Edit note: I just realized that people had "agreed" to not post in this topic anymore, so I‘m sorry if I started up the argument again. Don‘t feel obliged to reply. LOL. I just expressed my views.
Ummmmmm, okay, this is a rather interesting topic...
I think women should be treated the same way as men are, whether in times of peace or war. I mean, WTF is the point in having women in the infantry and not letting them go and fight on the battlefield? It‘s like telling them they can be trained and be in the infantry unit, but they still get to sit at home during the war. It‘s illogical. If you‘re not gonna allow women to fight on the battlefield during war, don‘t let them into the army in the first place. Both are sexist, but the former one is even more ridiculous. It just pisses me off when people say that women should be allowed to be trained and all that, but they shouldn‘t be allowed to fight.
At the point when a woman enters the army, she knows the dangers she would be facing in time of war. She‘s not a kid! I mean, just by saying that women should not be allowed to fight, you‘re treating us like children! :rage: And why is it worse if a woman is raped than if a man is raped? I mean, geez. It‘s the same thing. It‘s even worse in men‘s case, because of all the humiliation and repression it brings to the man with it.
I am a woman, and I want to have the right to choose what to do with my life. If I choose to die for my country, I should have the right to go and do it. Just because a small group of women in the army are concerned with being raped doesn‘t mean that you should disallow women to go and fight on the battlefield. So if a group of men come forward with such concerns too, your army basically goes down. LOL! Being in the military has risks, and if you‘re not up to the challenge, then too bad, you can always leave. But don‘t take others‘ rights away just cos you can‘t do something. That‘s one of the things I hate - and it‘s also in the psychology of some (if not most) men in the army - they don‘t like the fact that a woman might be considered as tough or even tougher than them.

It‘s not a competition, guys, it‘s cooperation. The army is teamwork, not individual work.
And don‘t tell me what I can do and what I can‘t do. Don‘t stereotype me and other women - I‘ve fought against 6 men at the same time, and they were all taller and bigger than me. And I was ABLE to fight them. So don‘t tell us that we are fragile and not suitable for fighting on the battlefield.
As to what pertains to rape:
"The reason was because they know that during war and in countries like Afghanistan and other middle eastern countries,when women are caught they are often raped over and over again."
Ummm, are you implying that middle eastern countries only do that? If I am not mistaken, POW rape happens all over the world. It has happened in Serbia, by Christians, it has happened in Lebanon during the civil war, it has happened in Vietnam, it has happened in all wars. You just have to read case studies on it. Fact is, everyone does it - Muslims, Christians, Jews, atheists, Arabs, Serbs, etc. God knows how much brutality POW during WWI and WWII have endured, including rape. And just for the record, the percentage of men raped is higher than the percentage of women raped during wars, taken proportionally, of course. I could cite a dozen sources to prove that. It‘s a form of debasement and humiliation, not of sexual desire. LOL. It‘s a form of spreading fear and terror.
Get your facts straight. Men and women are equal. Ergo, they should both be given equal chances and the same choices. Not to mention, there should be compulsary military service for everyone over the age of 18, because what happens during war is that all the men are drafted, and women are not, because they are considered to be slower learners. So you end up with an imbalance - all men leave for war, women stay at home... If women were also drafted, you wouldn‘t have to draft as many men as you do, and there would be less widows left at home with no income and no means of supporting themselves. As for a fair system of drafting, that‘s not the issue here, but it can be done.
Women are as strong as some men. Just because most women are not interested in joining the army doesn‘t mean that you should prevent other women from joining too, does it?