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All things Joint Sigs Regt/JSR (merged)

There is a bad cycle that happens at CFSCE, and it really boggles my mind. Instructors get %#$@ on their course. They come back, instruct a course, %#$@ their students. It generates a bad view towards the trade, and starts QL3 students who want to be there off on a bad foot. Maybe its because we're short-handed so people get forced to teach, I dunno. Think on it when you become an instructor, and don't do the same things. Inspection parades are a good thing, if they teach a lesson that can be easily grasped by students. Screwing people over just for the sake of doing it and feeling important is the wrong way to go, and I've been lucky thus far in having course staff (both being taught to, and teaching with) that understand that point.

Theres a lot of downtime because people keep saying "we need this" in the QL3 package, when its really only used at a handful of units. 117F should be on the TP soon, as its installation in vehicles will be part of CR2 phase 2, which just finished trials in Valcartier. I really hope you put all of your ideas into the course critique, and didn't say "$@#$ it, someone else will fix it", because really, it'll be the same old song and dance with MES, except 3 trades will get screwed instead of just us.
I don't even know where to start here, a lot has been covered by PuckChaser.

The QL3 IS a baseline course. The trades is so widespread that there's NO way you'd be able to cover all of it in under a year. That's where OJT and supplementary courses come up. As far as the underlying mentality of the courses, I'm not going to disagree with you. Many Sig Ops hate CFSCE and the attitude that is often portrayed by Staff (not all of the staff). How will that change? It will take people going to the school to teach, with it in mind to actually teach, as opposed to bully knowledge into you.

As far as your course having tonnes of useless downtime...on that point, it ain't just CFSCE, it's the Army. That one, you'll just have to get used to living with.

Now, as far as not using any of what you learned in your C Tp (I'm assuming IS). It'll be a steep learning curve, especially if you've never really done any IS type work before, but there will be senior people who will show you the basics, and there are a LOT of courses that you will be able to take, and you will be sent on quite a few. As much as I hate IS, it's a lot of good knowledge to have.

As far as faster Cpls in Edmonton. I don't know if this has changed recently or will, but there was a policy to lean towards Advance Cpl Promotions (I'm not going to say automatic 3-year Cpl) to offset for the high cost of living in Edmonton, the lack of single and married quarters, and lack of PLD. Now there's a PLD and the housing market is dropping. I think we may see the Advance Cpl Promotions go back to being earned, as opposed to being a means of offsetting financial difficulties.

Now, none of this sidetrack really answered the OP's question about what Bde Sig Sqn's do, so I'll try to do that in another post.

I've got a little downtime, so I'll try to give the OP a little insight on the Sig Sqn job.

First off, you have to understand the role of the Brigade HeadQuarters and Signal Squadron. It's job is to provide, maintain, and protect the tools that allow the Commander the Command and Control of his force.

In the Sig Sqn, as a posting, there are three or four possible jobs (I'm going to be pretty general here, because none of the HQ+Sig Sqn's are exactly the same).

You have your TacRad troop, postings generally being a member of a Rad Det, doing Radio Rebroadcast, or running the Extension Kit's of the various networks, using line of site or Satellite comms systems.

Then, you have your Command Post troop, who will set up, operate, and assist the Headquarters staff in running everything.

With the growing trend, there is now also an IS troop, who run networks, work on computers, offer a helpdesk, and generally troubleshoot anything with an IP address.

Finally, not typically a first posting, the Sqn HQ Tp, may run a small Sqn Radio Det, and assist in the actual running of the Squadron.

This is pretty general, but typically what you'd do one getting posted to a Sqn off your QL3's.
Thanks that helps alot. another question. Is there any extra kit we get issues on QL3 or OTJ specifically for Sig Ops that we dont get issues at BMQ or SQ?
phionex said:
Thanks that helps alot. another question. Is there any extra kit we get issues on QL3 or OTJ specifically for Sig Ops that we dont get issues at BMQ or SQ?

I was issued a C9 for the field-ex on my QL5s, but that's just cause I was a smartass.

