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Allien abductions

  • Thread starter Thread starter aesop081
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Anyone here a victim ? I was asked to check the membership  ;D
Well I actually have a couple tales... when I have more time I will share. Pretty creepy actually. I'm looking forward to hearing others stories. :D
I really don't like to talk about this stuff cause creepy things have been happening to me my whole life. I don't wear a tin foil hat or anything but i am aware that something is out there....watching and waiting.
camochick said:
I really don't like to talk about this stuff cause creepy things have been happening to me my whole life. I don't wear a tin foil hat or anything but i am aware that something is out there....watching and waiting.

It's Major League Baseball.  8)
I really don't like to talk about this stuff cause creepy things have been happening to me my whole life. I don't wear a tin foil hat or anything but i am aware that something is out there....watching and waiting

Those aren't aliens, they're forum moderators... ;D

camochick said:
I really don't like to talk about this stuff cause creepy things have been happening to me my whole life. I don't wear a tin foil hat or anything but i am aware that something is out there....watching and waiting.

I thought she was talking about Phase training staff? The bright lights were just pyro burning through the exhasution mid-patrol.
camochick said:
I really don't like to talk about this stuff cause creepy things have been happening to me my whole life. I don't wear a tin foil hat or anything but i am aware that something is out there....watching and waiting.
sorry. I didn't think you saw me.

  They did a study on people who say they have been abducted on several occasions. It turns out that most people who are abducted have relay experienced a waking dream, which is when you wake up inside your dream and it seems so real. You can smell and do everything you would be able to do in the real world, when you wake up you think that it is something that actually happend.  People have also been visited and tacked to by Satan and other demonic beings, inside their waking dreams.

Anyway that is just something I saw on the discovery channel a few years ago.

"This is my sandbox. I'm not allowed in the deep end. And over here, this is where I see the Leprechaun, he tells me to burn things!"
              - Ralph Wiggum

This is an awesome thread. I think some of my candidates should post in here. It'd explain alot.
aesop081 said:
Anyone here a victim ? I was asked to check the membership   ;D
Hmmm... very strange that you ask now... My wife and I were woken by strange noises last night. We looked outside, but couldn't see anything...  :-\ then on the radio this morning, they said the local authorities received a large number of reports about UFO sightings in the area !!  :o
Aesop081, do you have anything to tell us ?? Is this some kind of secret Air Force project ??
I bet they are trying to turn the Griffon into a stealth plarform !!!  :D
What? you are telling me that I was just dreaming? I saw one at the edge of my bed glaring at me with it's huge saucer eyes! I was terrified! I didn't end up being taken that night... but there was another night.. Camochick may I borrow your tin foil hat?  :-\
Sure you can borrow my tin foil hat.......ummm...i mean i don't have one. Seriously though, this one time i was staying in a trailer park and i swear that i was abducted. They wanted to know about canned spam and what these weird car shaped things on blocks in my yard were.  >:D
HollywoodHitman said:
This is an awesome thread. I think some of my candidates should post in here. It'd explain alot.

I think you understand why i started it then............. :'(

Jungle said:
Aesop081, do you have anything to tell us ?? Is this some kind of secret Air Force project ??

Better get yourself an army.ca tinfoil hat.........the rest i have to keep to myself until 2085
aesop081 said:
Better get yourself an army.ca tinfoil hat........

All I got was an army.ca t-shirt. Unless the coin can be folded into a hat. Hmmm........
Alien encounters I(thankfully) have never had any experience with...But my first house (just outseide Gagetown of course!) was haunted!

Just after I bought the place I and my roomie discovered a tombstone where someone was buried right in the back yard!

Needless to say when buying my current place one of my first questions to the realtor was "Has anyone ever died in the house?"...she said no.

eff me Aes...

an You thought I was wacky.....



"as tess leaves, and starts to dig the portal to inner earth"

Description of most alien sightings are Big head and eyes, Small body and limbs similar to a unborn fetus.
Government Physcologists clam that it is a regressive state back to the womb where everything is safe.

As for "cat like eyes"...it's the damn GF's cat sneekin up on ya after being out with the gang to late ;D

Will try another reply with ghost and foil...just lost the lengthy post.
This may not be such a laughing matter to many people out there who believe that something "alien" related is happening to them, and with the amount of cases and stories reported something must be going on. Alot of high ranking officials have been coming out lately and disclosing what they have learned over the years. From what I have heard I can say something is taking place and the majority of the public have no idea what it is. In June I listened to a radio show in which retired Command Sergeant Major Robert O'Dean (US Army) talked about what he had seen and learned in his years with Intelligence Field Operations stationed at Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe (SHAPE). Basically what he said is that there is life out there, it has met with government officials (Truman) and that abductions are taking place. He also discussed how through remote viewing people were able to contact the alien life forms and of an incident during the Cold War where alien intelligence took over control of nuclear missile silos in two separate locations in the U.S. Oh yeah he also said that "alien abduction" that aired on FOX back in 1996 or so was indeed very real. Now I know this is just one person saying these things, but it makes you think when a man of his stature speaks of this. Until the time (if or when) world governments acknowledge an alien presence all we can do is look at what evidence is out there and make up our own minds. In the meantime there is a huge amount of research being done into the alien abduction phenomena and what some doctors and researchers are saying is shocking. Here's a link to the radio show, although you need a subscription to listen to it:


P.S. Anyone on here that was in the Shag Harbour area in October, 1967?