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Military I.D. and the LCBO- A "situation"

To further that, i think once they refuse service, they cannot go back for whatever reason (legality reasons-sombody with more provincial legal knowledge feel free to further that).

Well, I had return my ID back to my ASU 3 times because of mistakes, my laminated picture was actually cut out, and re-laminated into the new ID...ya it looks wonky.  Maybe a new temp design should be in order ?, or they should cntralize the process to ensure uniformity?


Chimo said:
I would also send a letter of complaint to the LCBO head office. Both the Manager and "Lady" displayed poor customer service and appear to go against the LCBO's own policies.  :salute:

Be interested in the response you get from the letter to LCBO head office. Let us know what they say.
AFireinside13 said:
I go to the beer store, show my Military ID (which is one of those reserve Temp Cards for now) and have no problems.

Next to the LCBO. I notice the only cashier on till is this lady that, excuse my language, like to bust my balls everytime I'm in there. She will go out of her way and say " you better be over 19, or I'll call the police" or " I'm really good a spotting fake IDs so don't even try if you have one".  You get the idea. I show her my ID, and right on the wall beside her, long behold there is the same poster that explains the types of IDs you can use, and just like the other; Canadian Forces ID is there.  This lady looks at it and says I've never seen this before. I can't accept this. 

Manager: we cant accept this, this can easily be created and it looks fake.

Manager says: No, i cant take your word on it, these IDs are different anyways, it looks like you can make this once easily, and i believe it to be fake.

Manager: well do you have a Drivers license?
Me: its in my car, but that really shouldn't matter because that is legal ID. - But being the nice guy I am, a run out to my car, and grab my DL. I come back in, she compares my DL to the CF ID.

Was I wrong with what I did? I don't feel I was. I never once yelled or told her to **** off or anything, or called her a name.
Has anyone else had problems like this? I use my id to get in bars and to buy booze, never once had a problem.

If the temp ID's are as poor quality as they were in the 80's she had every right to refuse it.

My question is: If you have a valid drivers licence why are you using your military ID as your primary proof of age? The provincial drivers licence is far more recognizable than a temporary military ID & as your objective was not military related why not just use your licence? Over the years I have seen many young soldiers try to use their military ID to bluff their way into bars/beer stores etc. when underage or even in the attempt to use it as "a get out of jail free card".
Using your valid civilian ID is best & easier overall.

I agree with what you are saying, I just like to use my CF ID because my picture on my license is the day i turned 16, and they sometime get hesitant because my photo is 4 years old. Of course we all know people change in 4 years, especially in that age category. I also am in the CF so I can't afford the $75 to get my license renewed  >:D. Like I said, I've never had a problem with my CF id from anyone.

I'm gonna write a letter basically saying I did not appreciate this service i received, obviously i can't boycott the LCBO, because i don't feel I should be punished  :P

On a side note, I put that purchase to good use last night  ::)
One day in Winnipeg, I was in full CFs with medals, someone refused to serve me because they "don't accept these here"

- it was a permanent card - the old one with holographic lamination.  Hmmm... can't deploy without being 18, has medals on, plus a laminated, holographed, permanent federal government ID.  I calmly explained all of this to the lady.  She begrudgingly served me and warned me not to attempt to use such ID in the future.  From that day forth, whether in civvies or uniform, I only ever used my military ID in Winnipeg.  Never a problem.

As for the LCBO, I think their hiring process is specifically designed to cause customers the most grief and aggravation possible.  Starting by hiring people that are so dumb, Forrest Gump would slap them.  In Angus - just outside of CFB Borden - they won't let you give your Airmiles card to a non-collector.  She yelled at me and said I was committing fraud.  I asked her if allowing somebody else to use my card was fraud, why did Airmiles print right on the card that it is "TRANSFERRABLE" and why did they send me two cards indicating I should give one to a friend or spouse to allow me to collect faster?  She insisted it was fraud and if I tried again she'd call the cops.  I shook my head and left. 

Some people are too stupid to reason with.

tlm said:
In Angus - just outside of CFB Borden - they won't let you give your Airmiles card to a non-collector.  She yelled at me and said I was committing fraud.  I asked her if allowing somebody else to use my card was fraud, why did Airmiles print right on the card that it is "TRANSFERRABLE" and why did they send me two cards indicating I should give one to a friend or spouse to allow me to collect faster?  She insisted it was fraud and if I tried again she'd call the cops.  I shook my head and left. 