Not really. Any specialised kit would be used when part of equipment kits, not issued to you personally.
Beadwindow 7 said:
I was issued a C9 for the field-ex on my QL5s, but that's just cause I was a smartass.

Not really. Any specialised kit would be used when part of equipment kits, not issued to you personally.

So does that mean the C9 is a piece of kit you do want on a field EX or a piece of kit you don't want on a field EX?  ;D

Serious Question tho
Beadwindow 7 said:
I was issued a C9 for the field-ex on my QL5s, but that's just cause I was a smartass.

Not really. Any specialised kit would be used when part of equipment kits, not issued to you personally.

They also gave us M72s on the same exercise...

"Hey, where's that M72?"

"Um, it's secure sargent."

"I haven't seen it since we left, you didn't loose it did you?"

"It's secure"

"Where is it?"

"It's under the rest of the kit under the bench seat. If the officers see it, they'll expect me to carry it around."

"Oh. Good idea. As long as it's secure."
Hodgson92 said:
So does that mean the C9 is a piece of kit you do want on a field EX or a piece of kit you don't want on a field EX?  ;D

Serious Question tho

If you want a whole lot more weight for ammo and weapon, combined with the difficulty compared to the C7 to sling to your back for det setups, it's totally something you want. If you're doing IBTS and are patrolling for a weekend, grab it if you feel you want it. Its much more fun to fire that than the C7 with blanks.
That about sums up this lecture.  phionex can read all about the Trade in the topics that have so far covered every question (s)he has asked.

Can anybody tell me what building on CFB Kingston the JSR is located?
If memory serves me, go past the 1 Wing HQ building...look to your 11 o'clock;  can't miss it.
It's on the north side of Craftsman Boulevard, near Lance St. Craftsman is the main road on the base and runs off both Highway 2 and 15, and JSR is the largest building in that area - it may often be said, but in this case it's true - you honestly cannot miss it. (If you get to the range and people are shooting at you, you've driven too far east and missed it)
CFJSR is located in two buildings.  RHQ, 1 Sqn, 3 Sqn and parts of 1 Line Sqn are located in Bldg E-37 while Sp Sqn and 1 Line Sqn HQ are located in Bldg E-30.  If you are coming from the gate by the museum, follow the road around to the left, past CE and 772 Res EW Sqn.  Take the first right.  E-30 will be on your right with E-37 in behind it.
40below said:
It's on the north side of Craftsman Boulevard, near Lance St. Craftsman is the main road on the base and runs off both Highway 2 and 15, and JSR is the largest building in that area - it may often be said, but in this case it's true - you honestly cannot miss it. (If you get to the range and people are shooting at you, you've driven too far east and missed it)

Exactly.  It is a very, very large blue and grey building, with lots of large doors, lots of satellite dishes sitting on the lawn, lots of big green army trucks parked out back and a large sign on the front saying who they are (Subject to change).  If you miss it, just ask for directions to the Curling Rink.  It is just behind it.
I was wondering this:  What exactly is going on these days with CFJSR in Kingston?  My last posting before getting out was 1 CSR (as it began the transformation to 1 CDHSR) and I know it was amalgamated with 79 Comm Gp when it was transformed into the Joint Signal Regiment after 1 CDN DIV HQ became CFJHQ.

Now that CFJHQ has gone BACK to being 1 CDN DIV HQ, what happens now to CFJSR?  Go back to being 1 CDHSR or what?
The rumour mill has 1 Sqn of JSR moving to Tac Rad role again and supporting 1 Can Div HQ as the Sigs Sqn, and 3 Sqn as the NCCIS/Strat comms Sqn for the CF. Someone instead the Jimmy Hive can probably confirm or deny.
murrdawg said:
And there's talk of them bringing back 2 Sqn

2 (EW) Sqn was separated as its own Sqn, and now is 21 EW Regt comprising 2 EW Sqn and 772 EW Sqn (PRes). CFJSR would need to rename to Canadian Forces Joint Signal Brigade to absorb 21 EW back into the fold, and I'm willing to bet that will never happen as long as the Army thinks it needs a full EW Regiment.