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ADHD, ADD, and why we can't get in rants......

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I have Attention Deficit Disorder and someone i know in the military recently told me that I would be unable to join the combat arms with this. I do take medication daily for it, however, i can still do everything without it, jus not always as well. I was wondering if someone could give me a straight answer about whether or not i could actually get in as either a part of the infantry or armoured units. i dont really wanna go to the recruiter and ask him, jus incase he says that i cant get in with it. if i cant get in with ADD, then i was jus not gonna let it be known that i had it.
Sorry, I've misunderstood you a little bit: do you have it now or did you have it? But anyways, there was a soldier in my unit who had slight ADD and it was a combat arms unit and he remustered to something in the regs last time I seen him. This is something that you cannot hide however, because you do take two medicals and that would probably show up during one of them.
To clarify: I do have it right now. I do believe that I am still quite capable of functioning normaly without any medication, however I do know that the medication does help me in lots of stuff such as school.
I wouldn't get your hopes up, they won't like the fact that you are on medication at all.  It wont really help your chances having ADD, my advice to you is that you wait till you are able to get off your meds, wait 6 months then apply if you still desire.  This is probably what you will be told if you do apply.

I don't think anyone here can answer your question.  As posted above, getting in touch with
the CFRC and continuing with your application process is the best thing to do.  Likely in
the medical part of the application process, the medical staff will ask you about certain
things and you may have to give your civilian doctor a form to fill out describing
your medical fitness.  Persevere and see how it goes.  Good luck.

If i have adhd...but havn't taking any meds for it well i stilll be able to join?
No one here can answer that question for you, thats between you, your doctor and your recruiter.
For the medical would it matter if someone has attention deficit disorder. Like is that something thats ok and u can still pass if u have that.

ChopperHead said:
For the medical would it matter if someone has attention deficit disorder. Like is that something thats ok and u can still pass if u have that.


I think that is something you have to take up with the med staff.

I don't know if this is the right place to put this but here goes. I'm currently enrolled as a student, working towards my trade. (SEM, they're sending me to school) Anyway, I've been noticing I'm having trouble focusing on my school work and a lot of other things that could be related to ADHD or something of the like. If that was something I brought up to the clinic could it affect my career? (Non combat trade) I mean, I have such a hard time focusing on anything school related and even laundry for example.
You've taken the first step. You've recognized you may have a problem. If you believe you have a problem, and don't report it, and it manifests itself, you place yourself and possibly others in jeopardy. We're not doctors here, the only ones that can answer your questions are the appropriate med staff where you are. Anything else could be wildly out in left field or damaging. Good luck.


Milnet.ca Staff
I received a letter in the mail today saying i don't meet medical standards due to being diagnosed with ADHD. Is there anything else I can do.. Or is that the final decision in essence?
Nathan21 said:
I received a letter in the mail today saying i don't meet medical standards due to being diagnosed with ADHD. Is there anything else I can do.. Or is that the final decision in essence?

I don't know much about your situation Nathan21 but I have come across the word ADHD before when I needed information regarding my medical.  Search for "ADHD".  Good luck.  :)
Nathan21 said:
I received a letter in the mail today saying i don't meet medical standards due to being diagnosed with ADHD. Is there anything else I can do.. Or is that the final decision in essence?

Go talk to the medical person at your CFRC/D and they can advise you.
Just thought I'd reply to this, because I had a similar situation,

However... I didn't have ADHD anymore... so you're wondering, what the hell am I talking about then?... Well

I thought I still had ADHD from before, they didn't fail me, they just asked for a psychological assessment, to see if my ADHD would have an impact on training... they deemed it wouldn't(Mostly because I didn't have it anymore).

Perhaps yours is severe... I don't know, but it really shouldn't give you a problem. Unless I'm stupid, and it does?