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Allergies in the CAF 2003 - 2015 [Merged]

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I'm so scared to be rejected that I'm seriously thinking about hiding it, but I know that if they find out, I'd be in serious trouble. I want to be in the army so bad, I'm thinking about this damn allergy 24/7. I think it would be really stupid to reject me for this, because I don't think bananas are the main ingredient of a combat engineer's daily food and can be easily avoided!
garneau26 said:
Anybody here knows somebody allergic to a fruit in the army?  ???

I have lots of buddies who suffer from this affliction...

Unless you mean fruit, like, from trees and whatnot  ;D
garneau26 said:
I think it would be really stupid to reject me for this, because I don't think bananas are the main ingredient of a combat engineer's daily food and can be easily avoided!

Thankfuly, the CF has a medical system to make those decisions and we dont have to rely on what you "think".
@ CDN Aviator
I know, I'm just saying my opinion and my worries because this is what this forum is for, isn't it? No need to be rude for that, we're not in the army here, we're on a forum where people talk and give other people advice, stop being an a** I just wanted to know if I still had a chance to be accepted if I tell the them the truth. If the CF has a so good medical system, why isn't there any clear rules on their site about allergies and I have to come here to have a clue about my chances?

No, by fruit I mean fruit like apples, kiwi, any fruit, just to know if people with the same kind of allergy as me have been selected before. Thanks for your answer, really appreciated.
garneau26 said:
@ CDN Aviator
If the CF has a so good medical system, why isn't there any clear rules on their site about allergies and I have to come here to have a clue about my chances?

Maybe because everyone is assessed individually on enrolment, and not everything is black and white?  Your individual condition - every aspect of it - is assessed against set medical standards.  You won't have any more of a clue by coming here, I can guarantee that.  Your best bet is to be honest and disclose the allergy, and take your chances on enrolment.
I'm in the Army Reserves now (swore in May 5) and awaiting a course but I have a question regarding hay fever.

When I signed up, I put down that I had mild hay fever (itchy eyes and cold symptoms when around grass). It's been like this all my life but yesterday something happened to me at work. I jumped into some very tall grass (chest height) and within 10 minutes my eyes were itching like crazy and my sinuses swole up worse than I had ever seen them. People were asking me if I got punched in the face! The symptoms subsided after about 30 minutes of going inside but I felt like crap for the rest of the day.

I was rubbing my eyes a lot and I'm wondering how much this compounded the problem but that's beside the point. My main concern is that it  doesn't develop into something like asthma where my throat will swell up. With me possibly going on course this summer, I could see the swollen sinuses and itchy eyes being a problem if it happened again.

I will get this checked by a doc ASAP but has anybody had this same problem?

Any replies would be great :)

First things first - asthma won't make your throat swell shut - it works a little differently.  Have you ever tried taking an antihistamine before going outside?  Might be all you need.

medicineman said:
First things first - asthma won't make your throat swell shut - it works a little differently.  Have you ever tried taking an antihistamine before going outside?  Might be all you need.

Yeah sorry about the asthma thing, I'm obviously not an expert on this stuff.

As per antihistamines: Sure, they work but what if I'm stuck without them? Are they a problem to have on course?  Besides, doesn't the army assume if you are reliant on a drug to do your job, you shouldn't be in the trade?

Thanks for the reply MM
I fully disclosed to the army the fact that I had seasonal allergies.  I told them the absolute truth about it: when it affects me, how bad it is, the frequency.  I got in and I've been deployed with the army in all seasons, in all sorts of weather conditions and all sorts of environments with no issues.  When I came back from a tour and had real problems with my allergies (first time in over 10 years) the Army's response was simply to give me medication.  And by medicataion I mean over-the-counter allergy pills.

At no point in my (very short) army career have I ever encountered red-tape problems from allergies.  If you indeed have "hay fever" it is probably seasonal allergies.  And you may find if you change places, you won't have problems.  I get seasonal allergies every year, but when I was in Alberta and in Afghanistan I never had any allergies.  Maybe its the drier climate, maybe its something where I live.  But you can exist in the army just fine with allergies.

I also used to have asthma as a kid - but that is a whole different issue.
My husband has a shellfish allergy. Thankfully, it doesn't seem to affect him if he's near shellfish, but it will result in anaphylaxis if he eats any, and he gets a mild rash from iodine solution.

However, he is about to join the Reg Force. I'm sure he has disclosed his condition many times. He's been in the PRes for 13 years now (I think), and has passed a medical many times. In fact, he's always mentioned his asthma to me as more of the possible limiter, but his lung function is just above where it needs to be to join up.

