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Search results

  1. MoRat

    Alberta Reserve Units- Loyal Eddies Vs. Calgary Highlanders

    Ostogari, Pre 2003, we exercised on average six times from Sept to April. Not long ago, there were times we ran two weekend ex's in the same month. Since then we have gone to the field as a unit three times in three years. This year, between the BTE in Dundurn and the live fire raid last Oct in...
  2. MoRat

    Alberta Reserve Units- Loyal Eddies Vs. Calgary Highlanders

    Yeah, I know... >:( But hey, if I was good at typing, I'd be a clerk. Mod edit : i fixed your quote box
  3. MoRat

    Alberta Reserve Units- Loyal Eddies Vs. Calgary Highlanders

    I'll give you another reason - Eddies can't count! I originally had five reasons, but boiled it down to two. I just forgot to edit the paragrpah afterwards. :blotto:
  4. MoRat

    Alberta Reserve Units- Loyal Eddies Vs. Calgary Highlanders

    As a Loyal Eddie, I'll throw in my 2 cents worth. The civillian considerations must take priority over military ones. The army reserve will not cover your mortage - it's that simple. But if you find both cities more or less the same and army life will be the deciding factor, here goes. Both...
  5. MoRat

    Counterinsurgency/COIN Literature & Discussion (merged)

    I cannot for the life of me understand why we do not put more emphasis on language training. Units know years in advance when they will be deploying. Rather than letting the days slide by, why not take motivated volunteers and provide them with long-term, professional language training? It's not...
  6. MoRat

    HM The Queen Approves New Regimental Titles

    In Canada's case, would such a scheme really save much money? I've made my argument to preserve the regimental system. I believe that many others here could make an even better one. The regular force has already lost half of their post-war regiments. How much money would be saved by amalgamating...
  7. MoRat

    Looking for the Kimberley Regt

    No dice. There's plenty of info about their history, but precious little about the modern unit. I'm hoping that someone on this forum might have a friend who has a friend... etc etc
  8. MoRat

    Looking for 9RQR

    My unit has a regimental alliance with a unit 9RQR perpetuates. We've neglected this relationship in recent years and we'd like to re-establish contact.
  9. MoRat

    Looking for the Kimberley Regt

    I'm looking for a contact with the Kimberley Regiment of the South African army reserve. I would like to get in touch with both the army reserve unit and the pipe band.
  10. MoRat

    Looking for 9RQR

    I'm looking for a contact with D Coy of the 9th Bn, Royal Queensland Regiment. Is there anyone out there who can help me?
  11. MoRat

    HM The Queen Approves New Regimental Titles

    I can certainly see the cost savings to such a move, but I disagree with the idea. Such an arrangement would create a major league (parent unit) vs. farm team (reserve unit) dichotomy. This would make unit pride, recruiting, & retention extremely difficult for the reserve unit. In order for...
  12. MoRat

    Any Loyal Edmonton Regt Here?

    Micheal, "I think you're confusing people with your cap badge; looks to me like the Edmonton Fusiliers (the old 101st), but in that tiny little avatar I initially thought you were a Princess Louise Fusilier until ya started talking about Alberta's second best city." I'm impressed! Not many...
  13. MoRat

    Danes in Iraq - Pictures

    In the photo from your first tour, page 4, "I love my job" the sight on your rifle looks very much like our Elcan sights. Are your rifles and sights Canadian made?
  14. MoRat

    Cambrian Patrol 2005

    Since you have the certificate, and I've only got the war stories, I'll take your word as authoritative. I'm good friends with the 2ic from that team, and he has some pretty crazy stories about it. As he puts it, when the end came, you guys were way beyond bagged. He said he has never been so...
  15. MoRat

    Any Loyal Edmonton Regt Here?

    You saw that many? Are you including the brass band, the CO's dog, and the stores guy? For a unit that doesn't have to share the recruiting base with a local rival (like Winnipeg, Toronto, Vancouver, etc) we should have three times our present numbers. But unless the leadership starts taking an...
  16. MoRat

    A foreigner checking in

    Can you provide any information regarding your cousins to the north? I am specifically referring to the Swedish jaegerkurs.
  17. MoRat

    Any Loyal Edmonton Regt Here?

    I would be surprised if there was a single unit in LFCA that could deploy a full Pl.   Serves me right for buying into the hype. It seems that as reservists, one of our favorite sports is to exaggerate the numbers we put on parade. "Oh yeah? Well, in the Blankshire Fusiliers, we get AT LEAST...
  18. MoRat

    Cambrian Patrol 2005

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but weren't there a couple of LER's on that silver medal team? I was on the Loyal Eddie team in 2000, and we got a lot of advice from our members of that silver medal team. It was superb training and I recommend it to anyone.
  19. MoRat

    Any Loyal Edmonton Regt Here?

    You're not kidding! Back when the only place to go was Cyprus, tours for reservists were as rare as hen's teeth. Then came UNPROFOR, and Bosnia, and it seemed that everybody in the Mo (and their dog) was going overseas. While there are still problems, I do think the army is on the right track...
  20. MoRat

    Any Loyal Edmonton Regt Here?

    The LER was tasked to provide a D&S platoon for TF106. We have had a, shall we say "less than excellent" time of it in the last two years and our numbers dropped by about two thirds. We were only able to fill about 20-25 of the 30-odd positions. The Calgary Highlanders sent up a group of keeners...