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NS.Soldier said:
I do have an issue though. I am not sure if the army will let you get your GED through them, because my career path I have chosen is combat engineer.

If you could help me out by telling me if they let you go for your GED that would be greatly appreciated.
You can get your GED re-imbursed through the military.....but, in your case, the recruiter will still encourage you to finish high school.
  Hey Brad.....it's just one more year.  Really, I know school can suck sometimes, especially when your thoughts are elsewhere, so do yourself a favour and just finish and graduate. 
  Wouldn't you rather say you were a high school graduate( with honours maybe?) than say your gonna get your GED some day?  ( kinda reminds me of ricky from the trailer park boys saying hes gonna get his grade 10 some day, lol!)
  I'll be honest with you man.  I've met many people over the years, in all different trades and elements.  When I would ask them why they chose the trades they did or whatever, alot of times the answer was because they didn't have the high school requirements to really do anything else.  You can't even become a cook without a highschool diploma.  In other words, you limit your options by not at least graduating high school.
    I assume you want one of the combat arms trades.  Thats awesome, and you'll learn a ton.  However maybe in the future you'd like to go for a more technical trade?  Or maybe get a university education and become an officer?  They sky's the limit in the Forces, if you show the initiative and drive.
  Anyhow, I hope that helped you out.
Steve :cdn:
C.O.D hit the nail on the head. As a Recruiter I would tell you to finish High School. Not just get by but do well. It will only help. Go Reserve Combat Engineer. Three things will happen,

1) you will see if you really want that occupation,
2) you will gain valuable experience for when you do a CT; and
3) your mom will see how well you are doing and how much you like it and warm to the idea. Parents always want to see their kids happy.

BY the way tell her that it will take about 3 years to get your training done so your not going to go anywhere for a while.
Now, instead of waiting for single, sporadic responses to your question, a simple search of the forum will yield a myraid of similar queries and answers, for your perusal at leisure. Try that.

Milnet.ca Staff
hi all, i have searched and searched but could not find an answer to my question, and i would just like to know..

i would just like to know if it is possible to apply for more then one reserve unit, to improve chances of being accepted at at least one. If their is a thread that i could not find .. sorry, and could you please re-direct me to it.

Thank you for your help over and over again,


(i am also aware of the current recruiting stop-age until April 2010)
The normal process is for you to go a unit and see if they have any openings then go to the RC and apply for the occupation and unit. Of course you can apply for different trades if you want. Just check with the unit recruiter to see if they have a spot for you.

And yes you will have to wait a month of so until the new numbers come out.
sorry .. i meant to ask could i apply for multiple REGIMENTS.. like

i want to apply to more then one for the same trade to improve my chances.. sorry for the miscommunication
Like I said, if you go down and talk to the Regiment's Recruiter you will know whether to apply to that one or not. Usually here the Recruiter will tell the RC to expect you and we will process you for that Regiment.
As pointed out in other topics covering the process of joining the Reserves, the unit that you apply for will give you a letter accepting you as a new member.  You then take this letter, along with your CF application forms down to the CFRC.  The CFRC will not process your application without this letter.  As has happened in the past, prospective members have gone and gotten letters from more than one Reserve unit and then gone to the CFRC with them.  The CFRC will only accept one letter, so the prospective member must decide which letter from which unit they want to use in their application.  You can only apply to join one Reserve unit.
thank you george !

you are much help , i read many many topics and get a better understanding from your answers thank you.

I am turning 16 this coming May and am wondering about joining the reserves. My long term goal is to join the regular forces as a Infantry Soldier or an Armored Soldier, after high school. I'm going to be done grade 10 and am going to be 16, so i would be eligible for the reserves correct? Also i live in Grande Prairie, AB, is there a specific place i would have to move to in order to be part of the reserves or could i join than go back home and continue high school? Is there a group i would meet with on a regular basis? This is something i am seriously pursuing as a career(regular force) and would really appreciate any advice you guys could give me on this topic. Another question i also have is, is it a good idea to join the reserves now(at 16) and the regular forces later(after high school)? or should i just wait until after high school and go right into regular force?

Thank you for your time in looking over this thread.
~Walter~ :cdn:
The criteria for joining the P.Res can be found here:

http://www.army.forces.gc.ca/land-terre/joining-enroler/rfep-pefr-eng.asp (Enjoy the links on the left hand side)

As per joining, you will have to pick a P.Res unit in your area and initiate a file with them. This usually consists of a meet & greet and inquiring on whether or not there are any positions open. If there is, you will be given a letter of recommendation which in turn you will bring to your local CFRC to begin your paper work.

