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Application Process Samples [2003 - 2018]

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I know, I'm just an impatient teenager (a fantastic candidate to be in command of a warship).  :P
I know, I'm just an impatient teenager (a fantastic candidate to be in command of a warship). 

You're not the first, you won't be the last.  I'm sure we'll run into each other during our illustrious careers.  Good luck.
Hey all im new here but have been reading the forums through my application process and decided to register since i just passed my CFAT. They told me i scored high enough for officer rank so ill have to inquire about that since i was under the impression that I could not apply due to my poor marks in high school.?
Anyway so far the process has gone smooth and without problems, i was given my CFAT results and med & Int date right after the test. They still need to check my background and references so im guessing that'll happen after the med & int.

GOOD LUCK TO YOU ALL and i'll keep you updated!

Recruting Center: New Westminister BC
Regular/Reserve: Reg
Officer/NCM: NCM
Trade Choice 1:AVN TECH
Trade Choice 2: -
Trade Choice 3: -
Application Date: Nov. 17 2008
First Contact: Called in Dec. 15 2008
CFAT completed : Jan. 8 2009
Med: (scheduled Jan. 28 2009)
Interview completed:(scheduled Jan. 28 2009)
Sworn in:
Basic Training Begins:
Just an update. Did my CFAT today and qualified for everything so he said. WOOHOOO!! I am so relieved! We did my interview after my CFAT which they told me might happen so luckily I was prepared and that went well too. They told me that both my trades weren't open yet, but that there should be openings in April. I scheduled my medical while I was there for the 22nd of January. I could have scheduled it on the 19th but I didn't think my glasses would be in on time. Lo and behold I come home and there is a message that my glasses are in today lol. I was also told that they have started on my background check and references so I should know soon how that goes as well. I can't foresee a problem there, just with my medical which I am dreading!

Recruiting Center: Kitchener
Regular/Reserves: Regular
Officer/NCM: NCM
Trade Choice 1: Imagery Tech
Trade Choice 2: Steward
Trade Choice 3: N/A
Application Date: January 5, 2008
First Contact: January 5, 2008
CFAT: January 13, 2008
Medical:  Scheduled for January 22, 2008
Interview: January 13, 2008
Merit Listed:
Job Offer:
Swearing in:

AJ OLSEN said:
Recruiting center- Victoria
Trade choice- Infantry (031)
Application date- November 23 2008
First contact with CFRC- November 24 2008

Medical,apptitude,and interview- November 27 2008
MERIT LISTED December 9th 2008
Offer- still awaiting
SWORN IN- still awaiting



I wasn't going to update until I recieved a job offer or not but...

Recruting Center: Halifax
Regular/Reserve: Regular
Officer/NCM: NCM
Trade Choice 1: Sig Op
Trade Choice 2:
Trade Choice 3:
Application Date: November 7th 2008
First Contact: December 4th
CFAT completed: December 9th
Medical completed: December 9th
Interview completed: December 9th
Position Offered: ---
Sworn in: ---
Basic Training Begins: ---

Called on January 6th for an update and was told the medical was cleared on December 23rd (or 22nd). Right now all I'm waiting for is my ERC to be completed. I was told Ottawa was backed up due to the holidays and to call back in 2 weeks. That means I probably wont have another update until the 23rd of January. Another few weeks of weights and running 5-6 times a week. At least I should be prepared physically for basic if I get accepted.
Hey HeadLamp, I notice we have a very similar process.  Maybe we start bmq together.

Recruting Center: Mississauga
Regular/Reserve: Regular
Officer/NCM: NCM
Trade Choice 1: Sig Op
Trade Choice 2:
Trade Choice 3:
Application Date: November 20th 2008
First Contact: November 20th
CFAT completed: December 2nd
Medical completed: December 8th
Interview completed: December 9th
Position Offered: ---
Sworn in: ---
Basic Training Begins: ---
Heh, I've actually been watching for an update from you to see how similar our application processing is. Hopefully both our job offers are right around the corner :P.
I'll let ya know when I hear something.  I was told to expect a call mid-jan, so I am probably waiting on the ERC also.  Let's hope..

martr said:
Recruiting Center: Ottawa
Regular/Reserves: Regular
Officer/NCM: ROTP - Civillian University (Ottawa U)
Trade Choice 1: Intelligence
Trade Choice 2: Infantry
Trade Choice 3: Armour
Application Date: January 5th, 2008
First Contact: January 16th, 2009
CFAT: Jan. 27th, 2009
Medical:  Jan. 27th, 2009
Interview: Jan. 27th, 2009
Merit Listed:
Job Offer:
Swearing in:
Recruiting Center: CFRC Victoria
Regular/Reserve: Reserve
Officer/NCM: NCM
Trade Choice 1: INT OP
Trade Choice 2: -NCI OP
Trade Choice 3: -NES OP
Application Date: October 8/08
First Contact: October 21/08
Aptitude completed : Feb 17/09
Medical completed: - Feb17/09
Physical Test completed: - Feb17/09
Interview completed: Feb17/09
Position Offered: - NCI OP
Swear-In Ceremony: - x

