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A question about military push-ups


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I read a thread about PT push-ups. ARE YOU SERIOUS? I actually have to touch the floor???

I was never taught to do push-ups like that! What gives? Why they so strict on this but not exercises?
You don't touch the floor.


I would get good at going very low if I were you. On our units latest PT test we had a partner put his hand under you're chest. The push-up only counted if you went all the way up and were touching his hand when you were down. I believe it was you that asked in another thread whether the QY Rang was a Militia or Reserve, so I'm guessing you are interested in joining this unit?? (Please correct me if I'm wrong). In that case, get used to going down to the floor, it is PT afterall.

Why are they so strict on it? Well, short and sweet, because they can. Its the Army, not High School Gym class. As far as other exercises, Id say they are just as strict. The key to doing a good push-up is to stay rigid. If you're form is bad, the exercise isnt doing what it was supposed to do.

I've sent you a PM.
I do about 200-250 every second day, at 50 push up intervuls. Is this good to get ready for BMQ? I also run, situps, chin/pull ups etc
If you can do 50 in a row you're ok for BMQ. At least if you were on my BMQ you'd be fine. Depends on your coursemates abilities and your staff.
If you can do 200 - 250 pushups in one workout you'll have no problem at all in BMQ. Thats a crazy large amount! Just make sure your not over working yourself. Always have a higher intake of calories that your taking in than burning in one workout session.
Army paralegal: Place your hands on the floor, roughly underneath your shoulders. Go down until your elbows bend to 90 degrees, then come back up. Keep your back and knees straight. Try to keep your head up so your eyes are foreward, if you can't do this, don't force it, you'll strain your neck (Many people who "have no neck" have great difficulty with the last part)
Just a Sig Op said:
Army paralegal: Place your hands on the floor, roughly underneath your shoulders. Go down until your elbows bend to 90 degrees, then come back up. Keep your back and knees straight. Try to keep your head up so your eyes are foreward, if you can't do this, don't force it, you'll strain your neck (Many people who "have no neck" have great difficulty with the last part)

Sometimes, when your elbows bend to 90 degrees, your gut touches the floor..  Is that what you mean??  If it is, think about a different career. 

You may laugh, but I've seen it more than I should in military gyms.. 
I believe the regulation height from the floor is about the length of a toilet paper roll.
Chags said:
Sometimes, when your elbows bend to 90 degrees, your gut touches the floor..   Is that what you mean??   If it is, think about a different career.  

You may laugh, but I've seen it more than I should in military gyms..  

Then, how did they pass the PT?
They've trained their gut to the point where it is secretly pressing them up after they go down.

The only downside is eventually the gut will beging to develop it's own intelligence and rule the body, causing it to intake massive amounts of steak and beer.

Seriously though I've seen fat guys do some pretty amazing things when it comes to PT, doesn't mean they're particularly healthy..just amazing because of their massive gut.

Not that I'm not impressed by anyone who has the ability to use their stomach as a table whilst sitting on the couch.