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Military I.D. and the LCBO- A "situation"


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Hey guys, I just came back from going to the beer store and the LCBO to stock up for a party I'm having for my good friend who is going away for pre-dep training before he goes to Afghanistan in August.
I go to the beer store, show my Military ID (which is one of those reserve Temp Cards for now) and have no problems.I never have had problems using it.  I am 20 years old and that is gov ID so obviously there should be no problems, oh and it says on the wall the types of accepted ID and Canadian Forces ID is on there.
Next to the LCBO. I notice the only cashier on till is this lady that, excuse my language, like to bust my balls everytime I'm in there. She will go out of her way and say " you better be over 19, or I'll call the police" or " I'm really good a spotting fake IDs so don't even try if you have one".  You get the idea. I show her my ID, and right on the wall beside her, long behold there is the same poster that explains the types of IDs you can use, and just like the other; Canadian Forces ID is there.  This lady looks at it and says I've never seen this before. I can't accept this. 

Our conversation went like this:

Me: but it says on the wall, CF id, and this is CF ID.
Her: Yeah, but I've never seen that before, so I'm not accepting it.
Me: OK, well, its not my fault you don't know, go get your book that shows all the IDs.
Her: (without looking) Oh i cant find it.
Me: Can you please get your manager
Her: (picks up the phone) hey *name* can you please come down here.

So the manager comes down and the clerk goes and talks to her and they have a little discussion.

Manager: we cant accept this, this can easily be created and it looks fake.
Me: OK, look at the wall, look in your book, its there ma'am.
Manager: oh, I cant find the book.
then a customer standing  2 people back whips out his CF id, which is a permanent one and says, let me see it, I am an officer in the CF. He proceeds to tell her, that is a legit ID.
So i was like, YES! they talk a sec.
Manager says: No, i cant take your word on it, these IDs are different anyways, it looks like you can make this once easily, and i believe it to be fake. I am going to hold this ID (can they do that if theres no evidence of it being fake?)
I almost hit the roof. " there is no way you are holding that ID, that is government ID and sh*t will hit the fan if you take that away from me. Call the police if you want, but you're not keeping my ID" -  i wasn't yelling or anything, i was pretty calm when talking to her, trying hard to stay polite.
Manager: well do you have a Drivers license?
Me: its in my car, but that really shouldn't matter because that is legal ID. - But being the nice guy I am, a run out to my car, and grab my DL. I come back in, she compares my DL to the CF ID.
Manager: Here take them, but don't use it here again. ( i always use it there with the other cashiers, and its never has raise an issue).
Me: I suggest you find out what you are allowed to accept, because this is garbage, there is no reason I should have to suffer because you have never taken the time to do your job properly. I have never had a problem coming into this store, except with this lady. This wonderful cashier is always after me when I come in here when she has no reason to.
Manager : Do you have Airmiles?
Me: Nope, debit please.
Manager: have a nice day.

Was I wrong with what I did? I don't feel I was. I never once yelled or told her to **** off or anything, or called her a name.
Has anyone else had problems like this? I use my id to get in bars and to buy booze, never once had a problem.
I think my inability to grow facial hair helps to lead people to believe in 16 or something. I'll be a baby face until I die, but it helps for morning inspection  ;D
Was the temporary ID a photo ID?

Was it identical to one of the ID cards shown on the wall chart?

The first time she threatened to call the cops, I would have sat down on my box of beer in the middle of the checkout, and said "please do... in fact, I insist on it."
Micheal it was temporary Photo id. The one that is laminated.
And there was no picture of it on the wall, it was just one that a list of acceptable Ids.

Kat, I thought about it, cause they would have both looked like knobs.

Don't feel bad I once had a teller at a DND Credit Union Refuse my Military ID to cash my pay check back in the 80's.I thought it was going to be a long weekend in the shacks. but lucky for me the base RSM was in the line behind me and he informed the nice teller that that nice red line through my ID meant I was a Reserve.
My buddy and I went to the LCBO once here in Barrie and they did the exact same thing to him. He lost his drivers licence so he didn't have any other ID and I happened to not bring my military ID and only had my licence so I couldn't show them I had one too. They called over the manager and he gave him a lecture on how they don't accept it because it can be faked easily so they tried to get him to get one of those special LCBO ID's. We didn't want to cause a scene or anything but it was a hassle for sure, so I know exactly where your coming from.
I've experienced the same with the additional clause that they don't like to accept them because it does not anywhere have the age of the person on it.
It sucks, but what can we do?
I can't believe you don't collect Airmiles!

