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Age Limits to Join

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No you're not. Between 17 and 52 (I believe) you can apply to the regular force. Search!

Wow Koss78a. How many times are you going to ask the same question in different threads? You are 27. You'll be fine. Head to CFRC on Monday and start the paper work.

SpottyJohn, as mentioned by others, you are within the age bracket - go for it!  Good luck!
I'm 29 years old, looking to change my career.  The Canadian Armed Forces looks like  a really nice career. Different from every day life. Just wondering if I'm to old? wish I had thought of this 5 years ago.
I imagine it's all relative to your level of fitness, what trade you wish to enter, any dependants that you may have...

Best bet if you are interested in joining is to call a recruiter.
I did a search of your topic line (with the exception of spelling 'too' properly) and found several threads on this topic.

I joined at 45, I will be 46 when I go to Borden in January. And I'm female. Some on this board would think I'm just a waste of time and resources, but I know I have a lot to offer my country and the CF. So I'm doing what I can to make it happen.

Agreed, the older one is, the more one might question one's own abilities... but 29 being too old? Talk to me in twenty years :D

Check this thread out too: http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/36125.0.html This guy was overweight and 10 years older than you, and he followed his dream. I guess it just depends on how much you want it and what you're willing to do to get it.

Good luck with your decision.
Just wondering if I'm to old?

Nope. It's been talked about in many other posts. Search on "age", "old" etc. and you may find motivation in some of the stories (as mentioned by NavComm.)

Fill out the app; you're only getting older.   ;)

Good luck!
My room mate is 51 years old. He runs further than I can and can do one arm pushups. In one of our PT classes where we had to each come up and give 1 minute of an exercise, he made us do diamond pushups then hold them halfway down and he outlasted pretty much everyone.

51 years old. Former RCR back in the Cornwallis days and now a clerk.
Steve said:
My room mate is 51 years old. He runs further than I can and can do one arm pushups. In one of our PT classes where we had to each come up and give 1 minute of an exercise, he made us do diamond pushups then hold them halfway down and he outlasted pretty much everyone.

51 years old. Former RCR back in the Cornwallis days and now a clerk.

Is he single? :D
Well, my husband didn't join until he was 28. Infantry at that, spent some time with the CAR, CPC, Skyhawks etc etc. Age won't hold you back, it's what's in ya that counts. You want it? Work for it and you'll do fine.
".. but 29 being too old? Talk to me in twenty years"

- My best years - fitness wise - were 30 - 35.  At twenty nine, you should have a lot of good years left in you yet.  There will be guys ten years younger than you moaning and dripping about how busted up they are.  You will be able to ruck them into the ground - if you want it.


I'm going back in, and I am 35. I knew a man who was in my QL3 and was 56 years old, so I guess as long as your able.
My question is am i told old?Can i stay up there with the young guys?I,m about to go Reg force Infrantry!..my friends that were in CF's say i,m insane at 35 to go infantry...they said Engineers and that Infrantry is twice the basic time as Engineers or armour?....Also if ever anyone has met a friend from BC...Cam Knight?..he was out 2000 i think...he was in armour....God bless Canada.....may she shine once again :cdn:
It isn't really about age per se: the fittest guy on my Basic Officer Training Course, by far, was 42 years old. I was 24 when I went through Inf School, considerably older than most of my peers. It is really about how fit you are, both physically and mentally.

As well, you should consider how you will enjoy living, for extended periods of time and at close quarters, with people about half your age.

A bigger problem may await you further down the road, as you gradually find yourself being looked at for "years left to serve" (we can't openly discriminate on the basis of age). Again, this is not a stone wall in and of itself, but it can make things more difficult.

Good luck.


Welcome to Army.ca.

This subject has been covered many times before.
Please use the "Search" function first. http://forums.army.ca/forums/index.php?action=search2
Also try over in the "Recruiting" Forum. http://forums.army.ca/forums/index.php/board,16.0.html

To locate a friend. Post here: http://forums.army.ca/forums/index.php/board,8.0.html

Lastly, please read the complete Forum Guidelines thread, before proceeding with you queries: http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/24937.0.html

I'm a 30 year old male thinking of joining the air force as a AVS tech. I was wandering I'm getting to old to join this type of trade. And is there many people joining the air force at 30. Thanks..
  I had the same question amonth ago as i am 29 and going into the army.. everyone told me that it is common to see people even 35 and sometimes 40 years old start BMQ. in the last 2 weeks I have seen 3 people in the CFRC applying older than us...

go for it!

Oh good another invigorating and thought provoking thread on age and joining the CF!  No you are not too old to join and yes many people are joining the CF in their thirties.