Units in your area: http://www.army.forces.gc.ca/land-terre/units-unites/index-eng.asp
CFRC: http://www.army.forces.gc.ca/land-terre/joining-enroler/eligibility-admissibilite-eng.asp <--- Ensure you have the supporting documentation if you want to speed up your process a little.

Per meeting up with "the group", most reserve units have PAT pl's that parade with the qualified pers one night a week, and with the possibility of 1-2 field ex's a month. Inquire with your chosen unit's recruiter.

Joining the P.Res while in high school isn't a bad idea, it may give you a taste of what the real world is without your Saturday morning cartoons ;) Regardless, stay in high school and if you can, attend a post-secondary school before you make your decision to go Reg.F...

Good Luck,
OK as it is, i am 16 i just turned it march 22nd, i have 12 high school credits, will get 4 more at the end of this school semester. I am very interested in the ARMY reserves , actually i have been since about 14 years old. I basically worked and worked thinking i would need to be in crazy physical shape. In doing so the shape i got into helped me with sports. I want to do my BMQ and SQ this summer, because during the fall i could potentially either be playing Jr. B hockey or Major Midget AAA. If anyone knows anything about minor hockey on this page you'll know its not something you wanna just let go and drop..  But the thing is I'll only get my credits at the end of the school year, late June. But i need to do it during the summer.. and i can't do it the following year do to Jr. B lacrosse. so like please if anyone can please help me and tell me a way i could possible get in this summer, any idea's i could commit to, id do another branch if i have to then switch if its possible.. just i need help, i need to make this a solid plan before i get lost.

Thank you,


PS: I also live in southern Ontario if that helps with anything
OK as it is, i am 16 i just turned it march 22nd, i have 12 high school credits, will get 4 more at the end of this school semester. I am very interested in the ARMY reserves , actually i have been since about 14 years old. I basically worked and worked thinking i would need to be in crazy physical shape. In doing so the shape i got into helped me with sports. I want to do my BMQ and SQ this summer, because during the fall i could potentially either be playing Jr. B hockey or Major Midget AAA. If anyone knows anything about minor hockey on this page you'll know its not something you wanna just let go and drop..  But the thing is I'll only get my credits at the end of the school year, late June. But i need to do it during the summer.. and i can't do it the following year do to Jr. B lacrosse. so like please if anyone can please help me and tell me a way i could possible get in this summer, any idea's i could commit to, id do another branch if i have to then switch if its possible.. just i need help, i need to make this a solid plan before i get lost.

Thank you,


PS: I also live in southern Ontario if that helps with anything

SOMEONE, put this in another topic that was locked, how am i suppose to get help in something no one can respond to?.
If the topic was locked it was for a reason.  I took a quick look thru your previous thread/questions and it seemed to me that you asked alot of the same questions that were answered in that thread.

If the Mods lock up your thread and you just re-post it, you will likely find yourself getting a "don't do that again" reaction.

canadasyouth said:
SOMEONE, put this in another topic that was locked, how am i suppose to get help in something no one can respond to?.

Just a question for ya.

When you are doing a project in school, that requires a bit of research, do you go out in the hall way after class, holler out the question of the project and demand people to walk up to you and give you the answers?

I know that you are the first person to come to this site, and ask  recruiting questions, however, I heard the search function does work.




milnet.ca staff
Hello all,

I am 27 years old, I have worked since I was 13 years old. I have worked for a mojor bank for around 5 years. I have completed my highschool and recieved my diploma. After 5 years in the financial industry I decieded it was not meant for me. My fathers family consist of RCMP and military. I recently decieded that I want to join the military, I have a couple friends in there right now and from my research I believe this is something that I would love to do. I am looking to take the trade " Communication Research operator". I am recently engaged and just bought a home, so I have some question first about my decision.

1) is 27 years old to late to join ?
2) I have alot of work expierience but no college or university ? will this not allow me to get into my trade ?

Any advice would be very much appreeciated, I am about to hand in the application. I really would love to be in by september.

Thank you

Cory [
I know its Friday, I on leave and sitting the in sun on my couch (effectively brain dead) but...what *did* you want to say in your post???

27 is not too old to join by a longshot. In the Forces, you are limited primarily only by your physical and mental capabilities, and of course by the requirement that you be 17 years of age, or older. I have read about people that are 40, 49, and 50 that have passed the CF Express test and have been accepted into BMQ (Basic Military Qualification, or "basic training"). I am 33 and have applied to the Forces.

In the CF, there are careers with education requirements, and others without. The career you mention, "Communicator Research Operator", has a minimum requirement of Grade 10 / GR3. If you have your High School Diploma, you can apply.

One last piece of advice: never post an entire message using Strikethrough. Humans are contextual readers, we need those middle lines and curves to know what you are trying to communicate.  ;D