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  1. J

    BMQ / BMOQ - Medical, Dental, Mental health questions [Merged]

    Hey everyone, looking for some advice. I've been diagnosed with mononucleosis and I leave in a week for BMQ. Has anyone be unlucky enough to be in a similar situation? What would you recommend doing? Thanks!
  2. J

    BMQ Regular Force 2005 - 2017 [Merged]

    It's getting close, only a few week away! Has anyone had their enrollment yet? I received my offer a little under a week after being merit listed. :D
  3. J

    BMQ Regular Force 2005 - 2017 [Merged]

    Same here for comms research :D
  4. J

    Monthly Pay after deductions - Questions [Merged]

    Thank you for the replies. Yes I know how much I cost is for rations/quarters and I understand that they are deducted from our pay during bmq, however I have searched in th forums and on Google and cannot find our net takehome amount of pay per month AFTER all of the deductions. Any assistance...
  5. J

    Yay me

    Woooot congrats to everyone, did you receive some offers?! I leave for BMQ oct 24th! :D
  6. J

    Monthly Pay after deductions - Questions [Merged]

    Wondering this as well! Also specifically for pay during BMQ can we expect about 700$/pay every two weeks take home after deductions or would deductions still need to be taken off making our take home pay only about $700 per month? Thanks!
  7. J

    October 26th Basic in Saint Jean??

    Hey everyone, so I recently accepted my offer for communications research-Navy and will be going to Saint Jean for Basic starting October 26th! Anyone else heading there for the same training date?? :D Congrats to everyone who got the offer's they were waiting for!! :cdn:
  8. J

    ROTP at Civilian University 2004 - 2018 [Merged]

    Jmaxwell I am in the exact same predicament as you are, so am in the process of upgrading my math mark and I indicated so on my application!
  9. J

    ROTP at Civilian University 2004 - 2018 [Merged]

    Applications open up tomorrow!! :nod:
  10. J

    Choosing your element

    In applying for the ROTP program through RMC, should you base your element uniform on what trades you apply for? Right now the trades I wanted to apply for are not hiring so I have to pick new ones and my first choice is an army trade and my second is air. How did you decide on which element...
  11. J

    Rmc following the reserves??

    Ok thankyou! Anything you. Can suggest for me to do in the following year that would increase my chances? Currently I am riding horses competitively and working full time.
  12. J

    Rmc following the reserves??

    I am applying to th ROTP program at rmc for the 2015 year and am trying to find ways to boost my profile until then.  Would it be a good idea to join the reserves until/if I am to start at rmc or old that not be enough time to make it worth while? Thankyou!
  13. J

    ROTP at Civilian University 2004 - 2018 [Merged]

    I will also be applying, for my trades I am applying for INT, MPO, and sigs officer. I have wanted to attend rmc since the beginning of highschool and graduated June 2013. Since I have been working I decided this is what I really want to do so I'm going to go for it! I was in sea cadets when I...