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Age Limits to Join

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You're not too old. Infantry does cause a lot of wear and tear, especially on the back and knees, so make sure that you're healthy enough to endure it. Sounds like you've hit a rut in your life and you're looking for a change, which is fine. It sounds like you're looking for your higher purpose in life and you know it's not your old job. But it's also probably not the infantry either. Just saying. Although you do get a certain sense of satisfaction from it that is hard to describe to civilians. Think hard about you really want, and why you want the infantry and CF. It's your life. You can do anything you want with it.
Your age isn't the problem.

Right now the problem for you is that the infantry is overmanned and from what I'm hearing (from reliable sources) the next fiscal year isn't going to be a good one for recruiting.

Not trying to be discouraging.....just being honest.

I am also considering joining. I think you are at this point(age) where you have to consider what you want out of this life.
Yes, countless nights thinking about it. To join or not to join: many variables in the equation
(family,standard of living, time constraint, values, feasibility, expectations, etc.).
Break this equation into a smaller ones. This could potentially add new questions to your process of thinking.
i.e. if standard of living significantly affects values, then new questions are added; for it also affects your expectations/family etc..
since standard of living is not a significant factor to me, I chose to treat it passively,and focus on values/time constraint
We all face different trade-offs.
Another option would be, talk to your current employer about allowing for time away for military training, and join the Reserve Forces. Part-time service, everything is cater to your speed and needs - many reservists are either post-secondary students or have other full/part-time jobs. Now, the Reserve Infantry unit's will likely have little to no openings for Infantry Soldiers (as previously explained) however they will have openings for other trades within the unit (Supply Tech, RMS Clerk etc.). An example of my situation; The British Columbia Regiment (at the time of my initial inquiry for enlistment) was the only unit in Lower Mainland BC that was hiring; and the only trade they had openings for was Armoured Recce Crewman (which was just what I was looking for too, thank goodness).

Think about it; talk to people, get as informed as possible and make sure that you choose the option that you feel is right and/or the best for you (I just don't want you to do something you'll regret later - as I'm sure many would agree with me).

Good luck!
You're never too old to do something you really want.  If you're 33 now, how old will you be next year if you join?  How old will you be if you don't?  Each day we get older and the time we have left gets shorter.  Don't waste it dreaming about what you should have done.  Just do it.
DAOD 5002-1, Enrolment


Effective 1 Jan 11.  See section on minimum age.
For simplicity:

Minimum Age

The minimum age to be eligible for enrolment varies.

To be eligible for enrolment as an officer, an applicant is required to have reached:

    * in the Reg F:
          o age 16, if the applicant is selected for education and training at a Royal Military College or civilian university; or
          o age 17, in any other case;
    * in the Res F:
          o age 16, if the applicant is selected for education and training at a Royal Military College;
          o age 18, if the applicant enrols in the COATS or the Canadian Rangers; or
          o age 17, in any other case; and
    * in the Special Force, age 17.

To be eligible for enrolment as a NCM, an applicant is required to have reached age 17, except for applicants in the COATS or the Canadian Rangers who are required to have reached age 18.

The consent of a custodial parent or legal guardian is required for the enrolment of an applicant who is under the age of 18 on the day of enrolment.

And, before anyone asks instead of looking for it: COATS is Cadet Organizations Administration and Training Service.
Good. Maybe in a year or two they'll start scheduling brigade exercises during the university break instead of the high school one.
On the one hand, it narrows our recruiting field, on the other hand, it's going to make teaching basic marginally more tolerable.
AJFitzpatrick said:
Just out of curiosity what is the Special Force?
A "Special Force" is one raised for a specific purpose, usually for a limited term of service.

The most notable within Canada is the Canadian Army Special Force (CASF) raised for Korea, although it's often applied to our Boer War contingents as well.

CanadianTire said:
Maybe they meant "Speshul Forshes?"  ;D
Ever wonder why people get told to STFU, or stay in their lane? No, probably never crossed your mind.  ::)

I can see the value of raising the minimum age for PRes as you're more likely to get people who have a bit more maturity and there is less of a wait for said people to be delployable.

On the other hand, allowing entrance at age 16 gives the new recruit one extra year of training, experience and working within the military. Chances are if they are lucky enough to get right into BMQ, BMQ-L and trades training without any extended breaks between courses, they may have a full year with their unit before being eligible to go on pre-deployment. The courses and time in the unit might help them mature quicker both personally and professionally.
AJFitzpatrick said:
Just out of curiosity what is the Special Force?

-- note singular ---

Read the National Defence Act.  It's quite remarkable what one can learn by the simple act of reading before asking questions that are clearly explained in legislation and regulation.
For disclosure, I'm not posted to NDHQ, and my knowledge of the Reserves is somewhat limited....

However, I'm doubtful that the tribal elders made this change with any consideration towards getting more mature reservists or adding training time to their age before deployment.

If I were a betting man (and I seldom bet on anything that can talk, skewing the game), I suspect the reason was to make Reserve enrolment just a bit more restrictive. With budget and personnel cuts announced and more to come, Reserve hiring will become even more limited -- why allow/encourage 16 year olds to be distracted from school any more than they are already?

Yes, I know all the benefits of Reserve employment of our youth, but I suspect NDHQ would rather encourage kids to stay in school and delay worrying about a career for an additional year.