She was obviously wrong, but refused to admit it. Call her on it, I bet she doesn't call the cops...
I bounced at a local bar down in Windsor for 4 years and I saw a lot of fake IDs, including temp IDs. Originally this bar had a policy of not accepting US Mil IDs (being a border city) and with time, that was turned into "no Mil IDs - period". After I started working there, I changed the policy for Cdn Mil IDs and when a doorman had a problem, they used me as the "final" decision maker on the ID so it was usually OK.
As for them holding your ID and threatening you with calling the cops, well that's exactly what we did and the reason for that is that if people know their ID is fake, they will normally leave before they wait for the cops to show up (which can take FOREVER) and get in more trouble. Is it legal? Not sure but wen the cops did show up, they never said anything to us about holding their IDs - I think I collected over 300 IDs over time. Other doormen had even more!

One year, right after Xmas, I took an ID away and used the "call the cops" line. The guy actually started to cry and admitted that the ID was fake and also a Xmas gift from his girlfriend... first time using it.

I say if you get told that they will call the cops, tell them "hey, I will even dial the number for you". Once the cops shows up, have your dvrs lic handy just to compare and you'll be fine.
Makes the other party look pretty dumb.
My question is: If you have a valid drivers licence why are you using your military ID as your primary proof of age? The provincial drivers licence is far more recognizable than a temporary military ID & as your objective was not military related why not just use your licence? Over the years I have seen many young soldiers try to use their military ID to bluff their way into bars/beer stores etc. when underage or even in the attempt to use it as "a get out of jail free card".
Using your valid civilian ID is best & easier overall.

And thats exactly it.
Why use military ID? Cause it's cool.  Someone will say OH your a soldier! yap yap yap.  Young soldiers like to show off their young soldiers.  You can disagree but,

a. You could have just got your drivers licence (which is much easier to be accepted) but you didn't feel like you had to use it.
b. We've all seen soldiers doing it
c. We were all that age too.

And lets face it. The temp IDs are garbage and look fake.  Unfortunately for someone in the reserves to get a perm. ID card you almost need an act of god. I've even had my perm ID card taken away before comming back to Canada because reserves were not supposed to have perm. ID cards.

You should have just used your dumb drivers licence and not wanna show boat.  Baring that when they didn't accept your temp ID you should have offered to get your drivers licence in your car.  IF the teller choose not to give your military ID back then you should have called the police and get them involved.  Loosing your military ID is a security issue.
Ghost778 said:
Unfortunately for someone in the reserves to get a perm. ID card you almost need an act of god. I've even had my perm ID card taken away before comming back to Canada because reserves were not supposed to have perm. ID cards.

Nonsense. You need two years in the reserve. That's it.
Very good points, lets put ourselves in this womans shoes,..... "I am willing to lose my VERY-well paying LCBO job cause someone didn't like the fact that if I have ANY DOUBT whatsoever, and fail to act, I am committing an offense."

Quote from Konrad Rosenkranz,
I say if you get told that they will call the cops, tell them "hey, I will even dial the number for you". Once the cops shows up, have your dvrs lic handy just to compare and you'll be fine.
Makes the other party look pretty dumb.

...I can't see any of the police I know thinking doing ones job was "pretty dumb".

You got carded...stories over.
Nonsense. You need two years in the reserve. That's it.

Well I'm not gonna argue :)

I've been jerked around a lot over my ID card and have seen people jerked around.  Like I said, at 5 years+ in at the time I had my perminate ID card taken away from me and was given a temp.  Had to fight get it back in kingston.  More than once I've been told reserves are not intitled to them. It's a case of miscommunication from one element to the other. Maybe it's getting better lately.

The ID card thing reminds me of guys and girls flashing them around bars. Very cool.
I had a lady pull that one on me too. A sunday night and I presented her with an old version permanent ID for regular force to pick up some beer. This was the pre plastic card type laminated version with the coloured endorsing signature and the CF coat of arms embossed into the plastic. She went on acting the same way and saying it could be faked. So, eventually I after i kept laughing, went home, put my CFs on full medals and all and forge cap,hahah, walked back in. Presented same ID, and she said you could have bowrowed that uniform!

At That point a freind who walked in off a Militia excercise all cammed up still in dirty combats to buy beer and said hi to me as he knew me from whence i explained what was going on and he showed his ID card to her.She knew she made an arse out of her self by that point. The ladies manager from the back then said said, oh let him have it....like i was "earning" it or somthing for my theatrical performance.....idiots.....

