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Our one man discussion group is also pulling the same thing at

(moderator lists all his ip's)

He claims here to be in the Toronto area according to his profile info. Any good honest ex Royals in the TO area?
Gentlemen, my name is Steven Preece and I am the author of Amongst The Marines and Always A Marine.
I was notified about the comments posted by other people on this site about my books and requested that I be allowed to post to allow me to discuss them personally and not to let people build a picture of me as an author based on what other people have assumed from posts made by other people.


This book depicts and focuses purely on the often excessive private life I experienced during my 7 year career in the Royal Marines.  It is shocking and excessive at times, but that's how it was then.  When the book was released it caused mayhem amongst a lot of the former marines who didn't serve with me, especially because I wrote about the violent reception I received at 45 Commando just after the Falklands War in 1983.  They didn't like this, but it did happen. 

However, through the marines website I actually proved the start, the middle and the end of my book through posts from other marines who did serve with me.  They were there during those times.  I don't know any other author who has actually ever had to do this. 

Over a period of twelve months I put up with a lot of flak and denial from a certain crowd of ex marines who wanted to deny this type of behaviour went on, but like I said a lot of it was proven.  In the end I was asked to re-present the story to them by another ex marine, except this time he asked me to tell them to think about what they would have done, if they were standing in my shoes during those times at those places.  Finally I managed to change opinion totally around and a lot of people then truly accepted the way it was socially in the marines during that era.  However, that said, I was at times a loose cannon and this is something I explain in my follow up book.


I wrote my first book when I was 28 years old and left it in the cupboard for 12 years before I finished it properly and released it.

I wrote the sequal last year because there was still another side of the story I wanted to tell.  It was never going to be easy for me to make the transition from a serviceman to a civilian, indeed, I am very sure that this isn't an easy ride for any soldier.

It took me 13 years to make the transition and purely because, I believe, I had a lot of help through fate along the way.  This was when I ventured into the world of the Ninjas and studied Ninjutsu, which I still do.
But it was also my strength as a soldier that helped me through some difficult situations and challenging times.

I also wanted to write this book because one day my children will read the first book and think, "That's not the father we remember."    Fortunately I was able to do this and my second book closes out both books and concludes my story.


These days I am very much a happy loving husband and father of two young sons.  I've started work on a Novel and hope to complete it and get it published this year.

If anybody has read either of my current books and has any questions to ask, please do so.

Somebody did query my second book cover.  Yes it is a US Marine.  But they don't spend much money on book designs these days and that was the best choice of 3.  It is a soldier leaving the services for the last time.  My second book starts where my first book finishes.  If you've read them you may understand the relevance of this book cover.

Best Wishes and my thanks to the Administrators

Steven Preece

Guys, I mentioned why I wrote my books and all the denial, anger and truth that came with it.  Consequently, I feel it would be prudent to share the arguments & debates with you. 

Here's the threads on the once a marine site for all to read. I guess unless you're a little slow you can see through all the denial. The confirmation on the threads actually prove the start, the middle and the end of my story. The denial came from those who didn't serve during my era, but in the end I guess a lot of them faced up to reality.


Also read the other, more lengthy. Its 10 pages long. Use the pages, field in the bottom left hand corner to flip pages:



This one's a good read:


Read Yashin's comments here:


;D :o ::) :P :-* >:D :crybaby: :rage: :threat: :salute: 8)

Happy Reading


I'll look forward to that. 

Also: I've recently received a couple of emails from an ex Royal who made me realise that the statement at the end of my second book wasn't quite what I meant.

If you've read it and these emails you may understand.

Here goes:

Steve Im an ex bootneck and have read your first book in 04 and loved it, I read that book 3 times. I related so much to what you say about the corp, although my experiences were similar and yet my path through the corp was different to yours (Condor, Hamworthy then across the water for a long stint) I can relate to all the people you talk about, i I know a person exactly like you describe in the other people in the book, especially the nobbers mate. I pissed myself when you talked about the bootneck corner in Warrior, and curling one in the ice bucket, f@#k hilarious mate, I spent the last 4 years of my career in NI on special duties and we had a corner in the det bar, and anyone who entered was subjected to the same shit. Funny though looking back. Im now tucking into your second book which I waited for weeks to come ( I live in Switzerland now) and have just got to the bit when you banged out the Legionaire, hoofing mate, love it. My wife said to me she has never heard or seen me curl up pissing myself on the sofa, or cry with laughter, though i didnt notice it as I was transported back in time to the good old days. I just wanted too say thanks for writing something that has been a good therapy for me, and made me realise the path I have been walking since gettin out in 02. My oppos i still keep in touch with love the read as well, and if your ever this way I'll get the lads down for a run ashore. Cheers Royal

I replied to him and this is what he sent me this morning:
Hi Steve

Thanks for the reply, I read your second book from cover to cover mate, took me 8 hours and 6 beers to get through it, and I loved every page. I was sad to read Taff had ripped you off, that is chad, people like that I just cant get me head around. I related alot to your second book as much as the first, definatly getting used to dealing with civis is still a problem I have. But your right about the last sentance mate, you'll always be a marine, no matter what. Its what we are, we can never change this, it will always be inside us till we go to the grave mate. We learn to adapt and improvise in our new enviroment and go on to live normal lives, but deep inside the green light stays on, flickering in the darkness waiting to be ignited.

I never tell anyone about the corp and only talk about it when I get together with the lads once or twice a year. Nobody understands what Im on about.

Interestingly my Mate got court martialled at Warrior and booted out the corp for assualt, basically the story goes he banged out another bootneck in self defence, but the Corp didnt quite see it that way and booted him out the corp as an example. my mate is in Iraq at the moment so when he gets back in Sept I'll tell him to get your book off amazon.

keep up the fizz and remember 'Pain is weakness leaving the body'

Lets us know when your next book comes out and I'll raid the piggy bank and order it!

Best regards

I was quite pleased with this and guess he was right.

Its a Fact: Once a Marine, Always A Marine.

Best Regards

Allright im no writer or author nor do I have any great writing skill. I have never written any review of a book before other than book reports back in high school.  With that said i will try to do justice with a short review to amongst the marines by steven preece. I thoroughly enjoyed this book. This is a book about the lifestyle the trials and errors, and the good and the bad of being a royal marine. The book takes place from the time preece was a child growing up with an abusive father in a low income family through to the time he left the marines. What makes this book so great is the human perspective and the ever changing mentality of a soldier. I belive most of us can really connect with this book on so many levels as most of us have experienced the change in personality the military lifestyle brings. in this book you see preece grow from a child who longs to be a royal marine to a young shy marine, to a confident, proud and at times beligerent royal marine, who regularily got in drunken brawls. This book gives u very little in terms of a combat camera style read, but lots in terms of how the british military really affected young marines, what lifestyle they had, and how we can relate it to a soldiers mentality in canadas military today. I personally really connected with this book due to the change in personality the military has brought upon me. This really is a great read if your as interested as i am into how the military changes peoples psyche. This is one of the best books ive ever read and im looking forward to reading the follow up... always a marine.
Two things this book made me realize

1 I never met Steven in a bar
2 He never dated my sister

Good read though if for no other reason than I had no idea what he was going to do next. Glad theey are on our side !