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2 sets of stuff

Uhhm. a second "wash kit" is definitely not going to be the largest of your kit worries.

You can stuff a toothbrush or toothpaste, or a razor pretty much anywhere. In fact.. you could probably get it on your person and if you are lucky not even get nailed by the staff for it (I wouldnt try it, but just saying, this stuff is small).

Yes, it saves TONS of time.

Consider typical timiing, week 5, IAP:

PT at 5:05
(roughly an hour, PlCmds discretion)
Inspection at 7:10

Breakfast and showers must be had inbetween PT and inspection, beds must be made, dusting must be done, and breakfast is nowhere near where you sleep. You also generally must form up and go as a group (at least my Pl did) which adds time.

You are also 5-6 mod, with 2 showers...  and the shower walls must be dry, washroom clean....  you try cleaning your toothbrush, razor and soap, AND having the sink you cleaned it in clean and all the other stuff you have to do.

Like someone else said.. its about working as a team, critical thinking, and working through problems.

(IM GOING TO CLARIFY THAT THE ABOVE WAS FOR A IAP (Officer) COURSe and was a couple years ago. )
Meridian said:
Honestly, the best thing I could ever suggest   you get is a hand-held sewing machine. I remember seeing one on The Shopping Channel two weeks before I left, and never bought it, thinking, Who needs that?   it was like 30$. Well, of course we arrive in St Jean, and find out you have to mark all your kit....   by hand sewing...!   We hit Sears on the weekend and still couldnt find a handheld...

I have a hand-held sewing machine that I use for mending when we are on holidays and I was thinking of bringing it but thought that it might be confiscated or I might be told to either not use it or re-sew all my tags. Can we bring one?
I dont know. Bring it anyway. If they take it, oh well, if not, bonus, share it with the boys.

Work through problems, people.

Also... if you are using it, make it look like you did it by hand.  IE I believe its a stitch on each side of the tape.... not a beautiful stitch pattern all the way around....  be a grey man, but if you can save time to focus on other things, do it.  My .02.
You asked for advise on different items and it was given freely.

You are not required to follow any advise given here, you are also free to learn on your own.

Good luck, because whether you listen to those who have gone before or those on your course with you, the result is the same. You make it or you don't.

When you do....welcome, If you can't conform then enjoy the rest of your life and don't you dare ever bad mouthing an organization that you were not found fit to serve in.

Meridian said:
Uhhm. a second "wash kit" is definitely not going to be the largest of your kit worries.

You can stuff a toothbrush or toothpaste, or a razor pretty much anywhere. In fact.. you could probably get it on your person and if you are lucky not even get nailed by the staff for it (I wouldnt try it, but just saying, this stuff is small).

Yes, it saves TONS of time.

Consider typical timiing, week 5, IAP:

PT at 5:05
(roughly an hour, PlCmds discretion)
Inspection at 7:10

Breakfast and showers must be had inbetween PT and inspection, beds must be made, dusting must be done, and breakfast is nowhere near where you sleep. You also generally must form up and go as a group (at least my Pl did) which adds time.

You are also 5-6 mod, with 2 showers...   and the shower walls must be dry, washroom clean....   you try cleaning your toothbrush, razor and soap, AND having the sink you cleaned it in clean and all the other stuff you have to do.

Like someone else said.. its about working as a team, critical thinking, and working through problems.

(IM GOING TO CLARIFY THAT THE ABOVE WAS FOR A IAP (Officer) COURSe and was a couple years ago. )

Regarding carrying a razor on your person: I carried a Gillette Mach 3 head (just the head) in my pocket for those times when I missed a spot (and noticed after) or even FORGOT to shave (yes, it happened... more than once). So panicked was I on one forgetful occasion that I dryshaved with my buddy's Gerber knife in stand-easy ranks. The razor head came in super handy and you can get used to dry shaving with a safety razor when you're stairing a $250 fine in the face. :D

