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Another Random Act of Kindness


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Someone sprung some random act of kindness on me today!

I went to the post office this morning to ship a care package to my friend over in the sandbox. The lady assisting me was really sweet and noticed the address and asked who I was sending it to. She wanted to know what he does over there, how long he's been and whatnot. She was really genuinely interested. After chatting for a bit she told me how much it was to express post it (which I like to do so it gets there much quicker), and I went to give her my debit card. She refused to accept my debit card and said she would like to pay to send it. She said she is so thankful for what our troops are doing over there, and this is her small way of saying thanks. Express posting this package wasn't a small cost either, as it can be quite pricey. After some debate back and forth I finally agreed to let her foot the bill. She had another clerk come ring it in for her, and then handed me the tracking slip and said to pass on a simple message to all those I know who serve. "Thank you". Her few simple words caused tears to run down my cheeks as I left the post office. What a wonderful lady.

So, for her, and for me: Thank you for what you do.
Probably just kindness, as you describe, but someone being genuinely interested when I am sending a package, and providing address information about the troops overseas, makes me paranoid as hell.

I'm probably overreacting of course.  But we are at war. :-\
All she knows is what is on the address of the package. She was an approx 60 year old lady. I'm sure she was genuine in her support. Not everyone is out to get others.
Just goes to show you that people do care
Of course you wouldn't see any of that in the news
It's all accidents, death, murders, bombings and scandals

:salute: to all the people who do kind things without recognition
that's one of the things it means to be Canadian
civvie: "Im so proud of our troops, what is it you do for the army?"
gunnar: "DIE, SPY"
Actually, I have a question.  You do know that you can send these packages for Free?  They all land up in the Military Mail System in Belleville and then are loaded on a Herc in Trenton (next door) and sent over.  You just have to drop off the packages at the appropriate Military office.  Express Post is really a waste of money, as it won't get the package there any faster than regular post.
Yes I know I can send it for free George. I do beg to differ on it not getting there faster though. I personally, as well as some friends, have sent a package via the MFRC and had it take 3-6 weeks to get to the soldier. Whereas, anytime we have express posted it, they have had it in about 10 days. So when you want something there as soon as possible, I find express post to be a much better option.
Hey George,

Just for your information. For the past 7 months I have been sending packages through the military mail and Post office to hubby when he was in the sand box.

Through the military mail. He got all the packages outside the wire within 4 weeks. The packages that I expressed to Belleville on behalf of the post office, he received in a week and a half and that is also outside the wire.

I am not sure why it is faster to express your packages to Belleville but it is. I know other spouses that have done the same, Camo is one and their packages always get to their hubbies within a week and a half.

Just my 2 cents
I just got a magazine distributer to donate a lot of magazines to the boys...

picking them up tomorrow.

People want to help.. they don't know how until we ask.
I have sent a number of "care' packages off now.  But today at the post office I was told that no more would be accepted without a customs form attached.  Anyone else hear anything on this?
big bad john said:
I have sent a number of "care' packages off now.  But today at the post office I was told that no more would be accepted without a customs form attached.  Anyone else hear anything on this?

When I took mine to the Wpg Base PO, they gave me the form to fill out and stick on. I just assumed everybody had to do it.
You have to declare the contents in it BBJ since it is leaving here and going to another country. At the post office, they give me the option of just writing the contents on the bottom left corner of the front of the package.
When hubby was over in Faslane, Scotland, I had to attach one of those declaration slips to the parcel even though the package was sent via the MFRC.

He got his package a month later, when they pulled up along side in Halifax.
I will never, EVER send another package through the MFRC.
Whereas, anytime we have express posted it, they have had it in about 10 

That's quicker than I get some packages here in Canada  :P

On a serious note, good read.  Nice to see some people genuinely care
What a great story. Some of that typically quiet Canadian appreciation is coming to the forefront. I'm currently knitting for the troops, and I have received free and /or discounted yarn from 3 different shop owners. There are angels out there.
George Wallace said:
Actually, I have a question.  You do know that you can send these packages for Free?  They all land up in the Military Mail System in Belleville and then are loaded on a Herc in Trenton (next door) and sent over.  You just have to drop off the packages at the appropriate Military office.   Express Post is really a waste of money, as it won't get the package there any faster than regular post.

Actually it depends. In Kingston we can drop them at the Base Post Office for free, but that is only because it doesn't hit the Canada Post system. It gets on the IBBS to Trenton daily. If it has to go through CP, then it has to be paid for.
civvie: "Im so proud of our troops, what is it you do for the army?"
gunnar: "DIE, SPY"

Clearly I was in a bad mood yesterday.  Nothing to see here, move along.  Or in the words of Saturday Night Live, ''Never Mind!''

Gunnar, lets get real for a moment people do care, yes we are at War but give me a brake an little kindlest goes along way, So before you put any dought in people minds we the Solders greatly appreatlet the thanks and good wishes we recives. Not all people are tertested.
I sent all my packages through express post and they took like a week and a half to get there, and they made it outside the wire to him. Sometimes the letters wouldnt make it to him until he was back in camp though. Don't know why that is but that is what happened. I always attached a customs form to the package (had to fight them one day cause they insisted I didnt need one to send something in Canada).

Arty God, perhaps you use the spell check function first before you post. I don't quite understand gibberish. What the heck is a tertested? and what is a soldier doing when he apprealets?

I think what that woman did was awesome, and I'm glad to see that people care. I can only hope people will show some understanding when hubby returns home!!