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Any 1NSH(N)'ers out there?


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I'm with C-coy, just wondering if theres any other 1NSH'ers on this or people who were in the battalion.    Siol Na Fear Fearail  :warstory:

lol hey roche, i recognize your name from the back of your TV =p Im from authie Coy, looks like we're going to virginia together lol. How did you like that couple hours of standing around in the dark in cold gagetown for no reason this weekend? I'm a big fan of our battallions officers  ;)
wow, three almost highlanders
friendly greetings from your neighbour across the causeway 2NSH (CB)

P.S. do any of you know a G**** in the Pictou armouries?
NS Highlander,

If by Pte.****** you mean our beloved 'Jesus' =p
He's here from authie coy yes, alive and well and just as religiously powerful.

I did my BIQ with a few capers.... i can't remember them all, *******, *******.... and *******! ******** was a riot.know any of them?

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97 to 00 here, Charlie Coy. Did QL3 with the likes of *******, ******** and ***** for those that know them. Is Charlie still considered "Hollywood" of the Battalion? Wondering if Springhill are still the Boozebags of the Battalion. Fond Memories.


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Let's take the name dropping to the PM, guys....
Springhill are definately the drunks of the battallion.... authie is a close second.The springhilll mess pool table has seen some... better days.

charlie is...well, different =p I guess hollywood suits them.I think they're the biggest company now.

Did you know Jim H******, Billy L******, Gordy L***** ? How about Thomas L*******... everybody calls him Plant =p
Anybody in the unit in the last 6 or 7 years must have met/heard or run into plant somewhere, you can't miss his extreme optimism (sarcarsm) and love of everything in the world (more sarcasm).He's hilarious.

fond memories indeed.Man I love this unit lol

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Yup I meant Jesus, funny little goof. Yes jmackenzie I know all of them. We now call ******** sh***y arse because of an unfortunate incident on an ex that I won't go into. Scott1NSH I had a Mcpl. ******* for my section 2ic in my DP1. My sect. commander (Sgt. ******) kept calling him ******** so we would do a take off of the Ozzy Osbourne song every time he was around.

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My God, the Springhill pool table. I was in the unit when that debacle happened!! Everyone in the Battalion called Charlie Hollywood for a number of reasons, none of them good. 8)

Infanteer's right, from now on lets keep the name dropping to PM's.
Sup Roche? How's things kicking down in C-Coy?  :)
BTW, C-Coy isn't called Hollywood Platoon anymore, that died out around 2000..
scott1nsh were you part of the dirty dozen course in gagetown in '97?

Greasy, can't say that I was but I do know a couple of guys that you are referring to.
Yea, I think I'm the only one left from the the dirty dozen.  scott1nsh, what's your last name?

Greasy, PM inbound.
Greasy I'm not sure who you are but I'm doin fine, No C-coy isnt hollywood coy anymore but we're still the best  ;)  Didn't think I'd get this much replies but keep em commin Highlanders! 8)
HEy im another 1NSH(N) i did BMQ qith jMackenzie, been in a year, didnt go summer training (DOH), but lovin my CQ job!!!
Hey fellas.

Really hate to dig up an old thread, and i'm sure i'll get yelled at, but oh well. Might as well get used to it now, eh? :P

I'm putting my paperwork in come fall (it's all done. Jesus, that was a lot of writing.). Hopeing to do BMQ come fall.

What can I expect? I'll be with Springhill, so i'm guessing that means drinking? lol I've already met alot of the staff. The CO, Sgt Scott, Sgt Murray (Anyone know him? Come on..someone must. :P), those folks.

Anyways, thanks in adavance/
Springhill has some nutballs in it, but a few good guys I really like. A good captain (little bizarre), a WO whos simply the best soldier ive ever had the good fortune of meeting and being trained by, and a slew of other great guys.

I get drunk with a few of them on occassion whenever we run into each other on courses or otherwise =p
very friendly battallion.Maybe a little too friendly and informal, but hey its the highlanders.
McNeil? Or is it MacNeil? Either way, he gave me the best advice ever.

'Don't say yeah, say yes. Yes, sir.'
The Sgt and the WO which were spoken of here are two fine men who will take care of you.

Just watch out for the guy that they wouldn't let use a Gerber or KFS. Don't ask who he is, you'll need only two sessions to figure that one out.

Those guys were always a militant but fun bunch, I was lumped into a section of Springhill guys for OP Persistence and they made it alot less trying than it could have been, they are a good bunch.