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Almost all trades are now hiring?

Alexander S

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forces website says they are now hiring for infantry. I was wondering how long they will be hiring for. I still have one and a half years left of high school.
Alexander S said:
forces website says they are now hiring for infantry. I was wondering how long they will be hiring for. I still have one and a half years left of high school.

From "now" until "always"......
Relax, finish school, keep in mind the recruiters look at your grades. The CAF will be hiring people regularly well past your graduation date. They open the doors for each trade every year1, sometimes for large numbers of people, sometimes for just a few. You don't have anything to worry about today.

Note 1: Here someone declares that they know of a year when some trade didn't recruit at all. Yup, probably has happened -- not the point is it.
Not too many infantry guys will continue after 1 or 2 contracts. So plenty of chance to get in.
The ’Eathen
THE ’EATHEN in ’is blindness bows down to wood an’ stone; 
’E don’t obey no orders unless they is ’is own; 
’E keeps ’is side-arms awful: ’e leaves ’em all about, 
An’ then comes up the Regiment an’ pokes the ’eathen out.


According to the forces.ca website it looks like many trades have reopened up and are "now hiring". Tried calling the CFRC but no answer. Anyone have any insider info? Specifically Infantry and Armour officer.
When I called my local RC a few weeks ago (trying for Com Eng, & Infmn - writing CFAT next week sometime) the Sergeant I talked to said they were both open and indeed "Now Hiring" a la Forces.ca.

So yes, positions may be limited but indeed they are.

Obviously the In Demand trades are easier to get into, although harder to get out of.

Dont know about Armoured Officer.

Good luck! :)
I'm not an expert, but last time I went in to see the recruiter I was told that they had merit listed more then enough people for Combat Arms, and my application would only proceed further after all the selection dates in November to have it ready for April. This might just be for CFRC Ottawa, but the recruiter I spoke to seem to imply they had enough people to fill their empty spaces.
KerryBlue said:
I'm not an expert, but last time I went in to see the recruiter I was told that they had merit listed more then enough people for Combat Arms, and my application would only proceed further after all the selection dates in November to have it ready for April. This might just be for CFRC Ottawa, but the recruiter I spoke to seem to imply they had enough people to fill their empty spaces.

interesting, would you happen to know why they would then process my application further (submitted friday, nov 15th via CFVRC) and planned my CFAT for Nov 27th when both my trade choices are combat arms?
ComDvr13 said:
interesting, would you happen to know why they would then process my application further (submitted friday, nov 15th via CFVRC) and planned my CFAT for Nov 27th when both my trade choices are combat arms?
I have no idea. I went in for my CFAT on the 22nd of October and was told within two weeks I would have a medical and interview date booked. After two weeks and no returned calls or emails, I went in on November 5th and was told it would probably be a month before I heard anything, but the recruiter said hopefully it would be sooner but after everything  that has happened with my application I have my doubts. The CFAT is kinda the indicator whether or not they would go on anyways I.E if you fail they don't proceed and it only takes one person to administer for a group of people. Whereas the Medical and Interview are more one on one. But I am speculating based on my research and what I've read. Hope that helps
dvh1 said:
Specifically Infantry and Armour officer.

Nope, no room at he Inn.....

ComDvr13 said:
interesting, would you happen to know why they would then process my application further (submitted friday, nov 15th via CFVRC) and planned my CFAT for Nov 27th when both my trade choices are combat arms?

New policy put in place as of 1 Nov 13.  As a "bare minimum" every applicant will now be given the opportunity to write the CFAT.  So be forewarned NOW.......you had best be studying and if out of school for sometime, brush up on your Gr 10-11 Math........

After the CFAT is written, it's anyone's guess what will happen next...
DAA said:
New policy put in place as of 1 Nov 13.  As a "bare minimum" every applicant will now be given the opportunity to write the CFAT.  So be forewarned NOW.......you had best be studying and if out of school for sometime, brush up on your Gr 10-11 Math........

After the CFAT is written, it's anyone's guess what will happen next...

I scored 84% on a mock American ASVAB today, mostly woodworking questions and just a few calculations in different sections that I missed a step and got the next closest answer. 115 out of 135 or something like that. Math and english we're strong. Sounds like that all could mean diddly squat though
DAA said:
After the CFAT is written, it's anyone's guess what will happen next...

And if CFRC Ottawa is to be used as an example you could be waiting for 4-6 as a bare minimum. But hopefully not
dvh1 said:
According to the forces.ca website it looks like many trades have reopened up and are "now hiring". Tried calling the CFRC but no answer. Anyone have any insider info? Specifically Infantry and Armour officer.

From my understanding, the "Now Hiring" for most Officer trades is only for ROTP. DEO is currently closed (with the exception of "In-Demand" Officer trades), and I was told by a CFRC Detachment Commander that majority of trades for DEO will open some time after the new year (this includes the combat arms).
OblivionKnight said:
From my understanding, the "Now Hiring" for most Officer trades is only for ROTP. DEO is currently closed (with the exception of "In-Demand" Officer trades), and I was told by a CFRC Detachment Commander that majority of trades for DEO will open some time after the new year (this includes the combat arms).

Generally, DEO Occupations for next year (ie; BMOQ starting 1 Apr 14 and beyond) will open up for "pre-processing" in early Dec 13 with selection dates being late Feb 14..
DAA said:
Nope, no room at he Inn.....

New policy put in place as of 1 Nov 13.  As a "bare minimum" every applicant will now be given the opportunity to write the CFAT.  So be forewarned NOW.......you had best be studying and if out of school for sometime, brush up on your Gr 10-11 Math........

After the CFAT is written, it's anyone's guess what will happen next...

DAA, if a trade closes will a CFRC continue to slowly process the application to have it ready for when the trade reopens or do they full stop and start again when the trade opens under the new system.
KerryBlue said:
DAA, if a trade closes will a CFRC continue to slowly process the application to have it ready for when the trade reopens or do they full stop and start again when the trade opens under the new system.

All depends on how the CFRC wishes to manage the file.  Some will stop the processing all together, while others, depending on what stage it's at, will continue to process it.

The only problem with stopping the process, is that sometimes they forget to re-start it once the occupation does open up again.
DAA said:
All depends on how the CFRC wishes to manage the file.  Some will stop the processing all together, while others, depending on what stage it's at, will continue to process it.

The only problem with stopping the process, is that sometimes they forget to re-start it once the occupation does open up again.

That's kinda what I thought DAA, I guess it's back to nagging Ottawa and hope it gets me somewhere. God do I miss CFRC Toronto.
Pretty discouraging. Im told I made it onto the merit list once i hand in one more piece of paper on friday. Seems I missed the boat