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Army.ca Veteran
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So, 5AM I submit, is the strangest hour of the night.
I just got in from having a cigarette and I swear there is the eeriest calm over the whole city.

Your head does funny things to you, anyone who has done SQ will echo my sentiments, after not sleeping for a while you really start to convince yourself of some strange things.
For instance:
-Raccoons are alot smarter than we give them credit for, and I bet they have their own highly developed language.
-There is nothing scarier then a leaf rustling over pavement, but you can't quite see the leaf so it could just as easily be a serial killer.
-Every single light in the city has some kind of story attached to it and then you look up at the stars and realise that for thousands of years idiots like you have stood outside after not sleeping for a while and said the same stuff..and you feel really, really insignificant.
-Coffee makes you jittery really, really jittery, mix that with cold weather and you've got a recipe for disaster if you're holding a glass of water.
-Cars are awful, awful things.
-After a while if you talk, or write anything for long enough you start to find that the words lose all meaning and you could just easily be writing the same nonsensical jumble of words over and over again and form a theory of grammar, spelling and structure around said jumbled words and call it a language.
-Ever had a large muscle on your leg twitch for no reason? Yeah me too.
-What do sleep deprived people and robots have in common?
Nothing, but I bet you were waiting for some really profound connection between the two.

Anyhow, there you have it folks, one university students sleep deprived ramblings whilst completing a plethora of tests, definitions and essays (Thus far up to about 28 pages), enjoy.

I guess i agree.

Goining on leave is fun!!!!....rite?  ???... or am wrong...like alwayz?  :P meh w/e
nice day 2 ya and 2 ya and 2 ya

I guess i agree.

Goining on leave is fun!!!!....rite?  ... or am wrong...like alwayz?  meh w/e
nice day 2 ya and 2 ya and 2 ya


Ok? I dont think we needed the 5 spellings of your name though
Well Che, I haven't been on SQ yet but I do know what it's like at 5AM... I knew what the first post would generally be like as soon as I seen the title... Isn't that time beautiful though? It's as if your on another plain of perception really...

-Every single light in the city has some kind of story attached to it and then you look up at the stars and realise that for thousands of years idiots like you have stood outside after not sleeping for a while and said the same stuff..and you feel really, really insignificant.

Here's a scary thought too, the closest star to our solar system is either Alpha Centauri or Orion, can't remember exactly. It's approx 100 light years from earth, the next closest star is at least couple hundred light years away. SO. Everything after that is thousands of light years away? What does this mean you ask? That the light your seeing from those stars is at least a couple hundred years old regardless. And some of those stars your viewing could already be cold and dead or have gone supernova if the light your seeing is thousands of years old (star is thousands of light years from earth).... Crazy huh?

What is a light year you ask? The distance the speed of light can travel in a year. Light moves at 1 860 000 miles/second. In other words, we're VERY VERY far away from anywhere else... It's just us and the stars for allloonnnggg time until we figure out how to warp time and space to be able to travel without having to go all that distance. Anyway, another thread, another time.

Che, remember that time at 5AM, it's priceless.

Ah, the life of a University Student.. It's fun... the stress is great... good times...

I'm gonna miss it when I'm done.. 2 semesters to go...

BTW, Recruit Joe.. is it 5 A.M. for you too? Alpha Centauri A and B are only 4.36 light years away. (with Proxima Centauri, in the same system, only 4.22 light years away)  ;D

Want a chilling thought? If one of the stars in the Alpha Centauri system went supernova, it would be devastating to life on earth. But then again apparenlty those types of stars don't do that.  I'm no astronomer :P
ISnt it wierd that we are looking at stars that might not even be there anymore?
BTW, Recruit Joe.. is it 5 A.M. for you too? Alpha Centauri A and B are only 4.36 light years away. (with Proxima Centauri, in the same system, only 4.22 light years away)

Really? Holly crap! I didn't know they were that close! Well, astronomically speaking... So, if we can reach the speed of light with a space ship it'll only take 4.36 years to get there! GREAT!....  ::) Crap I mean! Darn, we'll never find aliens! Lol..... Thanks for the correction by the way, I'm going to do some reading up myself on the "local" astronomy again, been some time!

Darn, we'll never find aliens!

Now I wouldn't say that because they've only just recently privatized the space race.
Remember we went from the Wright Brothers' little gliding thing to the concord in less than a hundred years.
Recruit Joe said:
Really? Holly crap! I didn't know they were that close! Well, astronomically speaking... So, if we can reach the speed of light with a space ship it'll only take 4.36 years to get there! GREAT!....   ::) Crap I mean! Darn, we'll never find aliens! Lol..... Thanks for the correction by the way, I'm going to do some reading up myself on the "local" astronomy again, been some time!


