my sqn hasn't done it in a few years) but they aren't affilliated units or CF...
  5. WO2 Gubbels

    Worldcup 2006 (Note: May contain spoilers if you are recording games)

      GA NEDERLANDS GA!!!!   and then deutchland :) but I support my country all the way to number one. 
  6. WO2 Gubbels

    Special Evaluation Course PFT

      *looks on in envy, then goes and cries in his cessna*
  7. WO2 Gubbels

    what qualifications do you have?

      Retired WO2   From 862 Royal Canadian Air Cadet Squadron Attended: Basic 99, SIC 01, ACIC 02, Tech 03, Power 04, and officer staff Tech 05. Won top cadet at LHQ 2000.    Was a flight commander for many years, and ran sqn FTX's for 2.5 years.  Was a level 2 and level 3 primary instructor...
  8. WO2 Gubbels

    Favorite Military Film

      I personally loved starship troopers, I actually watched it tonight.  I really enjoyed the book as well.  I hated the second movie, when it first came out I thought awsome, if this is anywhere as good as the first it will rock, it wasn't close.  I downloaded it, it wasn't worth the time to...
  9. WO2 Gubbels

    CADPAT desktop?

      If I understand correctly, you have a small sample of cadpat and you want a larger piece to work with.  Create a new file the size you want in paint, open your piece in paint, and copy, paste it into the large image, and keep doing this still its full, you can copy a smaller selection to fill...
  10. WO2 Gubbels

    Military I.D. and the LCBO- A "situation"

        I had a question actually, does the LCBO accept the PAL/FAC??? I rarely have a problem, but once in a while the LCBO gives me a problem similar to that above.  It is goverment issued ID of course, but I'm not sure if it is in the book or not, i've never seen the poster or looked through the...
  11. WO2 Gubbels

    second language exam

      Hi all,   I was wondering, if you learn a second language (ie. french, spanish, russian, etc) is there an exam you can write so you can say that yes I am bilingual when you apply for a job.  I'm assuming there is, but couldn't locate what I was looking for on the internet.  If there is one...
  12. WO2 Gubbels

    No bikes in winter at 17 Wing because of THIS? Please, tell me its not true!

        cool idea about the flag.  I must say, there are alot of bikers who use the grass to go around people here, I also walk a fair amount and get passed by bikers, most people here don't bike in the winter so I don't get passed often in snowy stretches.,  I actually think our country should be...
  13. WO2 Gubbels

    The air cadet thread

    Amen to that, even if I was still in you would never catch me wearing it - pfft four years - they go by in a flash, the 3 after that are the few that seem to take forever.
  14. WO2 Gubbels

    No bikes in winter at 17 Wing because of THIS? Please, tell me its not true!

      I mostly go on the roads, I live up by bathurst and steeles in TO (and area)  I  am on the road for all the backroad sections, but on all of the main roads like steeles, yonge, bathurst, dufferin, etc I stick to the side walk,  I consider my saftey to be key and don't trust drivers at all.  I...
  15. WO2 Gubbels

    No bikes in winter at 17 Wing because of THIS? Please, tell me its not true!

        I also bike all year round, but I am currently living in Toronto which really doesn't have a winter (or what i'm used to anyway).  I hate the drivers out there, other then drivers I really don't mind biking here.  I don't have studded tires, there hasn't really been the need for them yet...
  16. WO2 Gubbels

    Army Cadet Radio's for FTX's

        I always wanted to take my amature radio license, I actually know some people up in Que that took it.  It is one of those things I still mean to do, but alot of kids out there don't have the interest or patience to study for an exam like that.  I was thinking about bringing it into my...
  17. WO2 Gubbels

    Army Cadet Radio's for FTX's

      I love the small black radios, and they clip onto my gear perfectly, I never minded the big old ones but they can get annoying esp when climbing cliffs and hills.  And my squadron always sleeps outside in houches or artic tents for the senior cadets at least, I always made sure of that.  Very...
  18. WO2 Gubbels

    K-Bars and Cadets

      In my unit I was aloud knife, and if we had any other SI grads they could as well.  Before I was swo, the swo used to carry a knife too.  Other then that any knifes were confiscated.  A knife does come in handy sometimes especially if you are teaching a class where you need it for stuff, but...
  19. WO2 Gubbels

    bike training

      Hi all,   Just wondering if anyone used biking out there as part of their regular training routine and if so what do you all do for it.  I was also wondering if anyone out there biked long distance and if you did any training other then biking to help in preparing for those long distances...
  20. WO2 Gubbels

    Don't you miss hockey?

    I don't miss it at all, I saw some jr. games last year thats where the real games are played, not by the overpaid players.  To be quite honest I wouldn't care if the NHL had ever started up again.