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AF Spouses

The comments pertained to the thread at hand because I was actually moreso interested in hearing from the other air force trades how their spouses cope, etc. Not just  from the pilot perspective... The point of my post was to moreso get other trades involved in the conversation.
murrdawg said:
The comments pertained to the thread at hand because I was actually moreso interested in hearing from the other air force trades how their spouses cope, etc. Not just  from the pilot perspective... The point of my post was to moreso get other trades involved in the conversation.

"While there seems to be a lot of information for spouses who would follow a pilot through training and operational deployments, what other Air Force experiences might spouses expect in other trades or classifications?"

You mean like that?
murrdawg said:
Mostly pilots.... what I meant.... I'm CELE myself, I'm just surprised there aren't more diverse support air force trades who are on this thread posting stuff as well.

The OP said his dream job was flying, implying he wanted info about how a Pilot's spouse dealt with the demands of the member's job. If you want to hear about other trades, then make your own thread or post a question instead of just trolling.
Good2Golf said:
"While there seems to be a lot of information for spouses who would follow a pilot through training and operational deployments, what other Air Force experiences might spouses expect in other trades or classifications?"

You mean like that?

Yes, thank you. I just approached it in I guess what was taken as an offensive way.
PuckChaser said:
The OP said his dream job was flying, implying he wanted info about how a Pilot's spouse dealt with the demands of the member's job. If you want to hear about other trades, then make your own thread or post a question instead of just trolling.

Then perhaps it should be labelled: Pilots Spouses, not AF Spouses..... From the name "AF Spouses" it is topic referring to any AF  spouses, not just pilot's..... It's like they teach on course, make a topic subject pertainable to the content.
murrdawg said:
Then perhaps it should be labelled: Pilots Spouses, not AF Spouses..... From the name "AF Spouses" it is topic referring to any AF  spouses, not just pilot's..... It's like they teach on course, make a topic subject pertainable to the content.

Thanks for the lesson professor  ::)
CDN Aviator said:
Thanks for the lesson professor  ::)

I'm no professor, just a peer to help proof read :P

Before anyone else comments on any of the other posts.... I get the point..... It was miscommunication on all fronts.....so no more on the topic.
I'll throw my 2 cents in here, I moved my wife to MJ and it worked out great, their are pitfalls and they have been covered here and other threads. Another and probably the best option - and I can't believe I am going to say this(because I despise the city) is after you complete basic/SLT take a posting to Winnipeg. A few of my friends did this and it worked out very very well.  Firstly your wife will be able to find some form of meaningful employment, you can stay there for you entire pre wing career which can be close to 4 years especially if you go RW/FW. During all training phases you are 45min(Portage) and 6ish hours from MJ so your wife is always accessible etc.
fireman1867 said:
I'll throw my 2 cents in here, I moved my wife to MJ and it worked out great, their are pitfalls and they have been covered here and other threads. Another and probably the best option - and I can't believe I am going to say this(because I despise the city) is after you complete basic/SLT take a posting to Winnipeg. A few of my friends did this and it worked out very very well.  Firstly your wife will be able to find some form of meaningful employment, you can stay there for you entire pre wing career which can be close to 4 years especially if you go RW/FW. During all training phases you are 45min(Portage) and 6ish hours from MJ so your wife is always accessible etc.


I did a short tour in Winnipeg and my wife and I really enjoyed it, notwithstanding all the 'horror stories' we had heard prior to the posting.  It even gave great material for my wife to recount 'war stories' to her friends on Vancouver Island about 'warming' her hands in the freezer because it was about 30 degrees warmer than outside.  ;D

For the original poster, try checking out some military wives blogs.  My wife has one and has gotten excellent reviews on it.  I won't post the link here (don't want the pee-pee slap) but if you would like the link, PM me.  Most of the wives who do this kind of thing use it as an emotional outpouring of sorts so your old lady can get a first hand account.