Dogboy/Carman: Just a little note on PT morning showers: use ONE bathroom and shower quickly, with everyone dropping their PT gear on the bathroom floor upon arrival back at the pod/room to soak up the water. You're not going to wear your PT gear twice in a row without washing it so who cares? Any dry pieces of PT gear on the floor when everyone's done can be used to wipe down the showers/sinks. Waiting for the shower? Start getting your room inspection ready - wipe down inspection-prone surfaces (windowsills and the bottom of the closet being the top two, it seemed), go over your weapon quickly, check the common areas are OK, HELP ANY OF YOUR BUDDIES THAT HAVE FALLEN BEHIND, etc. Most importantly, if you need help with something, ASK FOR IT. Get that habit going and EVERYONE will make use of it - no one goes through basic/IAP without help. Sharing the fate of your ass with your buddy not only builds trust but comradery and friendship too. That being said, OFFER help whenever you find yourself wondering what's left to do. I've had buddies tying my bootlaces for me on change parades and it was, in all seriousness, a touching experience. Regarding shaving, just use hot water and a your razor - I'd been doing it long before the course and it was likely the only one of my civvy habits that was actually useful - less to clean out of the sink and less time taken to shave.

More on asking for help: you're not doing your buddies any favours by being the only crappy room in the group for inspection - the instructors are likely to give your buddies crap, and possibly even the platoon, because they're obviously not helping you achieve standard. There is no, and I mean NO, period of time in the mornings (especially PT mornings) when you have nothing to do. You will become a time-management superstar and what you can achieve in 5 minutes, at the end of the course, will both amaze and sicken you.
Glorified Ape said:
You will become a time-management superstar and what you can achieve in 5 minutes, at the end of the course, will both amaze and sicken you.

And that, my friends, is the method to the madness...suck it back and enjoy.
Glorified Ape said:
Regarding carrying a razor on your person: I carried a Gillette Mach 3 head (just the head) in my pocket for those times when I missed a spot (and noticed after) or even FORGOT to shave (yes, it happened... more than once). So panicked was I on one forgetful occasion that I dryshaved with my buddy's Gerber knife in stand-easy ranks. The razor head came in super handy and you can get used to dry shaving with a safety razor when you're stairing a $250 fine in the face. :D

Dogboy/Carman: Just a little note on PT morning showers: use ONE bathroom and shower quickly, with everyone dropping their PT gear on the bathroom floor upon arrival back at the pod/room to soak up the water. You're not going to wear your PT gear twice in a row without washing it so who cares? Any dry pieces of PT gear on the floor when everyone's done can be used to wipe down the showers/sinks. Waiting for the shower? Start getting your room inspection ready - wipe down inspection-prone surfaces (windowsills and the bottom of the closet being the top two, it seemed), go over your weapon quickly, check the common areas are OK, HELP ANY OF YOUR BUDDIES THAT HAVE FALLEN BEHIND, etc. Most importantly, if you need help with something, ASK FOR IT. Get that habit going and EVERYONE will make use of it - no one goes through basic/IAP without help. Sharing the fate of your *** with your buddy not only builds trust but comradery and friendship too. That being said, OFFER help whenever you find yourself wondering what's left to do. I've had buddies tying my bootlaces for me on change parades and it was, in all seriousness, a touching experience. Regarding shaving, just use hot water and a your razor - I'd been doing it long before the course and it was likely the only one of my civvy habits that was actually useful - less to clean out of the sink and less time taken to shave.

More on asking for help: you're not doing your buddies any favours by being the only crappy room in the group for inspection - the instructors are likely to give your buddies crap, and possibly even the platoon, because they're obviously not helping you achieve standard. There is no, and I mean NO, period of time in the mornings (especially PT mornings) when you have nothing to do. You will become a time-management superstar and what you can achieve in 5 minutes, at the end of the course, will both amaze and sicken you.
Thanks for the post Glorifies Ape the key to BMQ is teamwork!!
armyrules said:
Thanks for the post Glorifies Ape the key to BMQ is teamwork!!

