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A little help required from some Infantier Vets


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I'm currently enrolled in Basic training at St.Jean at the CFLRS and I'm in week 7, well will be in week 8 once I get back because I am on Christmas holidays.

Anyways I can't stop thinking about SQ/Battle School. Now I'm pretty fit, I did 36 pushups/41 situps on the express test, got a 9 on the beep test and can do around 12-14 chinups on average. When we did the fitness challenge in week 7 I got 50 pushups, 40 situps, 10 chinups, and ran the 2.4 at about 10 minutes (not sure what it was exactly).

My only problem is that I'm not exactly the biggest guy, I'm a little under 6 feet and about 145 pounds, and thats really the only problem I have and I'm just wondering if weight is a big issue in SQ/Battle School. I mean when we did the rucksack marches in the previous weeks I had no trouble doing it, but I'm aware that the Infantier course requires more weight and longer distances etc.. so I'm just wondering if anyone who has gone through battle school could shed some light on difficulties I might encounter as a relatively small guy.
Mind over matter, my friend. Smaller people than you have gotten through it. As I'm sure you are learning, its much more of a mental fight than a physical one, as your mind will want to give up long before you are physically incapable of going on.

You'll be fine. Happy New Year.
Thanks, i'll keep that in  mind.

Heh found other posts like this just a few minutes after posting, next time ill go for the search button first.
AspiringInfantier said:
Thanks, i'll keep that in  mind.

Heh found other posts like this just a few minutes after posting, next time ill go for the search button first.
Good idea...  ;)
Good luck with the rest of BMQ, and everything that follows.
If you've been able to do the marches on BMQ without any problems, and can do 2.4km in under 10 minutes, you're probably fit enough to do your Inf course. The difference between carrying a C-7 with 50 pounds in your ruck for 10km and carrying a C-6 with 70 pounds of gear for 15km is all in your mind. :D

Just make sure your back is strong enough, and your legs can support all the extra weight. The #1 thing that'll get you down is probably feet, so take good care of them and you'll do fine.
This is actually putz's roomate:

You expressed concern over your abilities to do ruckmarches and whatnot in SQ/DP1 (INF?) because of your size -- I'm about 6ft and 151lbs and I didn't really have a problem in either, so I wouldn't worry about it too much.