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ADHD, ADD, and why we can't get in rants......

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kubota99 said:
The only thing that is most probably make me get the letter saying that I'm unfit for the Forces, is that stupid sentence I said: "Oh I forgot to mention about this ADD stuff my parents got me diagnosed 5 years ago" If I hadn't said anything, he would of checked the "fit for service" box in his papers... ADD stroke once more...

Reference the text in yellow....it is not quite that simple.  You don't have to believe me, but maybe you will believe this.

Queen's Regulations and Orders, Volume II, Chapter 103, Section 2 Services Offenses.


We realize you are upset at the status of your application for the CF, it sucks.  But coming on here and arguing with forum members, well it isn't helping you any.  Think about it for a second, review some of your recent posts and ask yourself if what you are doing is helping your situation at all.

I suggest you relax some;  no one on this site is the reason your application was unsuccesful.  If you want help, why not ask for help from people on the appeal process, or "what options do I have from here?" kinds of questions.  Ranting and raving will change nothing.

I think there's a misunderstanding here...

I was always told that ADD wasn't a problem, and that bla bla bla, take this pill in the morning and you'll be like the others bla bla bla...

Now, the main reason I wrote "if i hadn't said anything" is that I thought it wasn't considered something medically important for CF... Then I told myself, wait you have prescription drug, so you should mention it, just so everything is in order...

And that's what I did... Never had I intended in lying, to top it off, when I wrote that, I might have been a bit ticked off by the fact that I just learnt all of this stuff at my medical exam this morning....

Anyways, I do not support, neither do I condone lying, lying to others is lying to yourself... And that's baaaad.

You're totally correct on this one, I wanted information about specific stuff, and as a matter a fact, was a bit ticked off yes.

Although my goal isn't to create an argument, I hate arguments, even if I create some here and there...

You sound like someone close in my family, makes me laugh quite a bit  ;D

Thanks for the  :2c:

The post is info for you and follow on readers, just so no one gets the idea that they can withold information, get in and nothing come of it after the fact.

It's kind of funny, as I'm pretty sure a good percentage of people I worked with had ADD, ADHD, or some other blatant behavioral problem. Including one fellow who had serious autistic symptoms and made it through training. No one took notice till he got to the regiment and couldn't function.  In all,  some were not aware of their issues, or were aware but refused to be tested or treated for it.

Eye In The Sky said:
The post is info for you and follow on readers, just so no one gets the idea that they can withold information, get in and nothing come of it after the fact.

I'm kind of new to this whole forums thing... I'm usually more a reader than a poster  :snowman:

Pieman said:
It's kind of funny, as I'm pretty sure a good percentage of people I worked with had ADD, ADHD, or some other blatant behavioral problem. Including one fellow who had serious autistic symptoms and made it through training. No one took notice till he got to the regiment and couldn't function.  In all,  some were not aware of their issues, or were aware but refused to be tested or treated for it.

This is interesting... I mean I know so many guys and girls that I swear have attention problems or whatnot, but aren't tested for anything! ADD, ADHD is such a vast subject, information regarding those conditions differ from one to another :(
Maybe you should just walk away from the keyboard for a bit, and come back when you have an idea of what your questions are.  But remember, nothing anyone says on here can change the decision made.

People might be able to offer advice on how you can appeal, if you can, etc.  There are retired and currently serving CF members who are experienced CF Health Services professionals.  They can offer advice, they can give you their opinion, but in the end, the person reviewing your file with all the facts is the one who will make the decision.

It is very easy to dig yourself into a hole in short order on this site, and I think you were headed there.  Relax.
I guess one of the symptoms is posting the same general thing over and over and over again.

Maybe next post, the Chief of Military Personnel or the Surgeon-General will be lurking on the site, and post, "oh, OK, you're in."

Yeah, well I have been thinking about what exactly are my options for the past half-hour, I'll try to ask the correct questions in the right sections if I do, and this is after speaking with my recruitment center!

Oh, and thankfully people like you exist, self-control is something everyone has, but the tolerance isn't the same for everyone depending on the situation... Thanks for helping out, really, I mean it! 

Eye In The Sky said:
::)  A tad bit late replying, or did you know the post you are getting your knickers in a knot about is from over 2.5 years ago?

Failing to meet entrance medical standards, for MILITARY service, is not discrimination.  The CF isn't Walmart.

I hadn't seen that reply! Yeah, sorry for reviving the topic... And you're right about that... It's just that I find it so unfortunate that they filter ADD's and all the other issues, but hey, I can't imagine a soldier being distracted by a squirrel or something during combat...
That made me smile :P

I won't bother you guys about this particular subject anymore.

I'll go through all the necessary steps, THEN if nothing, but really when I say nothing, I mean nooooooothing at all works out for me and the CF,  I'll ask myself this simple question: Why not try somewhere else?
This is interesting... I mean I know so many guys and girls that I swear have attention problems or whatnot, but aren't tested for anything! ADD, ADHD is such a vast subject, information regarding those conditions differ from one to another

Yup, but what is the difference between being a normal teenager and a kid with ADD ? It's not so black and white.

