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Any favourite BMQ memories?

Guy in my section calling a Master Corporal a "Flight Sergeant"...wow

I was taking a leak in the washrooms 20 meters away and heard the shit hit the fan.

Section commander yelling "Holy Fuck" at every possible opportunity.
Hmmm..."GAS GAS GAS" while I was in the middle of doing my business in the bathroom.
Hearing someone in the loo relieving himself, sounding them off like he was doing pushups:

One for the CO.... One for the Seargent.... One for 4 Plt... One for the QUEEEEEEEEEENNNNN.  :D
Giving my parents a tour of the base after Grad just as a fire drill was taking place for one of the platoons, some of who had obviously been having a shower when it happened.
First day,  they told everyone that if you didn't know rank structure to simply call an instructor staff.  Fair enough right?  One of the instructors came up to me, while walking reading a piece of paper which covered his slip on, and asked my name.  I answered "I am Ocdt XXX Staff".  He,  without moving the paper, started to freak out and for two minutes I heard how I was never to cal him staff.  He then moved to yell at someone else and as he turned I saw his rank and I said "Thank you MCpl."  He stopped in his tracks and looked at me confused and then looked at his paper and "clued in" that while I may be 'technically an officer' I still lack omniscience.

During a fire drill,  I throw on my stuff (cold outside) and start running when an instructor stopped me and started yelling at me.  He has a rather unique accent I've never heard before and I don't understand an eighth of what he says.  If you remember charlie brown's teacher "whaa waa waa waa".  For 5 minutes he yelled at me and I have NO clue what he was saying.    :P

On my course there is an expression I hear everone saying "If the army wanted you to have a moustache, they would have issued you one".  ;D 
My favorite Basic trg memory.......

the bus ride away from St-Jean after the course

9308, seems so long ago
So far, after a day at the firing range during -30 blizzards our staff took us out to some woods on the outskirts of Farnham. They had us put on our white camoflauge, balaclavas and mukluks included, then explained what they wanted us to do. The instructor would stand on the road outside of the wood and try to spot us creeping, sneaking through the snow. I spent about 40 mintues going 20metres and it was so much damn fun until the guy beside me gave the position away. It was still a lot of fun, we also built improvised shelters while waiting for the relays to finish at the range.

It's all been quite the experience. I can't wait to get to Gagetown!

"You suck a lot." - Mcpl Arsenault.

I go to Farnham again for the 11th and 12th week and then Grad week and I'm out of here! Woohoo! I can't wait for that bus... ugh.. just can't wait.

CDN Aviator said:
My favorite Basic trg memory.......

the bus ride away from St-Jean after the course

9308, seems so long ago

Had the same feeling leaving Wainwright and Shilo, the left and right arm-pits of Canada.  ;D
Cornwallis 8645, days of the tri-service uniform......I know, some kid's going to say "What's that??" ::)

1.  The night before the Commandant's inspection, we're going over everything to make it nice and neat, new name strips on PT pack, etc.
The next day, the Commandant does his inspection with his entourage, two officers linger in my (Army) and my bunk mate's (Air Force) bed space for a bit.  They are looking over our kit, back and forth until one says "Oh, I see, she's Army and she's Air Force, that's why they're different. (Air Force had wedge and bowler, Army had beret and bowler).  After the inspection, my bunk mate and I look at our stuff and then we notice that the name tape on my PT pack is upside down!!

2.  Leaving Cornwallis owing about 150 push ups (GD overcoat!!)

3.  On an inspection in Borden, we took all the beds in the room apart so we could remove them to wax the floors.  The MCpl comes in, does the inspection and the second he steps out the door, a bed collapses.  He sticks his head back in and says "Hope someone had fun in there last night!!"
During the div cmd's Inspection:

Sgt: Jesus what the heck is that?? ( While looking at a huge black stain on the fire blanket 15 min till inspection)

Pte: Boot polish sgt.  I got some boot polish on the fire blanket this morning while I did my boots

Sgt: What the............ Ok, don't worry about it, just own up to it and take it like a man

Pte: Yes sgt. ( very nervous)

Sgt: Don't worry, you're all wired up, take it easy and relax, everything will be all right

Pte: Yes sgt. ( Still nervous)

Sgt: Nah your .................... ( and walks away)

The poor guy didn't think it was funny then, but we sure did.  It all ended well though, overall it was a good inspection.
I am planning on adding some more but I figure it might be best until the actual course is finished...
How about a joker in my platoon saluting the course officer while he was taking a leak in the washroom...  :warstory:
Was he then beaten to death by his staff? If i'd done that at Recruit training i'd make sure my affairs were in order.
No apparently not, the officer supposedly told some of the staff about it but nothing came out of it.