Sorry- the only thing that can travel at light speed is light. Current physics says that its impossible for us to travel at light speed.....sigh.....well its 7am and Im off to bed....but first Im putting on my tin foil hat.... :warstory:
Aaron is right, as the amount of energy needed to accelerate a solid object to the speed of light is infinite. And as an object accelerates, its mass increases, so infinite acceleration means infinite mass, and thus we cannot reach the speed of light.

However, according to string theory, in order to travel long distances, you don't need to travel at the speed of light. Einstein's theory of general relativity says that space and time are one geometrical entity, and this geometrical entity is curved. String theory states it is possible to create "tears" in spacetime, so one could create a "tear" (blackhole is an example) where spacetime is heavily curved (string theory also states its possible to curve it, where there is no curve) kinda like when you take a piece of paper, fold it in half, without creasing it, and poke a pencil through it, then flatten it out again.
Goober said:
Aaron is right, as the amount of energy needed to accelerate a solid object to the speed of light is infinite. And as an object accelerates, its mass increases, so infinite acceleration means infinite mass, and thus we cannot reach the speed of light.

However, according to string theory, in order to travel long distances, you don't need to travel at the speed of light. Einstein's theory of general relativity says that space and time are one geometrical entity, and this geometrical entity is curved. String theory states it is possible to create "tears" in spacetime, so one could create a "tear" (blackhole is an example) where spacetime is heavily curved (string theory also states its possible to curve it, where there is no curve) kinda like when you take a piece of paper, fold it in half, without creasing it, and poke a pencil through it, then flatten it out again.

Like in the movie "Event Horizon"- so if you can deal with everyone on your ship going to h.e.l.l. you to can travel at the speed of light.
Aaron White said:
Like in the movie "Event Horizon"- so if you can deal with everyone on your ship going to h.e.l.l. you to can travel at the speed of light.
Too much sci-fi......  ;)

Other than that... Che, buddy, you need a vacation.
And I mean, now.  ;D

Aaron White said:
Like in the movie "Event Horizon"- so if you can deal with everyone on your ship going to h.e.l.l. you to can travel at the speed of light.
damnit, Aaron, you beat me to it  >:( ;)
but first Im putting on my tin foil hat....

I just line my helmet with tin foil. It's much easier, and will also protect your head when you bump it into things. The little flap at the back also helps keep natural light off.
However, according to string theory, in order to travel long distances, you don't need to travel at the speed of light. Einstein's theory of general relativity says that space and time are one geometrical entity, and this geometrical entity is curved. String theory states it is possible to create "tears" in spacetime, so one could create a "tear" (blackhole is an example) where spacetime is heavily curved (string theory also states its possible to curve it, where there is no curve) kinda like when you take a piece of paper, fold it in half, without creasing it, and poke a pencil through it, then flatten it out again.

Yes I do remember that. Did you folks know that they actually proved that theory? Kinda... This came from my gr. 12 english teacher mind you and it was quite some years ago! He said that on one of the Apollo missions they tested this theory after circling the moon, apparently they "lost" time by the time they got back to earth. He didn't remember how much time but apparently for all intensive purposes the astronauts were technically younger than when they came back!

Does anyone have any other info on that BTW? Not sure if my teacher was on something when he mentioned that but he did seem to be quite the intellegent man.

:warstory: <------- Canadian Forces Combat Helmet UPGRADED with extra dense tinfoil!
Ya, I know that 5am feeling. Last semester there was a big project that I had to get done and I had to do it in a computer lab at the school.  Lectures had already finished and exams were still a fair amount of time time away. So I didn't really have any work other than this project.  What I ended up doing for about four or five days was going to school at about 8 or 9 pm and just working alone in this computer lab all night, until about 5am. At 5am I would make my way across the deserted campus to the parking lot (about 15 to 20 minutes walk) to drive home. It was a totally strange experience walking at early twilight around this deserted campus that is normally packed with people going here and there.  The drive home was strange too because even the roads in this somewhat big city were pretty deserted.  To make things even more trippy, one day the radio station played "Billy Idol - Eyes Without A Face" on the drive home and it just seemed fit the feeling/atmosphere perfectly.

If anyone here has never taken a stroll through a city at the very early hours of the morning after a full night of doing work at a desk or a computer, I strongly recommend it.
Stomper said:
If anyone here has never taken a stroll through a city at the very early hours of the morning after a full night of doing work at a desk or a computer, I strongly recommend it.

Ah....passed midnight..13 pages later I would love to take a stroll, but Mississauga doesn't really have all that good strolling sights to see. :-\