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Air force ATIS tech

  • Thread starter Thread starter Crazymike
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ATIS Tech ... best job in the world ... (well ... at least the best job out of all my previous employment)

The trade offers spec level 1 pay.  To get spec pay, it involves aquiring QL5 and rank of
Corporal in this MOS.  Best ask the CFRC for the most current information.
Can I also assume that most of the equpiment you guys use are way more modern and newer than the stuff I saw on the ATIS Tech video from the DND site? From the looks of it I think the video was made in the early 90s.
Yes the video and some of the terms used are dated.  Depending on the systems, you'll find
a mixture older legacy equipment, contemporary, and cutting edge systems.  Each unit supports
various systems and it depends on their taskings and what section you may find yourself.

Generally, deployable kit, secure communications, special or disposable systems have shorter
life cycles and may be changed, modified, upgraded sooner.  Other systems, usually larger,
dispersed, and fixed in location, have longer life cycles and could come from another era. 

The radome in the beginning of the video may still be found on CF airfields.  Its dated,
but the concepts of the antennas and reflectors today or thirty years ago haven't changed. 
Data processing and display systems associated with the same piece of kit has been updated. 
Rather than using old analog radar scopes, ATCs may use LCD screens and see everything
on one display system.

Sat comm may converge telecommunications networks involving radio, IT, fibre, telephony,
video, and link various locations all over the globe using modern equipment.

You may find older air-ground air (AGA) radios in service.  The older units require
more regular maintenance, but you can repair and tune them easily.  Newer radios are more
relaible, but if they break down, the units are not field repairable and need to be swapped out
completely.  Sparing becomes more critical.  Balance of things

The ATIS trade is quite broad and covers a huge range of equipment in many settings.  Its not
a job like in a Nortel manufacturing setting where the tech deals with cutting edge electronics
and comms systems everyday.  However, not many civy techs are exposed to radar, telecommunications,
airfield, radio, IT, PBX, converged networks, crypto all in a single day.

Any ATIS Tech's on here?  Just wondering what life after BMQ will look like...

After BMQ, you'll find yourself in Kingston for trades training; POET and QL3. POET is basic
electronic and communications theory.  QL3 is product training on equipment you'll most find
out in the greater military world.  If the technical assessors find your background and education
is QL3 equivalent during the recruiting process, you may be directly posted to your first unit
after BMQ.
Although old, this post and a few others have helped me immensely.

It is almost time for me to chose my preferences for posting for my 4s. As I have waited almost a year between my POET and 3s doing OJE, I finally got to experience many facets of the trade. I found that I quite enjoy almost everything an ATIS tech does except for help desk. I was wondering if anyone has any suggestions on how to avoid ending up with a posting that will have me often based in such a position (I realize I cannot avoid it entirely as it is a required part of my 4s).

I am also not a big fan of the PC maintenance area but it is better than help desk work. I am neutral on net ops stuff. Everything tech maintenance, radar, coms, telecom (kinda defunct it seems), AV and airfield is great. Let me connect something, physically troubleshoot it, or open it up and I am a happy man.

Typically, so far I have found that as long as I do a really good job, I am asked to stay where I am but the tricky part seems to be getting initially placed somewhere to make that reputation for myself (I have to be careful too. For example, I was really good with ACIMS/SharePoint and had to fight tooth and nail to avoid constantly getting tasked to working on it).

Based on what I read here and info given to me by others in the trade, it seems that I should request to go to a base with an airfield like, Comox, Cold Lake or Trenton. I can also request specific unit if that can perhaps help me avoid the dreaded help desk. I can find information about what each squadron does (http://www.rcaf-arc.forces.gc.ca/en/wings-squadrons.page), but I am having trouble finding what specific and/or unique roles that ATIS techs do within different squadrons (I found browsing available postings for ATIS techs on the DWAN to be the most informative so far).

Any tips, tricks, useful DWAN links or advise I should keep in mind before I pick my posting preferences would be greatly appreciated.