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BMQ / BMOQ - Medical, Dental, Mental health questions [Merged]

  • Thread starter Thread starter MAJOR_Baker
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So have you, or have you not sent in an application? You will be given directions regarding your medications.
You will need to declare your meds at BMQ. From then on it's your business alone. Provided you have your meds prescribed by a licensed provider - no big deal. If you undergo a search you will be fine if that's all you have.

There's nothing to get excited about here.
You should call your LRC and get in contact with the Med. Officer. If you're taking certain prescriptions they'll tell you whether you can bring them to BMQ or not.

I was on Ritalin for a while and they told me I needed to be off of it for close to a year before I started course and I assume they want me to stay off of it after BMQ as well.

ModlrMike said:
You will need to declare your meds at BMQ. From then on it's your business alone. Provided you have your meds prescribed by a licensed provider - no big deal. If you undergo a search you will be fine if that's all you have.

There's nothing to get excited about here.

Not if you're in the Regular Force.  Regular Force members are not part of provincial medical plans as all of their medical requirements are provided by the CF.  You ar not allowed to see a civilian doctor on the side (in fact, you can be charged for it if you are hiding a medical condition).  You are not entitled to use provincial drug plans either.  Any prescriptions you require will be prescribed by the CF medical system and will be provided to you free of charge.
I have to get my wisdom teeth removed and I was scheduled with my family dentist to have them removed in about a month, but I am going to basic training next week. I can feel them coming in (but I dont have room) and I get tooth and jaw aches now and then.
What should I do?
If you are going into the Regular Force, tell the tooth fairies Dental folks in St Jean when you do your intake dental exam - they'll likely arrange for you to get them dealt with after Recruit School and set you up with appropriate medications to make life more tolerable until that happens.  If you're going Primary Reserve, kind of a different proposition - let your CoC know that you'll be having some surgery, when the dates are and what the likely time off requirements will be - if it's all 4, generally 2-3 days sick leave and about a week of light duty IIRC.  Just stay out of range of any brain matter that'll inevitably come spewing out of their ears...

I was curious about the dental as well. I was suppose to have my wisdom teeth taken out approximately two years ago, then I moved here. Didn't bother with it as I had room for them to come in, never hurt a bit either. But plan on getting them removed as one of them is chipping away...

Thanks for the info MM!

Hey everyone, looking for some advice. I've been diagnosed with mononucleosis and I leave in a week for BMQ. Has anyone be unlucky enough to be in a similar situation? What would you recommend doing? Thanks!
jakuiken said:
What would you recommend doing?

If it were me, I would contact Recruiting.

See also,

Going to BMQ quite sick 

Having a cold and bmq 
*Accidently posted this originally in the ASK A RECRUITMENT OFFICER section so reposting here as I dont think that was the appropriate thread to post on**

Hey all,

Honestly I had no idea where to ask this question so thought this would be a good place to start. Apologies if its the wrong spot!

Anyway, I was just looking over my forms (have been accepted already and such just awaiting swear in and bmq start).

So it asks for immunization records. Now I KNOW i've been immunized to all the basics you get as a kid (except measles as I got that in grade 11 or something) but I have no physical paperwork or booklet detailing my vaccines? I'm 34 and my mom wouldnt have them any longer even if she did lol. Now i read on the cdc page that there is no official record keeping of vaccinations and that the only place to MAYBE get a record would be from the place I got my vaccines in the first place.

I have no idea where that would have taken place (my mom thinks is a small medical clinic near where I currently live but is unsure). Also its been nearly 30 years since most of those would have been taken and the cdc page says they are kept for a limited time only.

Ultimately, my question is, is this booklet 100 percent needed before starting BMQ? I honestly dont have a way of getting these records, even if I could, before January 14th (swear in) and January 23rd (leave for St Jean). Theres so much other stuff yet to arrange in my personal and professional life before that date (let alone holidays which are going to throw things off as well). I've recently updated my license and I wont be getting that until January 4th! (showing how behind things are right now).

