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Air Force's CADPAT name-tag & rank

  • Thread starter Thread starter Yard Ape
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I know this is off the topic of cadpat name tags and rank, but it does stem from the discussions above. I checked out CFP 265, CF Dress Regs. to see what they had to say about headgear for the Air Force. It seems that berets are OK for Service Dress and flying clothing, which is fine, but it also seems that the Wedge Cap may be approved for wear with the cadpat?!? although the regs. don't mention cadpat by name.  Excerpts:

The 2005 CF regs, the latest avaliable edition, does not refer to cadpat, but it does refer to Field Combat Clothing. It states that the following non-operational headdress may be worn if the situation permits, and are the norm for the unit outside of field operations: Beret, Wedge Cap, Turban, Balmoral, Glengarry

The following non-operational headdress may be worn with flying clothing: Wedge Cap, Beret, Turban, Balmoral, Glengarry, Caubeen, Khaki Tam-o-shanter and Tuque

For Air Force No. 3 Service Dress (it refers to 3E as an exception): Cap/Hat Service, or Beret, or Wedge, or Tuque, or Turban

Many years ago after a conversation with a very very senior AF type . I came awayutterly convinced that  the raison de' atre for the airforce was flight pay. No more no less .This thread only reinforces that view.
I can only hope that one day very soon that changes Maybe membership in Army.ca should be a job requirement  for AF Chief of Staff or perhaps the ruxted group should be allowed to vet the choices?

GK .Dundas said:
. I came awayutterly convinced that  the raison de' atre for the airforce was flight pay. No more no less .

Yes, that must be it.  I go to work every day to fly a 26 year old airplane for 10-12 hours just for my $274 a month in flight pay  ::)
air-ops said:
...the following non-operational headdress may be worn...Beret, Wedge Cap, Turban, Balmoral, Glengarry
Well, I don't know Loachman yet, but I'd love to see Duey in a Balmoral..and flight suit...with or without kilt  ;D

(clearly I have nothing of value to contribute to this otherwise valuable thread  ::) )
My preferred hat to date has been the plain old green beret that I started with. I've no interest in wearing those other funny hats, or kilts. All power to those that do wear them, but they're not for me.
Journeyman said:
Well, I don't know Loachman yet, but I'd love to see Duey in a Balmoral..and flight suit...with or without kilt  ;D

When I dug out the dress regs I was surprised to see the variety of headgear approved for wear with the flight suit. It was puzzling, but now it makes sense. That's why Tac Hel wanted a 2 piece flight suit - so they could wear their kilt and balmoral on the flight line. A bit breezy, but those Tac Hel guys are tough.

I wonder if the people who write the dress regs ever served anywhere except in their office - that's assuming that they are in the CF in the first place.
I can echo that many of the tac-hel concerns about kit exist in the MH world, too.  It took over ten years of deploying to the Gulf, flying in 40-50C temperatures, to convince anyone in authority in the Air Force that wearing a blue WOOL flight suit was maybe not appropriate.

It seems that, until some item of flying kit becomes a problem to a fighter pilot, it is just not an Air Force priority.  And I have about given up on writing UCRs.  I'm tired of people who do not have one operational flight hour in my helicopter (or any helicopter) refusing to staff my UCRs.

The system is pretty broken, IMHO.
aesop081 said:
Yes, that must be it.  I go to work every day to fly a 26 year old airplane for 10-12 hours just for my $274 a month in flight pay  ::)
Do'nt shoot the messenger  :oThe coversation took place in the early nineties.The guy in question without a doubt at least in my mind was an utter idiot.
He spent most of the conversation slagging  Navair any form of support for the army etc. quoted the Red Baron once or twice.
I had just spent the last six months it seemed running to every moron in a Airforce uniform for some strange reason.I was at the time really starting to wonder about CF recruiting standards
In recent years I seem to be running into cream of the crop so to speak.The guy in question
I don't know what happened to my posting(s)?? After that conversation and my other run ins during that previously mentioned 6 month period. I felt very saddened by what appeared to a be a service that had lost it's way . It had become more concerned with externals then with doing the Job.
And while there may those still who are more concerned about the  colour of your t-shirt. I feel better knowing that there are people like all you who post here who have never forgotten that it's the defence of the country that matters.
I feel very privileged to be allowed to post here and at times a little humbled. Take bow Duey, aesop, loachman etc. you guys have earned it! :salute:
                            Gordon Dundas
Mods...chose this board as it's more AF related than army but feel free to move it to the appropiate board, like you need my ok :P

Well....we got the new AF rank slip-ons....bloody horrible IMO but  now we won't hear the complaining about not getting saluted from 50ft away. Let the snickering begin....at least until these things fade with a million washings



I'll be waiting for the CANAIRGEN and amendment to the CFP-265 before I put that clap-trap up.

Hold out!!!.......here in tachell, 408 anyways, we(aircrew for now, rest to follow shortly) have to have them up by friday. They'll look really nice once we get the cadpat flying clothing.......god, what a waste of money.
How un-switched on looking.

Don't suppose the option to wear a normal CADPAT one will happen.


Why why why can't there just be one simple friggin standard?

I saw an officer wearing one on his CadPats today. Was wondering to myself what the hell he was doing wearing an OD slip-on. Thought maybe he'd put on the one for an OD jacket or something...now I'll just laugh at people...Inside, though  ;)
Next they will say that we are going back to coloured badges on the flightsuit !!

What a freakin waste. 
Simple fix would have been to use a lighter blue intermixed with the darker suff. 
But a LOGICAL fix would have been to go back to the original green embroidery on CADPAT.

The a** f**ce needs therapy.

We only just got CADPAT and blue unit titles for the CADPAT slip-ons, so they're already out-of-date. One wonders what that's cost the taxpayer.

I think that my blood pressure's up a bit...