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1 or 2 RCHA

the burkalator

New Member
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hey guys,

I am thinkin about going into the regs for the arty trade. I was wondering what would be a better unit to go to 1 or 2 RCHA any advice would be helpful.


Depends who you ask.....guys in 2 horse think they are all that  :P ..... and the 1st herd (damn, I hate the fact they renamed the 3rd herd to 1 RCHA) will say different. As you can tell, I was in the 3rd herd (early to mid 80's) and we though we were the best...but envious of the 1st in Lahr.........but you (unless things have changed) most likely won't have a choice to which regiment you go to.
I was in 3 Horse for 6 yrs and 2 Horse for 10 yrs.  I have to say I have a much better time in 2 HA.  It is a better place I think because you are on a base with the rest of the Bde, unlike 1 Hourse in Shilo.

Petawawa is a fantastic base, a true warriors training ground.

But both Regiments are equally good.
I spent all my regimental time in 1 Horse.  It is a fantastic regiment with motivated soldiers and good officers.

I think both regiments have something to offer, but most people who grew up in Ontario hate the idea of going to Shilo as it is far too distant from the centre of the universe (Toronto).  That being said, Shilo is kind of remote, but Brandon is a pretty good town and Winnipeg, in my opinion, a great city. 

As far as training areas go, I've trained in both Shilo and Pet, and Shilo offers far more areas for training.  As there are only two units using the ranges in Shilo, you are basically the only show in town.

If you are married with children, Shilo is a great place to raise a family.  If you're a single guy, I won't mince words, Shilo ain't easy fishing..... especially with a battalion of infantry recently arrived!

My wife and I miss Shilo a lot.  Now that I'm in Gagetown, I realize how close the community was in Shilo.... which was reinforced as we all met again at Captain Nichola Goddard's funeral this week.  I haven't found that close a community anywhere else in the Army.

Just some food for thought!
I have worked in 1,2,3 RCHA and the Arty School and I noticed that it seems in the Artillery, there isn't alot of "my Regiment is better than your regiment". Sure we have a healthy competative attitude, but there doesn't seem to be the PPCLI vs. RCR arguments. In my view, regardless of the Regiment you still feel that you are part of one big familly.
Everyone of my buddies from DP1 who I taked to that went to Pet, hate it there. They say its boring as hell. This coming from mostly single guys. At least Shilo has Brandon, which has loads of girls, and a very active night life, if you're into that kind of thing. :P

Shilo itself if about a 20 min drive from Brandon, there is nothing in Shilo for a single guy. Not even a Tim's. I moved to Brandon, and I like it here alot.
hey guys,

Thanks for all the help but ill just have to wait to see where i get posted...thanks agian

matt :cdn:
I have worked in 1,2,3 RCHA and the Arty School and I noticed that it seems in the Artillery, there isn't alot of "my Regiment is better than your regiment". Sure we have a healthy competative attitude, but there doesn't seem to be the PPCLI vs. RCR arguments. In my view, regardless of the Regiment you still feel that you are part of one big familly.

That's probably because "In the RCA, we are one regiment, accross the nation, regular, reserve, Field, Air Defence, English et Francais, male and female" as the Col Cmdt of the RCA said repeatedly recently... He also said something about being the only trade allowed to remain a regiment as a whole instead of a "branch" like the Infantry and Armoured, and that is because of the Arty's deep roots in historical conflicts.

It is interesting...and you are right, there isn't much "mine is better than yours" in the Arty world except if you talk to bird gunners re mud gunners...and vise versa...but that is usually all in jest. (when men start comparing their "guns", it almost always goes downhill ;D)
On the Regiments I would suggest all are great in their own ways and all are different, each with its own personality and unique training environments. Choose one to develop that portion of your gunnery skills you want to pursue, then ask to be posted to another to further develop other skills, in the end you will be a better rounded gunner and be able to fight the good fight when deployed much better for your experience.
Thanks 3rd horseman that is some really good advice, thank you all agian for your help and if there is anymore info....keep it comin.


Matt :salute:
All the advice that I have read previously is what we would call "Data Safe". Every Regiment has there ups and downs, but the friendships and brotherhood will always remain. I can't remember who posted it earlier, but the comment was something along the lines of "I really don't think that you will have a choice in the matter." With that being said though remember one thing....you have joined the family of Gunners, and ONCE A GUNNER ALWAYS A GUNNER.

Shilo in my mind is the base to train, and get all of the courses, and training environment to complete the neccessary tools you need, and if you want to deploy, well there is no mistake in my mine that 2 Guns is the place to be.

So welcome to the family, and see on the Gun Line. :threat:

Thanks again for all the good advice and info and now i am sure I want to join the reg force as a gunner. Thanks, and as previously said, see you on the gun line.


matt :skull: :salute: :threat:
Purely from the support eyes view, and talking to the troops, 2 RCHA:

is the most screwed up and least cooperative unit in the Brigade,
the chain use and abuse their troops (maybe this is just an arty thing?)worse then any unit I have seen
the unit gets deployed piecemeal by troop, and battery to deployments,
The unit still tries to do everything even though they are short staffed.

I am not is a position to say 1 is better then 2 or anything. But this is the kind of unit you are coming in to
So nothing has changed in the last 25 years then........

Our saying back then was " and thier heads just keep nodding' Yes, we can, yes, we can"
:skull: just some food for thought.......which regiment is in need of gunners?(possibility of rapid advancement) are you looking for a quick tour? are you wanting to get into the STA field of things? answering  your own questions might make it an easier decision?