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6 Feb 12: Charges laid against CIC officer

Nfld Sapper

Army.ca Fixture
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News Release
Military Police lay charges against a member of the Cadet Instructors Cadr

CFNIS NR – 2012-03 - February 6, 2012

Victoria, BC – The Canadian Forces National Investigation Service (CFNIS), the investigative arm of the Canadian Forces Military Police, has charged a Cadet Instructors Cadre officer for various sexual offences allegedly committed against two cadets at the LGen E.C. Ashton Armoury in Victoria, BC, and the Vernon Army Cadet Summer Training Centre in Vernon, BC.

Captain Daniel Moriarity was charged with the following:

two counts of Sexual Exploitation, contrary to section 130 of the National Defence Act, and pursuant to section 153 of the Criminal Code;

one count of Sexual Assault, contrary to section 130 of the National Defence Act, and pursuant to section 271 of the Criminal Code. In the alternate, one count of Sexual Interference, contrary to section 130 of the National Defence Act, and pursuant to section 151 of the Criminal Code;

one count of Behaved in a Disgraceful Manner, contrary to section 93 of the National Defence Act.

It is alleged that, between 2008 and 2011, Captain Moriarity had an inappropriate relationship with a minor and sexually assaulted another.

The case was brought forward by the victims chain of command who, when made aware of the allegations, immediately contacted the Military Police. As part of the conditions placed on him after his arrest, Captain Moriarity was required not to have any contact with cadets or attend any cadet functions. The case will now proceed through the military justice system.

“Those in a position of leadership in the Canadian Forces are expected to conduct themselves in a professional manner at all times, and this type of alleged behaviour is treated with the utmost seriousness by the Military Police”, said Lieutenant-Colonel Robert Delaney, Commanding Officer of the CFNIS.

The CFNIS is an independent Military Police unit with a mandate to investigate serious and sensitive matters in relation to National Defence property, DND employees and CF personnel serving in Canada and abroad.

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For more information about the CFNIS, please go to http://www.forces.gc.ca/site/news-nouvelles/view-news-afficher-nouvelles-eng.asp?id=2824.

For more information about the CFNIS investigation process, please go to http://www.forces.gc.ca/site/news-nouvelles/view-news-afficher-nouvelles-eng.asp?id=2960.

Media contact:
Captain Karina Holder
CF MP Gp Public Affairs Officer
Tel: 613-949-1098

- mod edit to clean up title a bit -
Unfortunately youth organisations are ripe with people like this. I wonder how many days this member served at one of the national camps? I would LOVE to see the media jump onboard and do some investigative journalism into this organisation. Parents think their kids are heading off with "military men and women" when infact their children are being sent off with people with less than 20 days training as officers of the CF. Maybe the media could also look into how much we fund this program; and why must the nation pay for this youth organisation while others seem to do just fine internally.

Maybe look at how much money is paid out to people who have made a full federally paid career as a cadet officer. Look how many cadet officers are making over 100,000 to do not much at all.

Parents deserve to know; most don't know the difference.

I hope the justice is swift and punishment severe. Wanna be a child molester in a federally funded youth organisation? You should be hung.
Not just youth organizations.  What's with all these Teachers all of a sudden bonking their students.  Seems as if everyday there is another one coming to surface after being convicted...
I'll say this once: we have the presumption of innocence in this country. Base your posts around that.

dogger1936 said:
Unfortunately youth organisations are ripe with people like this.

Unless you have proof in this case or others that you have been withholding, your remarks are excessive and out of line. It's time to rein in your rhetoric and get off your soapbox.

For all - as in any legal case, the laying of charges is not to be auotomatically assumed as guilt or taken an excuse to charge off into explaining what you think should be done about it.

Milnet.ca Staff
dogger1936 said:
Unfortunately youth organisations are ripe with people like this. I wonder how many days this member served at one of the national camps? I would LOVE to see the media jump onboard and do some investigative journalism into this organisation. Parents think their kids are heading off with "military men and women" when infact their children are being sent off with people with less than 20 days training as officers of the CF. Maybe the media could also look into how much we fund this program; and why must the nation pay for this youth organisation while others seem to do just fine internally.

Maybe look at how much money is paid out to people who have made a full federally paid career as a cadet officer. Look how many cadet officers are making over 100,000 to do not much at all.

Parents deserve to know; most don't know the difference.

I hope the justice is swift and punishment severe. Wanna be a child molester in a federally funded youth organisation? You should be hung.

Dogger OK I get it you have personal grievance against some one in the CIC or the CIC as a whole, we get that. but you keep referring to the entire CIC as a pack of money grubbing, glory seeking, child molesters,  until the powers that bee change things enough is enough.
My $.02
I parade at the Ashton Armoury, and while I have no direct contact with the cadets, and only passing contact with their staff, I do see much of the activity that goes on there. What I see there is a dedicated group of staff and volunteers putting huge amounts of their time into ensuring the kids have the best experience they can. It's not uncommon to see the staff there working well into the wee hours of the mornings before their exercises and events. To slag them all from this one allegation is completely unfair and unprofessional.

dogger1936 said:
Unfortunately youth organisations are ripe with people like this. I wonder how many days this member served at one of the national camps? I would LOVE to see the media jump onboard and do some investigative journalism into this organisation. Parents think their kids are heading off with "military men and women" when infact their children are being sent off with people with less than 20 days training as officers of the CF. Maybe the media could also look into how much we fund this program; and why must the nation pay for this youth organisation while others seem to do just fine internally.

