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Military I.D. and the LCBO- A "situation"

I have a quick solution for all of this problems that everone has. If you don't want to get ID'd Then just use your credit card when making a purchase.

On my signature block on my credit card I have written in block letters ASK FOR ID. No one ever does. So if you are tired of people not accepting your ID then just produce a credit card. Case closed, problem solved the end.  :-[
I have a question, more for the PRes then the RegF, but how much of the using army ID to buy beer is done for LCF?

I'll guess 97% with the reserves.
I know having the Mil ID. saved me a lot of grief a wile back. Shortly after 9-11 I had to go to Tampa last second do to a death in my wife's family. one way booked that morning. the last second booking with no return sent off all the alarm bells in the computer. they required 2 pieces of ID all I had was my Ont. DL and my Mil ID. Well as it was all reserves on the gates problem solved they in formed the computer I was OK and gave me the brother in arms treatment. not once did I haft to take my shoes off to be bomb checked.
my72jeep said:
I know having the Mil ID. saved me a lot of grief a wile back. Shortly after 9-11 I had to go to Tampa last second do to a death in my wife's family. one way booked that morning. the last second booking with no return sent off all the alarm bells in the computer. they required 2 pieces of ID all I had was my Ont. DL and my Mil ID. Well as it was all reserves on the gates problem solved they in formed the computer I was OK and gave me the brother in arms treatment. not once did I haft to take my shoes off to be bomb checked.

Lucky you! For me i flew from Toronto to Halifax for my PLQ and at the gate they made me take off my Tunic and boots and then something kept setting off the metal detector  in my leg and the guard asked me three times if i have anything in my pocket/pants and each time i told her no, it was funny cause after i finally got though the guy behind me came up to me, laughed and said that's it's funny how much trouble i had to go though when I'm the one "protecting" our country. And he didn't have to do anything.
I have only had prblems with the Temp ID card at BCL storeswhile visiting my brother in Vancouver, and even then I was able to purchase what I wanted after a minor hastle. Usualy I show a civilian ID to aovid this, but I sometimes have my drivers license in my car. At any rate, I find socialized liquor stores to be absolutly ridiculous. They offer generaly poor selction at higher cost, and are unconscerned with customer service.
my72jeep said:
I know having the Mil ID. saved me a lot of grief a wile back. Shortly after 9-11 I had to go to Tampa last second do to a death in my wife's family. one way booked that morning. the last second booking with no return sent off all the alarm bells in the computer. they required 2 pieces of ID all I had was my Ont. DL and my Mil ID. Well as it was all reserves on the gates problem solved they in formed the computer I was OK and gave me the brother in arms treatment. not once did I haft to take my shoes off to be bomb checked.
It is a bit sad when you get more preferential treatment from US government agencies then our own.
3rd Herd said:
Did you mean up that great big hill to the corner of Head and Esquimalt Rd from the Work Point Barracks main gate?

Yes, that's the one.

Also, I forgot to mention why I carry my mil ID exclusively (save in BC): I have to have it with me already and it is one card compared to several for my driver's licence.
Liquor stores are private retail outlets that employ civilians.  As a generality, if a civilian does not recognize something as valid, they won't accept it.  No one has a RIGHT to purchase alcohol.  If you get a problem at one outlet, as mentioned, adapt and overcome.  If you are so baby faced that your legit ID makes someone think to themselves "this is fake", then consider a passport.  They cost around $40 and are acceptable identification ALL OVER THE PLANET. 
The other thing to consider, if you are using military ID, then you are identifying yourself as a member of the CF.  Seems redundant, but if you get in a pissing match, and the person knows about the QR&O'S, then here's you looking at a 129 for just trying to get your weekend stash.  For the same reason I never let my guys go out drinking in uniform after a parade night.  There is always some tool that wants to take a poke at a uniform, and even though it makes a great war story to talk about the time your platoon obliterated the Oak Room, it will ultimately bite you in the arse. 
The air guys have it right with the whole concept of "flying under the radar".  Not just good tactics, but a life plan as well!
zipperhead_cop said:
The other thing to consider, if you are using military ID, then you are identifying yourself as a member of the CF.  Seems redundant, but if you get in a pissing match, and the person knows about the QR&O'S, then here's you looking at a 129 for just trying to get your weekend stash. 