So I'm hoping its not a critical piece of information required immediately and that if it is still needed that I may have time to research and acquire it over the next several months with the help of my wife if necessary. I honestly dont recall if it was mentioned anytime during the recruiting process and if it typically isnt mentioned that perhaps it should be only because it isnt something most people use after their initial shots (or going on an exotic vacation).

Anyway, thanks for listening!! And hopefully someone can shed some good light on this for me. Its much appreciated as always.

Draekz said:
*Accidently posted this originally in the ASK A RECRUITMENT OFFICER section so reposting here as I dont think that was the appropriate thread to post on**

Hey all,

Honestly I had no idea where to ask this question so thought this would be a good place to start. Apologies if its the wrong spot!

Anyway, I was just looking over my forms (have been accepted already and such just awaiting swear in and bmq start).

So it asks for immunization records. Now I KNOW i've been immunized to all the basics you get as a kid (except measles as I got that in grade 11 or something) but I have no physical paperwork or booklet detailing my vaccines? I'm 34 and my mom wouldnt have them any longer even if she did lol. Now i read on the cdc page that there is no official record keeping of vaccinations and that the only place to MAYBE get a record would be from the place I got my vaccines in the first place.

I have no idea where that would have taken place (my mom thinks is a small medical clinic near where I currently live but is unsure). Also its been nearly 30 years since most of those would have been taken and the cdc page says they are kept for a limited time only.

Ultimately, my question is, is this booklet 100 percent needed before starting BMQ? I honestly dont have a way of getting these records, even if I could, before January 14th (swear in) and January 23rd (leave for St Jean). Theres so much other stuff yet to arrange in my personal and professional life before that date (let alone holidays which are going to throw things off as well). I've recently updated my license and I wont be getting that until January 4th! (showing how behind things are right now).

So I'm hoping its not a critical piece of information required immediately and that if it is still needed that I may have time to research and acquire it over the next several months with the help of my wife if necessary. I honestly dont recall if it was mentioned anytime during the recruiting process and if it typically isnt mentioned that perhaps it should be only because it isnt something most people use after their initial shots (or going on an exotic vacation).

Anyway, thanks for listening!! And hopefully someone can shed some good light on this for me. Its much appreciated as always.


Check out your nearest Access health building and ask for a record of your immunizations.


I needed this when applying for Red River Collage. They will probably print you out a paper that has your immunizations on it and then mail you an official copy (looks like a manitoba health card but is brown not purple). I believe this is the booklet you are talking about.
All it will likely mean is more needles in your anatomy, to ensure you have received the recruit level of immunization. The medical folks may check titres, but they may not and just vaccinate you for "everything".
ArmyDoc said:
...just vaccinate you for "everything".

The above is exactly what they did with those on both of my pl's who didn't have their records with them or easily accessible. (1st pl Sept '14, 2nd pl Feb '15)
BeyondTheNow said:
The above is exactly what they did with those on both of my pl's who didn't have their records with them or easily accessible. (1st pl Sept '14, 2nd pl Feb '15)

Happened on my SQ as well
ArmyDoc said:
All it will likely mean is more needles in your anatomy, to ensure you have received the recruit level of immunization. The medical folks may check titres, but they may not and just vaccinate you for "everything".

And if you didn't have a Immunization Book before, you will have one now (After they inoculate you.); plus all your immunization will be documented on your medical file. 
Also, take good care of that book, even after the CAF if you like traveling (more). It has helped me remember what I have been inoculated for and some countries require proof of certain vaccinations before entry.

Stay cool
Sigs Pig said:
Also, take good care of that book, even after the CAF if you like traveling (more). It has helped me remember what I have been inoculated for and some countries require proof of certain vaccinations before entry.

Stay cool


Yes.  Do take good care of that book.  CFB Kingston Hosp/MIR lost mine three times over a period of two years.  Good thing that they keep a record of your shots on your Medical File.
Now that's it's cheap and easy to do at home, I scan all my important documents / forms,
including my immunization book. I back it all up on a separate external hard drive.

This way, if I lose / misplace ect...anything important, I have a way of proving
what I had up to that date.