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  1. G

    BMQ Regular Force 2005 - 2017 [Merged]

    This is a "test"...  this is only a "test"... Can the word "test" be used a little more often in that post?!  :-\ Just kidding, yo...  bahaha
  2. G

    The Depression / Anti Depressants Merged Thread

    There are no "rules" per say, in regards to how long you need to off meds. Case in point: Started on anti-depressants in Jan 2013, applied to the CF in June 2013.  Received a rejection letter in March 2014, decided to go off meds that same month.  In September, called the recruiting centre to...
  3. G

    BMQ Regular Force 2005 - 2017 [Merged]

    I thought about it too, having my husband and son drive me over from Halifax.  But then I remembered a few years back I drove from here to Borden in March and hit a wicked snowstorm in Montreal on the way, white out conditions.  I wouldn't want the boys to have to deal with that, so I'm just...
  4. G

    BMQ Regular Force 2005 - 2017 [Merged]

    Leaving the 14th out of Halifax!  Still seems surreal.. lol Every time I think about it, my stomach churns and I realize how much I have to do to prepare.  My husband is a submariner, and he'll be home with our son (who I have never been away from).  It'd be nice to speak with others who will be...
  5. G

    Enrollment / Swearing In Ceremony [MERGED]

    Thank you.  That's what he thought, but he wanted to make sure and not look tacky..  :P I'll let him know when he gets home. 
  6. G

    Enrollment / Swearing In Ceremony [MERGED]

    My first post here, every thread I've read has been super helpful but I have not yet found this question asked. My swearing in ceremony is next week, my husband already in reg force and we're wondering what military dress he should wear that day?  Thanks.  :)