Although I am obvious partial to my wife's blog, tell her to read several different ones in order to get an accurate picture.

My wife is on the "Married to the CF" forum, what I consider the sister site to army.ca  It's a kinder, gentler site where spouses can discuss issues, ask questions and share knowledge and experience with each other.  She found it a great resource before and during my training and still frequents there.

That's all from me.
At the risk of reviving a dead thread, I'd like to add that the situation for PhII(G) in Portage has changed.  In the past, students had the option to be posted in to 3CFFTS but that is not the case as of last summer.  Too frequently, students were being posted without sufficient time to complete a HHT, sell their house and find adequate accom in Portage.  The rental market is 'difficult' in the city; the number of properties meeting a certain standard are few and students had found it difficult to find a place to live.  In some cases, students were arriving with insufficient time to conduct an unload/unpack before the course started.  So postings were ceased with new options provided.

Presently, a student can accept an IR move to 3CFFTS and live in accom at Southport (eating at the mess).  Or, in the case of a married student, he/she can accept a posting to Winnipeg and acquire accom in that city.  While on course, he/she stays in accom at Southport but the dependants remain in Winnipeg.  This provides a better range of accom and support (in Winnipeg) but keeps the student and the dependants closer.  On rare occasions, a student may be permitted to live outside the geopgraphical area of Winnipeg (and acquire accom in Portage).  The upside is that the student lives where he/she works; the downside is if that student ends up CT, his/her posting is still to Winnipeg.  As 3CFFTS is not established to accept long-term OJT, that would likely mean the student would be put in a post-CT OJT position in Winnipeg....and on their own dine to get there and back.

The bugs were still being worked out of this new policy when I left 3CFFTS in October 2011.  Unless things have drastically changed though, anyone going to PhII(G) should expect to live in shacks with their dependants either back at their original OJT base or in Winnipeg.
My best advice is that Portage/Moose Jaw is the least of your worries.  You need to think long term.  This is the first of many moves where your loyal family will have to leave friends, quit a job, move schools, live in a PMQ, lose money on a house, be separated etc, etc, etc.  They make do and chase your dream.  it is what military families do.  i echo those who have referred you to other forums as you have not begun to scratch the surface.  Easy question - complicated answer and one better asked of spouses, not mil members.  Just my 2 cents.
Hi All,

I really appreciate all the info on here. One post stated that most married guys do their OJT where their spouse is but what if there isn't a squadron to be posted to? Where I live we only have a Army Reserve unit. Moose jaw and the 408 squadron are equally close to my house so would I be posted to one of those?
If able, the CoC will try and help you stay close to family (if that's what you want).

I was recently posted at an airbase which is a ~3 hours down the road from home so I could gain relevant OJT. Due to personal circumstances and course time frames, I requested to be posted to an option closer to home (CFRC in this case), and it was approved.
Ok thanks for sharing your personal experience. My wife and I are expecting to be apart on OJT but it's good to know that there's a chance it could be limited. Are you on OJT right now? What were your wait times like?
I'm in same boat... DEO Pilot, about to head off to BMOQ, wondering aloud about first (and subsequent?) OJT periods.  I'm in northern BC, and there is NUTHIN' anywhere close to me in terms of DND facilities.  Guess my closest would be Comox, CFRC Vancouver (actually in New Westminster, my hometown), or Edmonton?  Yeesh...  either one is darn-near 12 hrs drive.

So far, the Plan is  (I know, I know... you wanna make God laugh, make a Plan) wifey stays put while I bounce around the country until Wings, then get first 'Posting' somewhere and move her-n-household along.  Saw on another thread on here that Pilot training backlog is essentially nil, meaning very (mercifully) short OJT periods.  That should work out fine...  With minimal time btwn courses, process should line up pretty darn close with youngest one's highschool graduation... Then we're portable!

But, Reality could have something different in store! lol!  Guess we'll see!

keep us posted id love to hear how it goes. i'm sure by now you got news for us to hear.