They called a few days ago and I booked an appointment to get it all done during my reading break.
Recruiting Center: CFRC Calgary
Regular/Reserve: Regular
Officer/NCM: NCM (Unskilled)
Trade Choice 1: NESOP
Trade Choice 2: -NAVCOMM
Trade Choice 3: -
Application Date: Jan 12/09 - Online
First Contact: Jan 16/09  - Signed
CFAT completed: Jan 20/09
Interview & Medical completed: Jan 20/09
Listed: TBD
Position Offered: TBD
Sworn in: TBD

Now I wait... ::)  On a related note, I have nothing but good things to say about the CFRC in Calgary.  Everyone is very helpful and outgoing and I hope that the smooth start is  sign of things to come...
Recruiting Centre: Halifax, Nova Scotia.
Component: Reg. Force, NCM, Air Force
Trade Choice 1: AVN
Application Date: September 18, 2008
First Contact: September 22, 2008
Medical, aptitude completed : January 21, 2009
Interview completed: January 21, 2009
Position Offered: tba
Basic Training Begins: tba

Updates. I did my aptitude, medical and interview yesterday. I exceeded my expectations on the aptitude test, apparently surpassing the officer candidate threshold. My interview was as I expected as I was well prepared and the medical was pretty cut and dry. I need a few pieces of information back from my doctors to finalize this step.

My career counselor explained that there currently aren't any openings for AVN but that the new openings are coming in April, so I will wait.

Thanks to all for the great information here. 
Recruiting Centre: Windsor, ON
Component: CEOTP
Trade Choice 1: Aerospace Controller
Trade Choice 2: x
Trade Choice 3: x
Application Date: April 8, 2008
First Contact: April 8, 2008
CFAT: approx. May 6, 2008
Medical: June 3, 2008
Interview: August 14, 2008
Merit Listed: January 21, 2009
Position Offered:
Sworn In:
Recruiting Centre: Toronto, ON.
Component: Reg. Force, DEO, Navy
Trade Choice 1: NCS ENG
Trade Choice 2: MARS
Trade Choice 3: Marine System Eng
Application Date: July 3rd, 2008
Aptitude, Medical completed : July 23rd & July 30th respectively
Interview completed: August 7, 2008
Position Offered: TBD
Basic Training Begins: TBD

I had completed the CFAT, and went on to the medical.  I had advised them of asthma in the past.  This was flagged my the med staff.  I received a call form the recruiting centre to reschedule my interview until after my medical file returned from Ottawa.  Upon further inquiry on that call it was determined they wanted to reschedule because they were confident the RMO would deem me medically unfit, and didn't want to waste my time.  I asked if we could proceed regardless as it isn't a waste of time, and regardless of how long it took to reconsider my medical status.  The Lt. Agreed, and we proceeded with the interview where I was qualified for the three trades I had applied for.  Sure enough, I was deemed medically unfit.  I'm pleased to say this week, after almost 4 months of tests and medical assessments and physicals with my GP, I received a letter this Monday stating the RMO had reconsidered my status, and I am now medically fit.  In the recruiting centre I was told I was qualified for all three trades, and my file was merit listed, and will be selected for the next NOAB.

That being said, I am now in the process of deciding which trade to pursue.  Initially I had chosen NCS ENG, as it seemed the most interesting, as well as a great fit for my education and experience.  However, during my research and study for my interview, as well as information provided during the interview, I am leaning towards MARS Officer.  I am seeking any input form people who are either pursuing these trades, or worked directly with people in these positions for guidance.  This isn't the correct thread, but any input, if it could be send via PM, would be greatly appreciated.  I now continue my research and look forward to making my decision, and moving to the next step.


** update - as I write this I just receieved a call from the recruiting centre advising me I will be attending the next NOAB, just need some more info. 
Recruiting Center: CFRC Edmonton
Regular/Reserves: Regular
Officer/NCM: Officer (ROTP)
Trade Choice 1: Infantry
Trade Choice 2: Armour
Trade Choice 3: MARS
Application Date: Nov 21, 2008
First Contact: Dec 2, 2008
CFAT: Previously Completed
Medical: Previously Completed (July)
Interview: Dec 15th, 2008
Merit Listed: Jan 7th, 2009
Job offer: N/A
Sworn in: N/A
Recruiting Center: CFRC Halifax
Regular/Reserves: Regular
Officer/NCM: Officer (DEO)
Trade Choice 1: Marine Systems Engineering
Trade Choice 2:
Trade Choice 3:
Application Date: Jan 26, 2009 (first part only, complete application to follow)
First Contact: TBD
CFAT: TDB (Possibly Already Completed)
Medical: TBD (Possibly Already completed)
Interview: TBD
Merit Listed: TBD
Job offer: N/A
Sworn in: N/A

Well, thanks to all the help I have found on this forum, the first part of my application has been submitted. Further items to be determined after retrieval of my old file from CFRC Toronto, I'll keep this post updated as I can.
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