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Any favourite BMQ memories?


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What are your favourite BMQ memories? Mine are the following;

1.) Saying "aye aye" to almost all the BMq staff.

2.) Passing my weapons handling test on the first try after about 60% of the course failed.

3.) Calling a master bombardier a private.

4.) Saluting a master corporal knowingly on the fourth week of BMQ.

5.) the gas hut.

6.) a particular jacking I got on inspection for not having a full water bottle. The mcpl shook my water bottle and asked me why it was not full. I looked at him and did not answer. Then he yelled the question again. After that, he threw the water bottle down and said that he was going to write me up and if I understood that. I tried to talk the mcpl out of writing me up and he yelled once again if I understood that he was going to write me up.

7.) on the first aid portion of my course, I was beating up my dummy.

8.) On the range weekend, the officer was looking for one of the duty NCO's. I walked up to the officer, saluted him, and he looked at me strangely and saluted VERY SLOWLY.

9.) One guy doing the drill test ALL BY HIMSELF. The guy called a sergeant a corporal afterwards.
1. saluting a sergeant on my 5 day
2. calling my master cpl corpal as i walked by him and as he turned around to yell at me i just ran.
we all had a good laugh about it
3. going to attention with the wrong foot during the grad parade, cuz that was supposed to be infront of me, had a panic attack,
and i had to switch with him last minute, and that got me all messed up.
4. telling one of my buddies that an officer was walking towards us, and then my buddy turned around called group and saluted a master corporal, who jacked him up pretty bad for that one.

9. practicing drill on the worst hangover of my life.

11. an asian guy from highlanders got drunk off 2 beers and went around singing at the top of his lungs

13. an officer calling me sir, by accident.
14. our section commanders would say funny things. like how cooks are mad cuz they have no legs,, and stuff like that. the guy was the best he kept calling me a nazi even though im west asian, and he would keep bringing it up. and he kept making fun of this french dude. and he went on to teach us a class about how we were graduating from scumbags to turds on our graduatinon this guy was hilarious. but the worst was he never laughed and expected us not to laugh either. sometimes he would come up to my face while were in attention and just wait till i exploded from trying not to laugh, and then he would punish our section.

heavily deleted because much of the events described are a disgrace to my Infantry. The fact that anyone with more than 20 minutes as an NCO would allow any of it, is an embarrassment. That they would do so before recruits, is an insult. That anyone would think that any of the events described are worthy of repeat, let alone boast, is mind-boggling.
15. Buddy falling into a river. While carrying the radio. Twice.
16. Only me and 15 other buddies passing PWT 1 on the first try (on a course with 33 recruits)
17. Buddy falling onto another buddies hooch, who then calls a stand-to for some reason.
18. Watching the sect. 2IC falling into a river, with his IPod and cellphone (yes, they were ruined).
19. Being called "shit-teeth", or "ass-eyes".
20. Watching buddies with only the wet-weather boots do ruck marches and have the soles of their feet peel off.
My BMQ and SQ were run together through a Co-Op, so to me the memories are all from one course. My favourite memory was on SQ, I was on sentry on night in the field  in a Triangular hide. When the Course officer tried to enter the hide, he was halted by my buddy. After giving the password and advancing, my buddy again had him halt, and reached up, and pulled him down. The next time the L.T. cam into view and was halted, he never cam within arms reach!!  ;D

Another good one was when doing an Aussie Peelback, a soldier loosed off 15 rounds with his flash suppresor 2 inches from a MCpl face. The MCpl later threatend to castrate the Private.

When on a night recce, having the box fall off my C9. When i got all the rounds into it, I looked around and say that I was alone. I pointed myself through the woods and ran blindley until I saw the glow of my buddies cat eyes. They never knew I was missing. That same recce, the MCpl leading us lost the Motorola radio, and we spent the next 2 hours trying to find it! It was located the next Morning, with the entire platoon.

edited for PERSEC reasons.
Cornwallis, 12 Platoon, Course 8930.

A recruit with particularly long hair during week one when we got buzzed.  Barber shaved half his head...stopped said "Its dinner time, you will have to come back after lunch to get the rest off."

1) Having my sections room torn apart after the gas hut by one MBDR (at the time) ...Gathered equipment from around the sections room and my extra gas mask and made a guy in MOPP 4 on my bed

2) Htting the dirt in a bunch of Poison ivy having my wrist and hand swell up...apparently it was nothing to the medics w00t.

3) Going from a 12 1/2 boot to a 10 1/2 boot by medics orders after a Ruck march :P

4) Having Manny spray 5 FD Rocks over a fellow section mates locker :salute:

5) I'm sorry, but seeing all of the Ocdt's gettin jacked up by the Course Wo and Course O was a little bit humourous...

edited for PERSEC AGAIN. Stop using full names and rank, troops. Unless you're looking for someone, think to yourself: "Would this person WANT their name and rank placed in the entire public's eye?" Once more, and people will start up the warning ladder.
1) Not having been issued our cornflakes until 4 days before grad. (looking like a bunch of numpty's in the platoon photo)
2) Not having been issued our dogtags period.
3) The Queens, the Rox and the field

Oh yea... hearing about how our Alpha1 Sgt. ripped into the A2  Master Seaman almost tearing him apart in the bullpen to the delight of many.