If ADD was really a problem then they would test people for it before they enter the military. However, if they did that I'm not sure how many applicants would be left. The reality is what was posted before, people who are diagnosed with it may require medication. Therefore it is a liability issue since they cannot guarantee people will get the medication they need. If you have ADD and are unaware of it, there is nothing to stop you from making it through the application process. So, ADD or ADHD itself  are not the stumbling block here, it is the diagnosis.
Thank you for your answer! That makes much more sense to me now... Because if an applicant doesn't know he has ADD or whatnot, there is no way one can figure it out right away!

So basically, I'll let the medics deal with my case, and make sure my doctor fills in the paperwork properly! I just have to cross my fingers and hope the best!
kubota99 said:
It's just that I find it so unfortunate that they filter ADD's and all the other issues, but hey, I can't imagine a soldier being distracted by a squirrel or something during combat...

I feel for you, I really do. I have been there and got that letter. I was an angry wreck. I don't have ADHD, but I was on two different heavy hitting tranquillizers for sleeping issues. I had my family doctor send in the letter saying I can function normally etc. But I was still rejected. That was exactly one year ago. So instead of being an e-thug, I got on board with a physician who was willing to oversee a safe and gradual taper off of the medication. I was once again a wreck (can't imagine I would have survived if that scenario played out in a hostile environment). But I went off of the medication and learned healthy sleep habits and how to cope with the stresses that would cause me to not sleep. I will be medication free (and totally healthy) for one year on December 30, and I start my basic training the end of Jan.

So my advice to you is this: take this as an opportunity to push yourself to become healthy (mentally and physically) without being dependent on medications. You will feel better if you can do this. ADHD is manageable without meds (not always the best solution though). Yeah this has set you back a bit, but if you really want it - it is yours. You know what you have to do. Don't bother with appeal, just make the decision that you are going to rise above this and show people who you are and who you are capable of being.
This made my day, and every single time I'll be faced to a rejection (if I get more than one), I'll come read your reply...

I think that this is going to allow me to finally get off the medication I'm currently on, as I don't really like the said meds... Personal stuff aside, thanks for the reply, really inspirational!

kubota99 said:
Why would they even refuse someone with ADD? It's not like if they where crazy or something...
All this because of medication to make me serious and not screw around

Are you trolling or do you really believe an environment with firearms, rocket launchers, explosives,  tanks, giant artillery guns, flying machines, medical components and heavy equipment isn't a big deal for someone with a condition that causes them to "screw around and not be serious"?
Not trolling, dead serious...

I totally agree that what you just said makes sense, but let's face it, I'm sure you like screwing around once in a while?

No I wouldn't screw around in the CF, like, I used to screw around in some classes where teachers would screw around as well, and I wouldn't be serious enough in certain classes where I wasn't interested... That's what I mean by "screwing around and not being serious enough"...

kubota99 said:
No I wouldn't screw around in the CF, like, I used to screw around in some classes where teachers would screw around as well, and I wouldn't be serious enough in certain classes where I wasn't interested... That's what I mean by "screwing around and not being serious enough"...

Yeah that should work out fine  ::)
kubota99 said:
I don't understand how one can say that... The CF makes you sign a paper, saying you will never discriminate anyone for any reason what so ever, and here you are saying that the CF discriminate the ones who aren't "fit" at their eyes to play in the sandbox...

Let's look at it this way, let's say you have blue eyes, and that blue eyes make you talk a lot, and seem distracted once in a while, but that in fact you aren't really... and the CF don't take blue eyed persons, well just because blue eyed people take medication juste TO BE NORMAL. Don't tell me that's not discriminatory! You don't NEED to take the meds, you won't die without them, you'll be yourself!

Anyways, I'm just so confused to why they don't take the time to see if yes in fact the ADHD is as bad as it sounds like. Some ADD's are as normal as non ADD's... They only talk a bit too much once in a while, and have sooooo many qualities non ADD's don't and will never have...

DSM-IV criteria

The DSM-IV allows for diagnosis of the predominantly inattentive subtype of ADHD (under code 314.00) if the individual presents six or more of the following symptoms of inattention for at least six months to a point that is disruptive and inappropriate for developmental level:

    Often does not give close attention to details or makes careless mistakes in schoolwork, work, or other activities.
    Often has trouble keeping attention on tasks or play activities
    Often does not seem to listen when spoken to directly.
    Often does not follow instructions and fails to finish schoolwork, chores, or duties in the workplace (not due to oppositional behavior or failure to understand instructions).
    Often has trouble organizing activities.
    Often avoids, dislikes, or doesn't want to do things that take a lot of mental effort for a long period (such as schoolwork or homework).
    Often loses things needed for tasks and activities (e.g. toys, school assignments, pencils, books, or tools).
    Is often easily distracted.
    Is often forgetful in daily activities.

I am glad for the discrimination!  God for bid someone experiencing these types of symptoms was protecting my freedom. Now back to my secret society where we wear robes, and burn effigies of ADD sufferers on a stick.....

