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2nd Grader Suspended for Drawing Gun


Army.ca Dinosaur
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That's 'draw' as in with a pen.

That is the most ridiculous thing I've ever seen.. Wow, if I was suspended a day for every gun picture I drew as a kid, I'd still be working off the days...
I used to "shoot" at people with my bananas when I was 7! YeesH!
I used to "shoot" at people with my bananas when I was 7! YeesH!....

Wow! We use to play 'cops & robbers' with sticks & twigs in the 70's that somewhat looked remotley like pistols & rifles. I suppose now-a-days we would be sent to some psychologist for evaluation...
I had a friend in the 7th grade who drew guns.  The teacher called his mother and reccomended "phsychiatric evaluation".
So what happens if one of their little projects is to draw what Mom or Dad does for a living, and they happen to be a police officer, or in the military, or any other job that might require carrying a firearm?  Are they going to suspend a kid for following the teacher's direction?

How about if they are asked what they did over Thanksgiving, and they were taken out hunting with relatives?

So stupid.
Wow. This one just shocks the hell out of me I guess.

The PC world is just a tad bit screwed up isn't it?

Unfreakingbelieveable.  ::)

Gun Drawing Suspension

Associated Press - October 20, 2007 9:33 PM ET

DENNIS TOWNSHIP, N.J. (AP) - A New Jersey second-grader's drawing of a stick figure shooting a gun has earned him a 1-day school suspension.

7-year-old Kyle Walker's mom told an Atlantic City newspaper (The Press) that her son was suspended for violating the district's zero-tolerance policy on guns. She says her son told her he'd drawn a water pistol.

Kyle gave the picture to another child on the school bus, and that child's parents complained about it to school officials.

The case is not the first in New Jersey in which students were suspended for depictions of weapons.

Four kindergarten boys were suspended in 2000 for playing cops and robbers, even though they were using their fingers as guns.

Should be entertaining to check back after the next school board election. Dennis Township only has a population of  6,492

The Atlantic City Press has a much larger, more in-depth article at:
I remember when I was in school during the last week of the year, we always had those huge water gun battles that everybody took part in. Guns, water balloons and water filled garbage cans; it was always a big carnage.

So if our school board applied a zero-tolerance policy on guns like in that school board, everyone would have been suspended?

Usually, only those who swapped water for 7-Up would have been suspended.
- No imagination.  In Canada, try this:

Teacher: "Johnny, is that a gun you just drew?"

Little Johnny: "Yes Ma'am, I am drawing Pte 'Smokey' Smith, a great Canadian hero, but I have trouble with scaling unless I draw the gun first."

(Long pause as the teacher tries to remember who Pte Ernest Alvia Smith, VC, was). 

Teacher (on seeing little Johnny drawing a B-52 flying From Minot AFB to Barksdale AFB  with a 3-pack of nuclear tipped cruise missles under each wing):  "Johnny, what are you drawing?"

- Like she would know if he told her.

I wonder how many days suspension he would have pulled if he drew a picture of the SS lining the teachers up against the school building's brick wall and machine-gunning them??  >:D

I also wonder just what he is expected to do during the period of his suspension, gain artistic inspiration by hanging around the  neighbourhood's local gun sporting goods store?  ::)
Yeeeeeah...that's getting a little out of hand.  I guarantee the mentality there is they think they're preventing future gun violence in schools by suspending some poor kid for drawing a gun.  What a crock of shit.  These people need therapy.
- No male teachers, no male principals, few males on the school board, equals no male perspective.  Add to that the lack of male influence in single parent (mom) families and we have a 'lost generation' of boys being educated as if they were girls.  We will need to start up some new gangs to hold them all by the time they are sixteen. 
What are things coming to?  When I was in Gr 2/3 I did full page drawings of Normandy etc (stick figs of course) complete with tanks and bunkers.  Oh the horror!!  I guess I must be a socially maligned individual.  Either that or that school board needs a collective smack in the chops.

Had a former CO who refered to all of us (himself included) as being "social morons"

If the shoe fits......
Last year, my son's Junior Kindergarten teacher (3-4 yr olds) found it quite important to note on his report card that he displayed a tendency to play a lot of touch and chase games in the schoolyard.  ( I think it was called "tag" back when I was a kid).  I immediately demanded a full psych evaluation from a licensed professional, because if this doesn't scream "serial killer", I don't know what does...