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Another Shooting in T.O., and one Councillor wants the army to come in.

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"First of all, members of council say almost anything from time to time...I don't agree with this idea,"
                     -Mayor David Miller on Mammoliti's proposal to create a red light district in Toronto

I do not know him, but I get the sense that this is one of 'those' Toronto city councilors, that’s why I inhabit  Richmond Hill. Far more civilized  ;D
In Case we all seem to forget here soldiers are trained in aid to civil power and not only killing people as this poll of ........no I'll be civil........seem to think. Ever heard of Base defense force training.
Spencer100 said:
Not being versed in Military law what what are the general rules for the military use in domestic civil policing or unrest?  Do we have something like the Posse Camotus act? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Posse_Comitatus_Act  I am sure we have some system....ie Oka.

In my opinion the military should only be used in civil policing the most dire of situations.  This does not include logistics help ie boats, helos, protection. 

Yes we have a law it's called the Emergencies act, however there are some big differences by it and Posse Comitatus,  Nemo briefly mentioned the process, basically the province makes the request through established procedures set by the DND/CF. Its used for any emergency (fire/floods etc).
Bane said:
"First of all, members of council say almost anything from time to time...I don't agree with this idea,"
                     -Mayor David Miller on Mammoliti's proposal to create a red light district in Toronto

I do not know him, but I get the sense that this is one of 'those' Toronto city councilors, that’s why I inhabit  Richmond Hill. Far more civilized  ;D

Mamomoliti is the one who mentioned the jem that I used to start this (which I already mentioned.)
Wesley  Down Under said:
Issue out the flame throwers, ha!

Semi rant:

How about getting a justice system back and phuck off the legal system.

Any immigrants without citizenship from anywhere should be deported without any appeals processes being had.

Crimes involving guns used by non-Canadians should result in instant deportation. They can fit right in with other criminals back home from whence they came.

Bring a law like this in, and it might just curb things a bit once a few undesireables get punted back to their own crappy countries.

Canada is too piss-weak in dealing with such scum, with millions spent on ethnic crime busting squads. Thats the thanks you get for openiong your arms to them.

Semi rant off


Do you actually have any proof that any murders in TO were carried out by non-Canadians, or is this just a xenophobic rant?
            Yeah, that's why popped that one up there. While it would be interesting to have a discussion on Military aide to civil power, all the nuances, intricacies and the such. This guy seems to be Level 4 Oxygen waster.

Hatchet Man said:
Mamomoliti is the one who mentioned the jem that I used to start this (which I already mentioned.)
Bane said:
"First of all, members of council say almost anything from time to time...I don't agree with this idea,"
                     -Mayor David Miller on Mammoliti's proposal to create a red light district in Toronto

I do not know him, but I get the sense that this is one of 'those' Toronto city councilors, that’s why I inhabit  Richmond Hill. Far more civilized  ;D
BKells said:
Do you actually have any proof that any murders in TO were carried out by non-Canadians, or is this just a xenophobic rant?

There was a spate of murders not to long ago (maybe 2 years ago or so) committed by members of Jamaican Gangs, several members whom had already been deported before for violent crimes.  Not all murders in this city involve non-canadians, however the overwhelming majority of the murders are gang/drug related, and most of those gang members are from Jamaica (and like I already said, alot of them have already been deported at least once before).  This has been reported widely in the media on NUMEROUS occasions over the last several years.
Bane said:
             Yeah, that's why popped that one up there. While it would be interesting to have a discussion on Military aide to civil power, all the nuances, intricacies and the such. This guy seems to be Level 4 Oxygen waster.

Ah seen. 
I can see it all now:
Globe and Mail, December 6th, 2007

NDP Leader Jack Layton today, reaffirmed his stance on pulling the Canadian Forces out of Afghanistan saying that "the members of the Canadian Forces are needed more at home in Toronto right now to keep the peace, than they are in Afghanistan."
The last time the military was called in was for the FLQ crisis in Montreal in 1970.

First off certain things have to happen before the military can be asked to intervene. First of the premier has to request "aid to civil power" from Ottawa, then if the PM concurs, he must first get approval from Parliament to enact the "emergencies act". In 1988 the (war measures act was changed to the emergencies act). Then and only then can the military be called in to assist the civil authorities. There has been only three instances when a PM has used this power in Canadian history, (WW I, WW II, October crisis FLQ). Pierre Trudeau was the last to do so in 1970 with the FLQ crisis.