CFLRS Borden....... not bad, pretty good ;)
-Watching my Mclp jump around my cubical and on my bed in evasive mesures from the dust bunnies attack.

-One night after class we where doing our regular duties (sowing, cleaning, that sort've thing) and having a recruit from the other side of the barracks comeing flying through ours wearing his long johns, his combet helm, and his gas mask only to have our sgt come up and catch him goofing off. I got the pleasure of seeing him get jacked right infront of me.

-kit day (we where on the 11th floor)

-watching people in my class do the head bob because they where so tired, I mean I was too but not so much as others.

-Having a memeber from my platoon fart at the wrong time of an inspection, a WO inspection, hahahaha that was a funny jacking.

-Making faces at the guy across from my cubical when he was getting inspected so he'd laugh and get jacked for it.

-waking up everyday at 5am...hahaha not

-Calling my Master bombideer a Mclp on more then one occasion.

-My Master bombideer's idea of pushups....Halfway up!
Cornwallis 9304
- hearing "Tim Horton, office NOW!!"
- having a female walk onto my floor with my ironing when my mcpl was giving us a brief, that was a great inspection the next morning
- 48 hr lve, the Liquor Dome in halifax
The MPs at the front gate of Cornwallis always having my favourite cell ready for my return from a night in Clemensport.
CanadianGrunt said:
-Calling my Master bombideer a Mclp on more then one occasion.

-My Master bombideer's idea of pushups....Halfway up!

And if he ever saw how you chose to spell his rank....he would tear another strip off of you !!
Southern Alberta Militia District Battle School 8803

* being the only course I ever heard about in our corner of the reserves to graduate in full DEU, with regimental headdress (even if they did make us wear pants)

*waiting to assault a Soviet-style trench system and seeing Private Bell pick his nose and wipe it on my combat boot followed by a s***-eating grin. In one, disgusting, moment it encapsulated the entire concept of comradeship and shared sacrifice and why I felt lucky to be there.  Like the entire platoon AFAICT, he is no longer in the CF with one exception I am aware of

*firing the C1 SMG on full auto from the hip and getting all my bullets on the target....to the left of the target I was supposed to be shooting at (oops)

*knowing I'll never have to go through it again.
Well i think we can all remember some good , funny and bad points. Here i will bring up what stands out the most in my mind.
___ My parents drove me to the front gate of Cornwallis in Jan/04( till this day, i still think it was the coldest winter there.) And all i can hear is this Commissioner laughing at me and saying" Looks like we got another stupid one"...

___ The first day we are all standing in a circle and in walks the instructors. They give us the speech about what u aren't allowed to have etc... Then they left, we all looked at each other for five Min's or so waitting to see you was going to be the first to throw there "contraband" in the boot box....good times

___While doing our last phase in the gas hut, the guy next to me his mask was to big and all i could see was the gas circulating in the eye peaces. I grab him and told him to hang on to my shoulder, pour guy he was getting gassed, but for some reason he didn't want to tell the instructors. Once we got out of the hut and outside his nose started to run like a leaky faucet....never seen so many body fluids come out a nose...Once he was done we bothed laughed our asses off!!!!

___ Trying to the 12km run in snow while wearing sneakers!!!!

There is allot more of course, but like i said these ones stick out. Plus i have encountered the same as some have mentioned before me. I wouldn't change anything and when me and a few buddies that did it together get together we laugh so loud that most people stare at us....Funny thing is in a few weeks I'm going out to ST Jean to become a "Recruit Instructor"
gravyboat said:
My memories:

Making some really good friends.
Becoming part of the "big team"
A few good weekends ashore in Montreal (first time the PEI boy was in the big city)

Good god, another Islander.  Was your neck sore from looking up at the big building (like mine was the first time in Taranna aka Toronto?)
Being drilled by a French Vandoo instructor after we just learned the moves by our English instructors (Boy did we pay...)

Being knocked in the head by a milk carton with my helmet on for calling the Mcpl 2IC a Sergeant

Saluting the RSM of the 4R22R (my ears are still ringing)

Being woken up at 1am for PT because someone didn't secure their C7 properly during the night

Ruck marching around Laval and having people honk and give us the thumbs up.

My buddy's nickname given to him by one of our instructors (it's raunchy...PM me if you want to know what it was)

Aah...good times.
1)call "gas gas gas" when course instructors were having a smoke
2)mcpl Running on parade square swoing a rifle in his hand, shouting "i found thir rifle under someone's bed!" Then comes the vault NCO screming "weapon missing in the vault"
3) Mcpl from BW standing at attention with his arms crossed
4)Saying to my sect commander that he is using psychological warfare on me