Ryango- When you're up in battalion, a normal work week will be 8-4 Monday to Friday. You'll spend more time than you'd expect sitting on your ***. You'll live maybe on base in military housing, or maybe in a place you buy or rent off base. The dog will run free and bark at the neighbours. Possibly the girlfriend too, if that's her thing. You'll come home in the afternoon, grumble about what some jackass did today, and she'll murmur sympathetic noises while thinking about whatever it is that she does.
And then a few weeks later you'll bugger off for a week or a month or a month and a half in the field. Maybe in Wainwright. Maybe in Virginia. Maybe in Norway. Maybe right there in whatever base you're in. You'll simply be off somewhere and largely out of touch.
Or you may be told one day that you're going on a course in some place or another, and again, off you go for a month to another part of the country.
And then every now and then some other part of the world will go to crap and you'll deploy.
There's plenty of time for family when you're at home in normal garrison routine, but it will be balanced out by long, and not always predictable times away.