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80 Killed near Kandahar

Can we return to the topic at hand - the murder of 80 Afghans.  I can definitely see a developing pattern of mass slaughter of crowds of civilians by suicide bombers in markets, gatherings etc. 
georgeharper said:
Yes. I did

I agree, lets get this back on topic,.....but lets just clear up one point first.

I just went through all your posts [ yes, we can see the deleted ones too] and not a post of yours has been deleted,................stop buying the dollar store tinfoil, it doesn't have the same blocking abilities as good old Alcan.
Some pic's.


Canadian Soldiers of the International Security Assistance Force stand near there damaged vehicle after a suicide attack in Spin Boldak, in Kandahar province, Afghanistan, Monday, Feb 18, 2008


A Canadian soldier of the International Security Assistance Force take pictures from his damaged vehicle after a suicide attack in Spin Boldak, in Kandahar province, Afghanistan, Monday, Feb. 18, 2008. A suicide car bomber targeting a Canadian military convoy detonated his explosives at a busy market in southern Afghanistan on Monday, killing 37 civilians, officials said.

Nice Pict's but off topic isn't it?

Well most of the furor has died down over the event and as I thought there was the usual "outrage" about supporting a regime that condons 'dog fighting".  I wonder if we as a country will ever get past the initial "gut reaction" to tragic events.  In my mind the event was about a large loss of life during a event (that although to current western standards is considered barbaric) the loss of HUMAN life was considered secondary ( by many vocal groups) to the fact they were gathered at a dogfight.  Conclusions were reached as people used this event to further add to their belief that we should not be there.  Then  a short time later all gone and forgotten left to sit on the backburner until this event is used out of context to justify not being there.  The whole thing reminds me of my favorite Quote.  " Never underestimate the power of people to be stupid" 
Hehe hey I know who's the guy taking the picture.  When you coming back buddy?  Hope all is good.

I am a bit late, but regarding the attack in the Arghandab, which happened the day of my departure, do we know more specifically where in the area it occured?