No worries. The whole teamwork thing is made painfully obvious from day 1 but you'd be surprised how long it takes people to realise it and actually start acting like a team. The earlier you get started, the sooner you'll reach standard.
You dry shaved with a gerber while standing in ranks? Wow...
I had the old dry shave down, I remember going in the field and the guys hard their nice foamy shaving cream...turn to what looked like, well bodily fluid, and you ain't seen razor burn until you've seen it on a guy who dry shaves for the first time in the woods in bitter cold. I say practice that dry shave! Glorified Ape, I shaved with a swiss army knife one time also but I cut the divet right under my nose and was bleeding like an SOB, got crapped on for being too stupid to shave   ::) and then one of the guys on course had this razor from like the 60's that we all made fun of, so it was given to me, to have and to hold from that day forward.   :P
Shaving is a b---..

Sorry folks, but I have extremely well, crappy skin, and as such, I get burn unless Im in the perfect scenario.. My time on course hurt like a son of a...
so yes, some people can shave with anything, and most people will given certain alternatives....  but I needed my time to shave... I actually often went last in the shower, or showered before PT and shaved then, and then grabbed  a quick one after PT. Most staff are too bleary eyed to notice you shaved before PT, plus if you are always shaved, they have no idea how much hair you end up having.. well excludign the field.

I avoided successfully (generallY) having to get up much before lights on in the morning... but some mornigns (PT then inspection) demanded it.. especially after a few weeks when expectations were high.


As for expectations on course; well, I remember those first few weeks - the thing we got in most trouble for was people still remaining individuals. You do not want to be an individual. for officers specifically, CPC's will be failed if people's rooms look like sh--...  Im not sure how much hot water the Course Senior is in for Recruits...
I actually don't mind it because if you shave regularly everyday it doesn't hurt or give you the burn! and everyone hates thr burn:D How long dot they give you to shave at BMQ?
They dont give you any time to shave. Thats the point. Its not like the DS will be there with a stopwatch (well maybe, but not normally) giving you exactly 2 minutes to shave or else you are fined.....

You get timings for things (ie be at xxxx point at xxxx.  And make sure you've eaten, everything is packced up, and you are shaved and good to go for the day. you may have 5 minutes or 30, depending.
On course, shave at night. Get a cheapo Braun battery razor for touchups throughout the day.  They used to be about $20 at Canex...

Island Ryhno said:
Glorified Ape, I shaved with a swiss army knife one time also but I cut the divet right under my nose and was bleeding like an SOB, got crapped on for being too stupid to shave   ::) and then one of the guys on course had this razor from like the 60's that we all made fun of, so it was given to me, to have and to hold from that day forward.   :P

lol A swiss army knife... gold, pure gold. Shaving with a knife isn't TOO bad, if it's a decent size and pretty sharp but I don't imagine a swiss army knife would be too much fun. Field shaving's easy for people who can water shave/dry shave. Just splash some (usually cold in the morning) water on the ol' face and strip it bare. The biggest b*tch is having to clean off the cam paint.

Just a Sig Op said:
You dry shaved with a gerber while standing in ranks? Wow...

Yeah, but it was a Gerber knife (either Gerber or Weber, not sure), not the multi-tool - it was a full-fledged, 4 or 5 inch blade foldable knife and it was brand new so it was pretty sharp. The main problem was ensuring I didn't accidentally put the serrated half of the blade against my skin.
Field Shaving...
Now I am a woman and couldn't care less about legs and such in the field...but always felt sorry for guys in the field when I saw them ripping up their face in the morning.  My husband buys shaving cream in a tube....it looks like tooth paste. He uses this in the field and apparently it works well for cold water shaves and when you have very little water. He has sensitive skin and it works for him.
28Medic said:
Field Shaving...
Now I am a woman and couldn't care less about legs and such in the field...but always felt sorry for guys in the field when I saw them ripping up their face in the morning.  My husband buys shaving cream in a tube....it looks like tooth paste. He uses this in the field and apparently it works well for cold water shaves and when you have very little water. He has sensitive skin and it works for him.

I used to use that stuff but use shaving oil now: even smaller package and less mess ...
Skinny said:
you make it look like you used it ;) ie......for the toothpaste take alittle out of it and so on

unscrew the cap, totake a bit out wipe clean the threads and replace, leaves the pop top always clean ;D