Seriously, I would talk to your Unit Adjt and see if he/she would write a letter of explanation to the LCBO and explaining the validity of your ID Card. I would also send a letter of complaint to the LCBO head office. Both the Manager and "Lady" displayed poor customer service and appear to go against the LCBO's own policies.  :salute:

I am pretty sure i have the same ID as you, my is bad as well, looks like it was put together by a 5 yr. old.  On the posters, i am fairly certain that it does show a DND temp. ID either back or front.  Needless to say, i am amazed i have never had any problems with mine so far.  Once at the beer store i had to show them where the birthdate was.  And ya, i would have insisted they call the police, or i would have done so myself.

In my experience those ID's that are done at a base rather than an ASU are a little bit better....quality.


Spartan said:
I've experienced the same with the additional clause that they don't like to accept them because it does not anywhere have the age of the person on it.
It sucks, but what can we do?

Eh?  Well, for starters, you could show them the date of birth on the back of the card.  And then help them do the math.

I've never had my military ID refused or questioned.  The strange thing is that one time I had my DRIVERS LICENCE refused, and had to use my military ID as a backup.
Spartan said:
I've experienced the same with the additional clause that they don't like to accept them because it does not anywhere have the age of the person on it.

That is compleat BS, your age is be on the back for both the temp and the permanent cards. If they can't find the spot labled DOB or Date of Birth (have seen both), or Born on the card they should not be holding that job.
Never had a problem anywhere with my military id.

As far as age, if I see a bouncer concentrating too hoard on my id to find the age, I always just say, "flip it around, top left corner".

Sounds to me like the LCBO clerk was completely ignorant  and had a personal beef with you.....obviously she never served in the Forces nor did she ever associate with anyone who did.......I'd write a very nice letter to the head office of the LCBO.......or better yet, get your RSM or CO to write it on behalf of the troops.....they have a very subtle way of telling people like that to go **** themsleves.

If the clerk and manager would have told me that a CF ID could be easliy counterfitted, I would have said :" Oh Really??? So obviously you've seen fake CF ID's and seized them???". They would have probably responded: "UHM No......" to which you reply :" Oh, so you're speculating......and you don't really know what you're talking about because you haven't  bothered give any of precious free time to serve your country in Her Majesty's Forces, isn't that right???.........". Try that in front of an audience at the LCBO next time......

Embarrassment is a powerful tool for those who know how and when to use it.....
    I had a question actually, does the LCBO accept the PAL/FAC??? I rarely have a problem, but once in a while the LCBO gives me a problem similar to that above.  It is goverment issued ID of course, but I'm not sure if it is in the book or not, i've never seen the poster or looked through the book. 
I just wish I was young enough, or even looked young enough to still get carded. :'(

Seems to me I had this happen more than once in my impressionable youth. Sounds like you handled it ok, firm but not over the wall. I realise their job is to prevent underage drinking and support that. However it sounds likre another case of the general population not understanding the CF again. Better thesed days than say 20 years ago but still an issue.

I alsoagree a nicely worded but polite nastry gram to the LCBO may be in order. Be interesting to see what their response is next time you're in.

BTW I agree with Chimo you need to be collecting airmiles. They have some really cool stuff intheir catalogue. Still arguing with the domestic niner that we should use our points to get the two man inflatable rubber raft and not a frickin blender. 8)
Danjanou said:
BTW I agree with Chimo you need to be collecting airmiles. They have some really cool stuff intheir catalogue. Still arguing with the domestic niner that we should use our points to get the two man inflatable rubber raft and not a frickin blender. 8)

But you can do so much with a blender! ;D
While in a LCBO in Barrie a few years ago I was refused service because I did not the Ont age of majority card or Ont Driver Licence. I had a permanent RegF ID Card and a out of province driver Licence. I was on my QL3 course so I was not required to change my provicial DL. Went to another LCBO to get what I wanted and never went to the first one again.
Keep in mind, the Temp ID does kind of look odd, compared to the rest of the Govt IDs issued.  Most are computer generated, and extremely common.  When there is only appx 100 000 CF ID cards in circulation compared to 37+million Drivers licences I can see how she questioned it.  The clerk at the store does have the right to refuse you service, she's just trying to protect herself from lawsuits and criminal prosecution.  However on the same note, I've seen numerous people use the Age of Majority card, that I feel looks even more hokey than the Temp ID card.