The military just can't walk in and help and there are reasons for this and a few posters earlier explained why.

So if Mr. what ever his name councillor wants to call in the army, have fun explaining that to the premier.
Dumb question what was Oka then? 
retiredgrunt45 said:
The last time the military was called in was for the FLQ crisis in Montreal in 1970.

First off certain things have to happen before the military can be asked to intervene. First of the premier has to request "aid to civil power" from Ottawa, then if the PM concurs, he must first get approval from Parliament to enact the "emergencies act". In 1988 the (war measures act was changed to the emergencies act). Then and only then can the military be called in to assist the civil authorities. There has been only three instances when a PM has used this power in Canadian history, (WW I, WW II, October crisis FLQ). Pierre Trudeau was the last to do so in 1970 with the FLQ crisis.

The military just can't walk in and help and there are reasons for this and a few posters earlier explained why.

So if Mr. what ever his name councillor wants to call in the army, have fun explaining that to the premier.
retiredgrunt45 said:
The last time the military was called in was for the FLQ crisis in Montreal in 1970.

Off by about 20 years, certain golf course community in Quebec ring a bell ;)

First off certain things have to happen before the military can be asked to intervene. First of the premier has to request "aid to civil power" from Ottawa, then if the PM concurs, he must first get approval from Parliament to enact the "emergencies act". In 1988 the (war measures act was changed to the emergencies act). Then and only then can the military be called in to assist the civil authorities. There has been only three instances when a PM has used this power in Canadian history, (WW I, WW II, October crisis FLQ). Pierre Trudeau was the last to do so in 1970 with the FLQ crisis.

The whole of parliament is not needed, all it takes is the Governor in Council (Cabinet) http://laws.justice.gc.ca/en/showdoc/cs/E-4.5/bo-ga:l_II//en#anchorbo-ga:l_II

And you forgot to mention Oka again.
Gustafson Lake?
Ice Storms?
Manitoba Floods?
Alberta Tornado?

Others I can't think of off the top of my head, which were "Logistics" assistance, as opposed to "Armed Intervention" assistance.

Not to mention daily Search and Rescue.
I lived about 10 years at Jane and Wilson (one major street south of Jane and Sheppard). Needless to say a good percentage of the population in that area is Jamaican but theres other nationalitys too such as East Indian and such. When I left it wasnt said to be too good of a neighbourhood. Cops were at the few local schools almost everyday. The army isnt the answer in my opinion. Though the police in that area are stretched thin as a lot of that is Blood and Crip related and while the cops try their hardest its a lot to deal with.
Rayman said:
Though the police in that area are stretched thin as a lot of that is Blood and Crip GANG related and while the cops try their hardest its a lot to deal with.

Blood and Crips is an LA thing, and people here (and pretty much everywhere else), use it as a LCF.  There were a few instances last year were two "Blood" gangs were shooting each other.  Why?  Money and Drugs.  These Blood/Crip monikers mean nothing, in reality.
I dont nessecarily think its nothing Hatchet. I went to school in that area and all over the place you would see the JF Bloods symbol all over the place. However the number of wannabees as opposed to those who are actually sworn members of the gang well...those are through the roof there.
BKells said:
Do you actually have any proof that any murders in TO were carried out by non-Canadians, or is this just a xenophobic rant?

Do you actually think that I go ahead and post something without any truth behind it?

What do you believe? Do you think its bored WASPs behind the majority of gun violence in our big cities? Think again. Ethnic gang crime commited by 'non-Canadians' as you call them is alive and well, and these crimes involving the use of unregistered handguns, and commiting MURDER happens. No need to be PC and deny yourself the facts Mr Kells. I am not an idiot, just calling a spade a spade, and if you don't like my style, move on, or write your MP.

Just google ethnic gang murder Toronto and see what comes up for yourself. Then try ethnic gang murder sydney, and see what you get also, with the exception in Australia, middle eastern gangs are more prevellant, not too many Jamacians here.

Roy Harding said:
Gustafson Lake?
Ice Storms?
Manitoba Floods?
Alberta Tornado?

Others I can't think of off the top of my head, which were "Logistics" assistance, as opposed to "Armed Intervention" assistance.

Not to mention daily Search and Rescue.

Damn ...

I was pretty sure we'd already recce'd Toronto -- back when we shovelled her out a few years ago.  >:D
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