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All Things CF Firefighter (merged)

  • Thread starter Thread starter Stephanie
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I've been reading all the info on this site about the firefighter trade. I leave at the end of June for basic training and I'm wondering when do they run firefighter courses. How long could I be in a pat Paton, I live in Ont, So can I request a pat Paton close to home. Will I get sent to Borden for training to be close to home. I have to small kids. I see they have been sending others to New Foundland, do you have a choice?. I also see that they are looking at the firefighter trade has anyone heard what has come of the review. Any info you could add would be great. Thanks
Hello to all,
Does anyone have any information on the next QL3 course? I've just been accepted to the firefighter trade, (remuster from sigs) and I'm pretty anxious to begin :)
I was going to create a new thread but thought i might as well continue in this one. What are the vision requirements for the 651 trade? It does not list it on the website like other trades, and the recruiting office just told me I need to speak to medical staff. From what I understood it was V3 ? Which is like 20/80 or something, correct?

p.s. From reading about the med tech trade and the fire ftr... it seems that the qualifications for fire ftr seem to transfer over to the civie world more easily. However, both trades seem to do a lot of sitting around and retraining, etc, compaired to their civie equivalent (which tends to utilize the learned skills more). Is this correct? I want to make sure the assessment I've created from these posts, and others, is corretc.
I will give more info on the trade after the Holidays. The Career manager will be going on his annual visit of the units and I should be able to give a good status of the trade.


FF for 28 years
scouthern said:
Sorry meant to say (reservist2be) just waiting for a swear in date. But after I am sworn in, I was just wondering if I could put my name on the waiting list for firefighter?

You'd have to ask yourself if you're 3 years into a 4 year degree program, and you got the call for Firefighter and had to quit school, would you? Put your name on the list when you're ready to make the complete commitment. Strange things happen in the Army with waiting lists, you could get called earlier than you anticipated.
The trade is in high demand, in average the intake is 80 new recruits a year. They are also looking at members who have prior training to Firefighter level 2 on the civilian side, and those pers can be course loaded sooner than normal as this will not require a full QL3 course to qualify those members. The Academy has just gone through the full rewrite of all the trade qualification levels thus producing new courses.  The Academy in Borden started to outsource some level 3 training and some courses are given in Newfoundland, 20 students per course for a duration of 150 or so training days. The Academy is presently running 2 QL3 courses with the new training program whit a duration of 150 or so training days. Graduates should receive: Firefighter 1001 Level 1, Level 11, Driver operator 1002, Airport Firefighter 1003, Hazmat 472 Awareness, Ops, and Tech. I will post more info in the New Year.

I'm actually interested in this trade myself and plan on going to the CFRC to possibly re-enroll after i get lasik done next week.  I was thinking about doing this as a civilian at first but then i thought about all the opportunities plus the top notch paid training of course. I'm just hoping there are some openings to fill for this trade.
Some info on the trade status.

2008 has seen many changes in the way we do business in all environments, especially within the Army and Navy.

On the Naval side, the introduction of the Rapid Attack Team has been approved by the Damage Control Advisory Committee Working Group and a Damage Control Instruction has been issued that instructs all ships to implement. This means that our Firefighters are doing what they are paid to do, fight all the fires. This has been in the works for many years and has finally come to fruition. Thanks to all the key players.

On the Army side, our personnel that have and are serving with Task Force Afghanistan have done excellent work. Our mission has changed, an argument that we have made for the last two years, they have the new Deployable Fire Fighting Unit mounted on an HLVW as well as the new extrication packages. There are currently personnel in TFA and other in Mirage.

Manpower continues to be an issue and we have staffed an increase of personnel to the Air Force based on a three year phase in. Although not approved yet, there is a light at the end of the tunnel and the additional personnel will allow for better manning levels to continue support of operations, both domestic and abroad. On the civilian side, attrition as the ranks get older is causing a ripple and some locations are also having issues hiring.

Attrition on the CF side remains high (about 12.8%) but in reviewing the numbers, it is no less than we could expect, about a 50/50 split of retirees and non annuitants. Recruiting is good and the two QL3 pilot courses are in the school house and will be graduating in the spring providing another 40 personnel. Replacements are never an issue, only the qualifications.

That said, new training towers will be delivered to locations. At the same time, a complete rewrite of the C-98 on training areas should be completed by 1 Apr and will assist in planning requirements. The next step, and one that we have started to lobby for funding, is to install ARFF training pits at most locations with ARFF resources. This will be the perfect step in rectifying manning requirements by allowing the Platoon Chief to train an individual on a specific vehicle and to then witness their capabilities on a live fire. From there, a PC may allow a QL3/4 to operate an ARFFV.

strauss said:
Hello to all,
Does anyone have any information on the next QL3 course? I've just been accepted to the firefighter trade, (remuster from sigs) and I'm pretty anxious to begin :)

Feb 11Th is the next short course, May 11Th is the next long course, then Aug 17Th is the only one left open for the year for the year, Feb and May are both full. These dates are subject to change at any time. There are alot of firefighters sitting on PRETC right now in Borden waiting, 40-50 give or take a few.
Hello all, i am new to the forumm.  I have a few question that have been already answered but the were answered along time ago.. I have applied for CF Fire Fighter and was told by the recruiter that I would have a good chance, b/c of the time that i am applying since the fiscal year is April 1 2009.  Now I'm a full-time volunteer firefighter with hazMAT OPS level, DZ licence, confined spaces, and have my diploma for firefighter from the Ontario Fire College, I have been on an auto ex team as well as I have Basic Life Support Pro with defib. I have been a volunteer for 3 years and i am a licenced oil and gas tech.

I was in cadets for 7 years and was on staff at CFB Trenton as CWO for the cadets.

Now was the recruiter just playing with me or do i really have a chance.

I recently passed the CFAT and was told that I passed for all occupations plus officer and now i have my interview and Medical on March 9th.

Now I love the job and all aspects and as for the signing term i would sign for 20 years if i could.. And i don't really see me in a city department, just not the life style that i want. I love the military lifestyle and the opportunity that exists within it.

thanks ahead for all your thoughts. 
Spec pay.
The submission is to be submitted this year as well as the new Terms of Service. More to follow.
There are never many openings in any year and the level of competition is extremely high.  Effectively the number of applicants already completely processed and waiting is such that we are able to meet our requirements almost immediately upon entering the fiscal year.

thankyou for the info, i had a sneaking suspicion it would be like that, i guess it would probably be best fo a guy to put in another trade for a few years and possibly transfer trades when ure commitment is over?
The normal annual intake for the fire trade is between 60 and 80 new members.
Hope this will help, the trade is in great demand and never had problem with recruiting. The more qualification you have in the trade the chances will be in your favor. If you have firefighter lvl 1 and lvl2 NFPA recongnise this wold help.
so apparently they have filled there need for the year according to the calgary recruiting office