Maybe look at how much money is paid out to people who have made a full federally paid career as a cadet officer. Look how many cadet officers are making over 100,000 to do not much at all.

Parents deserve to know; most don't know the difference.

I hope the justice is swift and punishment severe. Wanna be a child molester in a federally funded youth organisation? You should be hung.

As someone who has volunteered with the local Army cadets, and was an Air Cadet, your comment lacks an informed opinion and smacks of prejudice and malice.

The cadets is the ONLY free youth organization out there. The only one. All the others (Scouts etc.) require some sort of money to participate.

CIC officers have rather extreme limits on payable hours placed on them (I cannot remember the exact number of days, but I do know it is less then CL A Reserve, 16 days a month). There are very few CL B CIC officers out there. The majority of their full time staff is either Reg F or PRes.

The summer camps are  a mixture of CIC officers, PRes officers and SNR NCMs and Reg F officers and SNR NCMs and WOs.

Your suggestion that all CIC are suspect is, frankly, insulting and idiotic. I suggest you reel your neck in just a bit.
dogger1936 said:
Unfortunately youth organizations are ripe with people like this.

I hope the justice is swift and punishment severe. Wanna be a child molester in a federally funded youth organization? You should be hung.

Unfortunately, EVERY organization ever established has some sort of questionable people within it. However, singling out youth organizations and saying they are full of child molesters is not on. Painting an entire organization with one brush because of the actions of one person is wrong. Needless to say, this man is NOT convicted of any crimes to date.

Also, I can't help but notice that the officers age is not given. Could it be that this CIC officer is say 20 or 21 and that his inappropriate relationship was with a 17 year old staff cadet? Not saying this is the case, as I don't know the details. Just a possibility.
Enough, I think he gets the point by now.

VIChris said:
I parade at the Ashton Armoury, and while I have no direct contact with the cadets, and only passing contact with their staff, I do see much of the activity that goes on there. What I see there is a dedicated group of staff and volunteers putting huge amounts of their time into ensuring the kids have the best experience they can. It's not uncommon to see the staff there working well into the wee hours of the mornings before their exercises and events. To slag them all from this one allegation is completely unfair and unprofessional.

Awww - as one of those staff members, I have to say this was a bright spot in a rather dark day. I'd also like to point out that your regiment has been AWESOME in supporting the Cadets (ref: the steak dinner cooked for us by suprize last overnighter!)

This was my corps  and as such, my cadets. There is so much more I would like to say, but it is not my place to say it (that, and due to  the fact it is currently before the courts, it would also be improper of me to comment).

I am not suprised that a member of the CF has been charged with this. We have had people caught with child pornography on computers, others convicted of sexual assault of prespective recruits. Not surprised but still it is disappointing.
Allegedly occured at the Veron Army Camp during cadet summer camp.

CIC officers have rather extreme limits on payable hours placed on them (I cannot remember the exact number of days, but I do know it is less then CL A Reserve, 16 days a month). There are very few CL B CIC officers out there. The majority of their full time staff is either Reg F or PRes.

I am a screened Volunteer with a Navy League/Sea Cadet corp and actually looked this one up. CIC Officers are paid according to rank on a fixed daily rate. For a full day's work (more than six hours) you get a full day's pay; for less than six hours, you get half that amount. At that, a CIC Officer is entitled to 25 days per year of local HQ training, with additional remuneration possible for attending courses or being employed at a Cadet Summer Training Center.
dogger1936 said:
Allegedly occured at the Veron Army Camp during cadet summer camp.


Any idea if the guy would have been Criminal Record Checked as an SOP? May not have helped in any case...
daftandbarmy said:
Any idea if the guy would have been Criminal Record Checked as an SOP? May not have helped in any case...

All persons looking to work with minors are required to undergo a CRC. The extent of the involvement will dictate how many different avenues are checked. ie: Recent history, pardoned history, juvenile record related to an adult record, sealed/unsealed juvenile record. I think there was more on the last form I filled out but I can't remember off the top of my head.
daftandbarmy said:
Any idea if the guy would have been Criminal Record Checked as an SOP? May not have helped in any case...

If he had never had any criminal activity before, it wouldn't make a difference
A Vulnerable Sector Check is required for enrolment into the CIC or transfer from the PRes and Regs into the COATS subcomponent. As well, it's required to be updated every five years, and I believe it's every year for civilian volunteers. But that's right, if it wasn't recorded previously it wouldn't have shown up at all.
When I see certain comments regarding stories like this, I remember back to Grade 8 when my teacher pointed out the fact to us that we were currently going to school with robbers, murderers, and rapists.....they just hadn't committed the crimes yet.

Like he said "What?  You think people like that were never kids?  That they never went to school?  That they don't live around here, or are playing hockey with you, or working with your parents? Criminals are in all aspects of society....don't try to single out one area and blame it for the actions of a few."

This type of thing can happen to any organization.  Not surprising, just disappointing.  And in the end, allegations don't mean diddly squat until it's proven.