I was ready to come back and have a one man kit inspection in her store in front of the bars and chips or have a freind come up with an MLVW from the close base and honk the front door as it was quite the battle i was ready to fight to make her look stupid! :)

The perfect monty python skit in the making!........."This parrots dead!!!"
Ghost778 said:
Well I'm not gonna argue :)

Contact your local identification section and ask for your permanent ID, you're entitled to it. Any problems, let me know, I'll track down whatever document it is that says you're entitled.
Not sure why the temp vs permanent would be a major concern anyway, aside from the slight inconvenience of having to get the permanent renewed a little more often... most people have at least a civvie drivers lisense to use as ID, and other then that if the military wants you to show ID, the military will accept a temp.
Well as much as I agree with the "use civvie ID" philosophy, I have a funny little story for ya.

2 years ago, hubby was down in New Hampshire helping his father find a suitable nursing home for hubby's Grandad. My hubby and his dad went into the local pub for supper one night...now keep in mind, the people at this pub have seen my husband grow up...from the numerous trips to New Hampshire and this town...including numerous meals at this particular pub (his Grandad's favorite eating establishment) over the years.

We live in New Brunswick, which, up until the VERY recent past, does not make a photo on your driver's licence mandatory...instead if you chose to have a photo you would fork over an extra $8 for it. New Brunswick was the only province with this practice. Our driver's licence states on it "Valid without photo" in a red box where the photo would be.

Now, flash back to the pub. Hubby and Father-in-Law order meals, and beers. Waitress asks for ID from my hubby. He hands her his CF ID (regf permanent) as his dvrs lic has no photo. She looks at it, and asks for more ID. Hubby has no other photo ID. She takes the CF ID over to her book and looks through it...page after page...no CF ID...she eventually comes back to tell hubby "sorry, I can't serve you alcohol. This may be a valid ID, but it is not in our book of acceptable IDs. You look old enough, but no ID, no beer"

His grandmother felt so bad for him she offered him the beer that was in the fridge...however, he should have known from the dust on the bottle that the beer inside was no longer palatable. So Gran sends hubby to the garage where there may be beer there...he finds some...again dusty, but this time the bottles are stubby tops...so that coupled with the big chunks of sedement at the bottom indicated to hubby that if he drank this...feeling parched would be the least of his problems.

Hubby went dry that trip...and his dvrs lic expires this month...so he is getting a photo this time...kinda funny, cus it is now mandatory in this province...about time!

Oh, BTW, hubby would have been 27 at the time...and doesn't look like a young 21 year old.
No bar, store, club, pub etc etc I have ever been to where I used my military ID here in Montreal has ever worked.  I don't know if it has to do with so many people in this city being anti military, but I even had one bouncer laugh at me.  Had another who said it was probably real but didn't want to accept it anyway. 

On a side note, I went to the beer store in Toronto last year while I was down visiting some friends.  The guy at the counter wouldnt accept my Quebec drivers licence or Quebec medicare card as proof of ID because it was from Quebec (WTF??) but he did accept my military ID.  Go figure....  ::)
I carry my mil ID exclusively on my person, and my driver's licence in my car.  Exception is when I am travelling and may need 2 pcs of ID for planes &c., not to mention not needing a driver's licence sitting in a car that I'm not driving.

One has to hate the BC law of 2 pcs of ID.  Once had to walk all the way from the bus stop at the top of Head st (?) by VENTURE back to the barracks to get my driver's licence.
Sailing Instructor said:
One has to hate the BC law of 2 pcs of ID.  Once had to walk all the way from the bus stop at the top of Head st (?) by VENTURE back to the barracks to get my driver's licence.

Did you mean up that great big hill to the corner of Head and Esquimalt Rd from the Work Point Barracks main gate?
I have a question, more for the PRes then the RegF, but how much of the using army ID to buy beer is done for LCF? not to imply that thats why YOU specifically used it. but one thing ive learned is to pick my battles... why get into a big debate over beer with some Dink from the LCBO? is it really worth the effort to just pull out the Drivers License? or play the game and get an age of majority card... that way they will HAVE to accept it...

remember, most canadians know Squat about the CF. and if youre PRes, especially in the GTA then the people at the LCBO and such are definately not used to seeing army ID... maybe if you were in Owen Sound, or Angus, or Alliston.... but I digress....

Ive used my DND ID, but usually only as a Second piece of photo ID. now I have a PAL(so i dont have to use the DND card), but still have the old red and white ontario Health card... (why get the new one, when the old one still works?)

and I dont use my army ID anymore.... its gone bad.... the colour wore off so now my hair is bright Pink....... sigh... and yes, ive already addressed the issue with my CoC and BOR... its in the works to get one made up.... but its taking a looooong time.

anyways, this is just my .02