Mind you, it might be hard to interpret from my previous post but it was the Officer who has taking a leak and he walked in, Saluted him then walked out. Apparently all he got was a "holy f*** what the hell are you doing?"
kielbam said:
No apparently not, the officer supposedly told some of the staff about it but nothing came out of it.

Mind you, it might be hard to interpret from my previous post but it was the Officer who has taking a leak and he walked in, Saluted him then walked out. Apparently all he got was a "holy f*** what the hell are you doing?"
There have been a few stories in various threads like this one. The only difference between those, and this one, is 'joker' did it on purpose, to get a laugh (unless I read that post wrong), and it was out of nervousness that the Pvt. Saluted, fearing the consequences of NOT saluting.
Private in my section ran out of razors and decided to skip the morning shave. At 1700 it showed. He got jacked about 3 times before Staff sent him downstairs to shave. Only... he didn't tell them about the no razor situation. After an eternity in the push-up position I was sent downstairs to check on Bloggins. He was shaving with his Gerber and had blood leaking down his neck and face. I had to run upstairs to grab my personal razor and explain the situation with a straight face before leaving.

First night at BMQ - Having our sergeant come to introduce himself and see my buddy unrolling a blue civie bag onto the cot. Sgt stands there for a second, then belts out 'What the f--- do you think you're doing?!' only to have buddy reply that he wasn't issued a sleeping bag. Then the rest of the section pipes in about their missing kit such as no combat boots, no bush hats, no tac vests, dog tags, military IDs, uniforms that were literraly see through.

Filling out the missing kit list so that all the stuff we're missing can be issued to us, going over it with the sergeant to make sure everything was in order and I could actually get a set of webbing (since it had been made clear we weren't going to get tac vests, but apparently the army felt it was unnecessary to issue me even webbing). We get to the place, I get a package with combat gloves. Oh, they tossed me another butt pack, which I already had. So I resorted to putting both on my cot with the canteen, gas mask, and KFS for inspection.

Carrying the bayonet in my left cargo pocket on the pants due to a lack of webbing and/or tac vest until the pocket on two pairs of pants were ripped apart and I was told to leave it in my barracks box.

Going through BMQ/SQ without webbing or a tac vest.
Having a sergeant yell at us when we were at the canex looking through the CPgear catalogue that the army would issue us with everything we needed (apparently loading bearing kit is no longer needed by the infantry?)

Having my 2IC lend me his tac-vest while we're learning weapon drills, then walking around between classes having recuits from other platoons snapping to attention and calling room because the 2ICs rank slip on was on the left shoulder of said tac-vest.

Holding the door open for the platoon officer when he's coming out of a building while we're all on a few minutes of break between classes, and realizing that I'm the only noticing he's coming out and therefore have to say group and salute, but I'm holding the door with my right hand. After a second of debating, I snapped to attention, saluted, and positioned my body so that my right foot would hold the door open. I was rather proud of myself at the time.

Oh! Another great one! Having my Elcan loose and fall off the rifle (beginning of BMQ, I didn't want to do anything lest I mess up the sight or rifle) and then having an instructor, who's a weapons tech, conclude that the mounting had worn down and couldn't stay on the rifle after spending ten minutes trying to put it on. Later on, during a break, I took it out, and screwed it back onto the rifle. Never got loose or fell off again, funny that.
Here's another one, though it was pre-BMQ and not actually BMQ/SQ. We were in the SHARP class, there's 22 of us, the scenario is a member places pornographic images of women in the showers. Is this sexual harassment? Naturally, we all raise our hands. Well, 21 of us did. 1 person didn't, ironically, she was the only girl there.
Okay, these are from SQ not BMQ....

Ruck marching past two tour buses in Vancouver that I'm pretty sure were Christina Aguilera's.

While on a break, having our MCpl explaining what the rubber flanges in the wheel well of the G-Wagon feel like... ;D

Playing ball hockey with one team in white plastic hard hats that had no straps and kept falling off.  We eventually ended up stuffing white napkins into our helmets.

Being course senior and making every timing and getting us out nearly two hours early.

The platoon commander "sneaking" me extra food because he thinks I'm too small.  Related to that, being "ordered" to eat more and get seconds by the course staff (although this happened on BMQ as well).