So I'll echo what others have said in this thread - reveal your allergy(ies) to the med staff. An allergy is not automatically going to keep you from joining up. If you do not ask, the answer is certainly NO. So what do you have to lose by asking?
I disclosed to the army during my medical that I had both seasonal allergies and asthma as well as a torn ACL in my left knee.

All the Medical staff said was I needed to have my family doctor sign some forms stating that my allergies and asthma were fine(my doctor read the cardiologist reports, and said my asthma was mild at best) and get a copy of the MRI report to show the Army Doctors.

I was cleared about a month later.

No medical problem(short of a missing leg, or a bad heart or something of that nature) is necessarily a show-stopper, but lying on your medical and misleading the CF is.

I leave for basic in less than a month.
People need antihistamines form tme to time - you can get them prescribed or pick them up over the counter at the base medical clinic.  Just make sure you take them regularly and it shouldn't be an issue.

I am currently looking to enter the army as a musician (I have an audition in Winnipeg next month). When I was younger I was diagnosed with a peanut allergy, and used to carry an epi pen though I have never once had to use it and even when I do eat peanuts I have what you might call a mild reaction. I haven't needed to carry an epi pen in almost five years and have never in my life had a problem being around peanuts (it was a regular item in my household as a child). Does this automatically disqualify me? Based on my occupation I won't be serving any kind of tour of duty. But still I want to know what I should go into a medical with and what information I should give them and how I should present it.

I also had childhood asthma but haven't used an inhaler in well over 5 years, and cannot remember the last time I had any symptoms.
Get a letter from your family doctor, or better (if you can), your allergist reflecting this.  Even as a musician, there is still the universality of service criteria.

I just got rejected from joining during my medical before my final interview due to a mild penicillin allergy. My file is closed until I see an allergy specialist, but I haven't had any reaction to penicillin since I was a baby. Is there some other reason why they would close my file? they didn't say that I failed any other part of the medical or anything. All they said was that if you have a penicillin allergy you cannot join the forces... which sounds false now that I read some of these threads. Is there some other reason that they would close my file and not tell me? I think it may have to do with the end of the fiscal year for trades maybe? they told me to wait until April before expecting to go to basic (IF I pass my allergy test). and it happens to be that April is the start of the new fiscal year. In your opinion is this allergy going to keep me out? and am I just crazy  ??? or are they just postponing me due to a lack of trades at the end of the year? 

:cdn:  :salute:
Tantalus45 said:
I just got rejected from joining during my medical before my final interview due to a mild penicillin allergy. My file is closed until I see an allergy specialist, but I haven't had any reaction to penicillin since I was a baby. Is there some other reason why they would close my file? they didn't say that I failed any other part of the medical or anything. All they said was that if you have a penicillin allergy you cannot join the forces... which sounds false now that I read some of these threads. Is there some other reason that they would close my file and not tell me? I think it may have to do with the end of the fiscal year for trades maybe? they told me to wait until April before expecting to go to basic (IF I pass my allergy test). and it happens to be that April is the start of the new fiscal year. In your opinion is this allergy going to keep me out? and am I just crazy  ??? or are they just postponing me due to a lack of trades at the end of the year? 

Good grief.

Your file probably got closed because the last medical information on your record indicates you have an allergy to penicillin.  There probably isn't anything stating that you don't suffer from the allergy anymore, therefore it has to be assumed that you still have the allergy, and therefore aren't able to be enrolled and your file is closed.

You claim you haven't had a reaction to penicillin since you were a baby.  Have you had exposure to penicillin since you were a baby?  That would be pretty important information.

Go see an allergy specialist, find out for sure if you still have the allergy or not.  If you don't, get a report indicating that from the specialist and go back to the recruiting centre with your new medical evidence.  I'm sure you would be reconsidered.
Tantalus45 said:
which sounds false ...........  or are they just postponing me due to a lack of trades at the end of the year? 

Recruiters are having to tell people their trade choices are closed these days, in large numbers. They are not in the buisness of making up stories like that. You are currently unsuitable, thats all there is to it. Good luck.
Anybody know about having allergies? i have allergies to shellfish, what are my chances that they accept my file in Ottawa? I have completed my CFAT, went to medical, did my interview and qualified for a position for Infantry. As well, will the army let you have an epipen?
i have allergies to shellfish, what are my chances that they accept my file in Ottawa? I have completed my CFAT, went to medical, did my interview and qualified for a position for Infantry.
For starters, get a new avatar, you are not a RCR.

Call your local Recruiting Centre tomorrow and talk with them. Something I don't understand, during the entire recruiting process, especially during your medical.. you didn't feel the need to ask your question to Medical pers or Recruiting Centre Staff when you were there??
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