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30 Aug 07 - ISAF soldier and intepreter dead in S. AFG

The Bread Guy

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ISAF soldier killed in Southern Afghanistan
ISAF statement PR# 2007-620, 30 Aug 07

"KABUL, Afghanistan – An ISAF soldier and an interpreter were killed and 2 ISAF troops injured today during a routine patrol in Southern Afghanistan.

“ISAF troops and their interpreter colleagues routinely work in a hugely difficult and challenging environment. The uncertainty and risks they face are self evident, and it is testament to their courage and professionalism that they continually carry out their duties to such a high standard”. Lt Col Bridget Rose, a spokesperson for Regional Command South said. “Now our thoughts are very much with the families, friends and colleagues of those who have died or been injured in today’s incident”.

In accordance with ISAF policy, ISAF does not release the casualty’s nationality prior to the relevant national authority doing so."

One NATO soldier killed, two wounded in southern Afghanistan
Associated Press, 30 Aug 07

"A NATO soldier has been killed and two others have been wounded during a routine patrol in southern Afghanistan.  A NATO statement says an Afghan interpreter working with the troops was also killed. NATO did not provide the soldier's nationalities or the circumstances which led to the deaths. Violence is soaring in Afghanistan, especially in the country's south and east.  This year, it is estimated more than 3,900 people - most of them militants - have died." 

Not again (I hope) - nonetheless, condolences to the families, colleagues and friends of the fallen, regardless of country....



- edit to add AP information -
More info which seems to match ISAF's and AP's description.....

Taliban leader and RAF gunner killed in Afghanistan
James Sturcke, The Guardian (UK), 30 Aug 07

"....the Ministry of Defence said a gunner from 51 Squadron, RAF Regiment, and a civilian interpreter had been killed in Kandahar province. Two other servicemen received minor injuries.  The deaths occurred when a vehicle on a routine security patrol around Kandahar airfield was caught in an explosion shortly after midnight.  The casualties were evacuated to the nearby Isaf medical post. The gunner was pronounced dead on arrival at the hospital and the interpreter later died of his wounds.  The serviceman's next of kin had been informed and had requested a 24-hour grace period before further details were released ...."

(Mod squad - feel free to move this to the Brit Military forum)