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Anyone going Air Force get an offer or call for Basic lately?

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Hey all,

Myself and a few of my friends are going Air Force and have been waiting some time for our calls. After reviewing the boards and the people getting their calls it doesn't appear that anyone going the AF route has been getting calls for their offer, etc.

In my area alone there's 4 people I know of directly that have completed their testing, medical, etc and have been told they are on the list and to wait for the call. I myself have been there for around a month and a half, maybe more. Same with 2 others I know, the last person has been 2 weeks.

I know the CFRC Halifax is doing their job because another friend going Navy got his call, and he applied at the start of April, long after the rest of us did. And I just learned while typing this that a co-worker got her call for her job offer, and she applied not more than 3 weeks ago.

Several Facebook friends have also gotten their calls...all Navy and Army.

Is something going on here with Air Force recruiting? My file manager and career manager said that I should have gotten my call since the trade Im going for is a red trade (AVS). Matter of fact, all the trades my friends and I have picked are red (AVS, AVS, AVN & AVN). I looked at the others who have gotten their calls and only a few picked red trades.

Im not too much in a hurry to get in atm, my wife is due on May 26 so Im waiting patiently, but hell, it's been well over a year since my initial application, December was my interview, early March was my medical and re-interview and they told me I was merit listed not long after that. Is there something going on with Air Force recruiting or am I being paranoid?  :blotto:
How I understand it, and I stand and beg to be corrected (as I have no CFRC experience, save enrollment), is that it would depend on  your trade.  I am fairly certain that for myself (as I waited about 2-3 months from medical, testing, etc..) I had to have my file presented to an officer selection board, and following that, it was again presented to a pilot only board.

After this I received my offer, all in all I didn't really have a long wait June of one year to march of the following. 

Anyone with knowledge of CFRC, or knowledge in general please jump in and correct me if anything is incorrect... :salute:
I keep getting told by the CFRC when I call that AVS tech is a red trade and that they are really looking for people in that trade as well as AVN, and as I mentioned I know several people going for red AF trades that haven't gotten their call and have been waiting some time...and then I know of several Army/Navy that applied well after we did and recieved their calls 2-3 weeks after in trades that aren't in the red (cook, supply tech, vehicle tech and Naval coms).

I called my career manager, hopefully I'll hear something back that's positive.
Hey RTaylor, been a while yes?

Very strange if its a hot trade.

Sorry I can't be much help just offering sympathies  ;)

Good luck though, hey maybe I'l get a chance to hear about it on BMQ when we get a date :P

Take care!, Kyle 
I can almost see me being retired by the time I get a frigging call  :crybaby:
RTaylor said:
I can almost see me being retired by the time I get a frigging call  :crybaby:

I can totally understand your frustration.  :P  I only applied 2.5 months ago, but it already feels like an eternity. In all fairness, it's only been a week since I heard from my file manager that Ottawa received everything they need for my aircrew medical, so part of the hold-up was on my end (or my doctor's, more specifically). There is still no word on the security clearance and that is the prime hold-up at the moment. That could take up to another year (when I hit the 10-year mark and no longer need documents sent from Taiwan).

It really is a painfully long job application process for many of us. I had no idea that I could be waiting months, possibly even more than a year, to have my application processed and considered. If I had known that a few months ago, I'm not sure I'd have bothered to apply. I don't know if air force applications take longer to process than those for other elements, but given the examples around you, I can see why it looks that way to you. From what I understand, the air force is hurting for applicants, so you would think it would be just the opposite.

Well, I'm done griping for now. ;) Hopefully, we'll both hear something very soon, RT.  :salute:
It's been just a little bit over the 1 year mark now since my application. They screwed around, lost parts of my application, sent things to the wrong people and left stuff on desks, game by-passes for medical then made me do it some time after they told me I was merit listed, then told me I had to wait for my verification of prior service then my old med docs.

I really feel like I'm getting fucked around at this point, been so long I think they have my file on a desk laughing at it or something.
RTaylor said:
I really feel like I'm getting ****ed around at this point, been so long I think they have my file on a desk laughing at it or something.

