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A Thread About The Legality of Using Others Bandwidth- Renamed From the Original

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The Kindergarten definition of the phrase steal or stealing is simply to take without permission; funny how kids generally get it right at such a young age. No matter the circumstances around how one acquires something willingly that is not theirs, the end result is the same.

For example if I was in front of you at the local gas bar to pay for my fuel, and upon leaving I dropped my credit card, just because I have dropped it, therefore it is no longer secured in my wallet, do you believe that gives you the right to do with my card and thus my funds what you wish?

Just because its bandwidth not something that you can see and hold, doesn't change the principle.
like I said before there are 3 different conversations going on

1. those that are condemning people who connect to unsecured routers that they aren't 100% sure they have the owners blessing. that's 99% of the people who post here.

2. a technical discussion on ways that it might be argued that SSIDs may or may not be invitations in a technical and/or legal sense and NOT in a MORAL sense.

3. a discussion on the best way to prevent exploitation of the innocent while not hampering legitimate users

some people can't seem to differentiate between these arguments.

Arguing that an unsecured SSID may be argued in court as an invitation due to technical reasons IS NOT, I SAY AGAIN, IS NOT advocating everyone to go right ahead and exploit the routers. Several of you fly off the handle the second we start discussing technical details and legal technicalities that may or may not be convincing in court and instead of arguing in that context you claim we are advocating something we all believe to be immoral and call us thieves.. why don't you start the witch burnings and passing thought crime while you are at it. Discussing technical operating proceedures and what ramifications that has on the legal world IS NOT A CRIME

Vern, sorry about that, the post was not meant in rebuttal to your comment, it was the comment above yours that smugly insisted that my motivation was not to discuss the technical aspects but to justify behaviour I find reprehensible, I should have quoted it, my bad  :salute:


No more tangents.

This topic has been beaten to death.

The insistance by some that Radio Waves are Free and any router that sends out a SSID or whatever saying "Here I am, USE ME" are ignoring the fact that that router belongs to someone and should they turn it OFF there will be no FREE radio waves, so they must be controlled by someone and really not free, and NO SSID screaming "Here I am, USE ME"; so once again controlled by some "private" individual.

As we will not reach any agreement on this topic, and this is not a FREE site, but a privately owned and paid for site.............................Topic LOCKED!

How's that!
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