I don't see the relevance between NDA 129 and this situation.  A troop is not going to get charged for mouthing off at a Liquor store employee.  It's not against the law (military or civi) to express your discontent at any other member of society.
Zipperhead I hate to break it to ya but Passports are $85.00 no plus service charges if you want a rush job and/or to pick it up. ;D
zipperhead_cop said:
The other thing to consider, if you are using military ID, then you are identifying yourself as a member of the CF.  Seems redundant, but if you get in a pissing match, and the person knows about the QR&O'S, then here's you looking at a 129 for just trying to get your weekend stash.

In order to prove 129, the alleged offence has to be shown to be prejudicial to both good order and discipline.  Clearly, using your CF ID to legally attempt to buy booze while off duty and in civvies will not fall under this category, regarless of how much of a pissing contest it becomes.
Danjanou said:
Zipperhead I hate to break it to ya but Passports are $85.00 no plus service charges if you want a rush job and/or to pick it up. ;D

Okay, it's been a while ;)  Just buy the cheesy provincial ID then.

Haggis said:
In order to prove 129, the alleged offence has to be shown to be prejudicial to both good order and discipline.  Clearly, using your CF ID to legally attempt to buy booze while off duty and in civvies will not fall under this category, regardless of how much of a pissing contest it becomes.

Showing the ID is not the offence, it is the pissing match.  And are we talking reservist or reg?  Because if you are reg, you are bound 24/7 to the Code of Service Conduct, despite the Wrangler jeans and Rambo runners.  And there is no pissing contest to be had.  If they don't want to serve you they don't have to.  Pulling a self righteous hissy fit and wheeling around a DND card only makes people (civvies) look at CF members poorly.  I'm just suggesting that if you are going out of your way to identify yourself as a CF member, conduct yourself accordingly.  But remember, that it is the civilians prerogative to complain about anything.  It won't matter if you were pleasant as peach pie, if the individual has had bad contacts or just doesn't like your face, then you just gave them an avenue to jam it up your [orifice]. 
I only bring up the point because it is my reality being bound by the Police Services Act and I know of people who have had problems off duty ONLY because it got out that they were officers.  Some of you are also permanently bound by restrictive rules, so just be aware and don't go out of your way to draw attention to yourselves.
Zipperhead....are you speaking from personal experience?????? ;)
HAHAHAHA, no, hem, er, it's just, you know, there's this guy, um, who's a buddy of mine, who, uh, got in a jam, that, uh, I heard about. 

I would hate to end up in a 129ish story exchange.  WR?
It is true that members of the RegF are bound by the CSD 24/7 - in all matters that apply to military personnel and military matters.  If I decide to mouth off to a civy (be it a cashier or a cop) - how do they lay a charge?  Short answer is, not very easily.  If that cashier was another RegF member who was of superior rank - then all bets are off...  The NDA is rarely used for civi-military interaction - only in terms of capital cases (ie. Rape, murder, grand-theft) do the CSD apply.
Mine have all been false accusations  :blotto:....nothing has been tried or currently being discussed by the local media, as some others who shall remain nameless.... ;D
WR said:
Mine have all been false accusations  :blotto:....nothing has been tried or currently being discussed by the local media, as some others who shall remain nameless.... ;D

Including your "Dancing with the Stars" imitation
Zipperhead does have a colourful past....but you....oh the stories that I could tell    :blotto:
Interesting, I have a couple of get out of jail free cards too or rather I mean professional courtesy thing a ma bobs. Did I mention the generals pig?