Do you feel that your file manager is doing everything s/he can to have your application processed in a timely manner?
Something else you may not have considered is how long your trade course is and how many are run at any time or per year.  I know that PRETC exists, but if they can cut down on the amount of people waiting for trades training, I'm sure it's a huge plus.

For example, you applied for AVS.  Say the course is almost a year long and they are only running one at a time, if that course is only at the four month mark, why enroll you now, have you do 13-14 weeks BMQ (just over three months) to sit on your duff and wait five months for the next course?

The other trades you mentioned probably have much shorter trade courses and run them more often (or more courses at once).  I don't think it has anything to do with the element.

Does that make sense?  ??? Really!  I'm not sure if it does!
Already thought of that, but Ive been told by my brother in law who (who waited 4 months for his arty course to start) has 2 friends awaiting AVS & POET that the next courses spark up in September some time.
There's a possibility that they are OTs or administrative remusters (meaning they failed their other trades training) so they would have already been in.
These are people that completed BMQ with my brother in law in February, so I know they aren't OT's or remusters. I've had him checking into things for me. My cousin (who went to 'Stan 4 days ago) also told me the same thing, that the courses are starting up in the early fall.

Hopefully I'll get a call soon and be in early June.
RTaylor said:
No, I feel that they are giving me answers to placate me.

If that is the case then I think you need to meet with your FM and get some answers. Be proactive. I have to say that I feel I have a fantastic FM. I can just tell that he is doing everything he can on my behalf and wants some "good news" as much as I do. It helps to cut down on the frustration factor when you know that someone is trying hard to keep the ball rolling for you. If there is a valid reason for the wait, they should be upfront about that with you. Is it the medical documents that are slowing things down right now?
Nope, med docs came in and everything has supposedly been sent off. I verified the med docs with the medical department directly so now I know it's all together, just wondering if it was really sent off or if someone has their stank ass sitting on it, or if the AF trades aren't being recruited at the moment for some nutty reason.
RTaylor said:
Nope, med docs came in and everything has supposedly been sent off. I verified the med docs with the medical department directly so now I know it's all together, just wondering if it was really sent off or if someone has their stank *** sitting on it, or if the AF trades aren't being recruited at the moment for some nutty reason.

These are all good questions for your FM. (I'd leave out the "stank ***" part, though. ;))
Applicants with former service bring additional challenges to the process. Your old medical file may already be in archives or still in transit somewhere so that May be one of the things holding your file. I suggest you contact the Military Career Counsellor who interviewed you and ask them to investigate.  Your file manager can only do so much.

Have you ever thought that perhaps the CFRC is aware that you and your wife are expecting in late May and are reluctant to load you on the next available course which is 30 June. The BMQ courses are usually opened up to load people on are about 3 weeks away. They July courses are not opened as of yet and staff are reluctant to offer a position they expect will be refused because of family issues.

Have a frank discussion with the MCC to find out if you are Merit listed and when perhaps you could expect an offer. Let them know when you are available to go on BMQ.

I have selected more Air trades than Land trades of late so it isn't one over the other.

I'm really offended that you think so little of the CFRC, who handle thousands of files, that you think they are "stank ** sitting on it". I only hope that if you make it this time you end up in recruiting at some point in your career to see how hard everybody is working to keep the big green/ light blue/ navy blue and purple machine operating.

Best of luck. 
CFR FCS said:
I suggest you contact the Military Career Counsellor who interviewed you and ask them to investigate.  Your file manager can only do so much.

I thought they were one and the same? No?  ???
CFR, the reason I made that statement is because someone already had left a file of mine (My VFS request) sitting on their desk for 3 weeks without doing anything about it. I was told this, to my face, during my re-interview. I was told over/around a month ago that I have been merit listed, and I have talked to my military career counsellor and file manager, they've both assured me I've been merit listed.

But they've said that before.

And I wasn't. Not even close.

So I've been blatently lied to, directly to my face and over the phone, about these issues.

I have faith in the CFRC, just not in some of the people running it.

Also, I have told them to load me on the soonest BMQ and call me up because I'm wanting to start a career. I'll miss my family for certain, but I need a career, not some crapface call center job, to support them properly.
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