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Application Process Samples [2003 - 2018]

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Romanmaz said:
Congrats man, I'd call back next week to confirm if I was you. They told me my file would be merit listed 3 times since the 19th of May but still nothing.

My Progress=
Recruiting Center: CFRC Mississauga (started) now CFRC Toronto (current)
Regular/Reserve: Regular
Officer/NCM: NCM
Trades: 1: Armored Soldier
            2: Infantry
            3: AWS Tech
Application Date:Feb.23/11
CFAT:                  Feb.24/11
Medical Attempt #1:      Feb.28/11
Interview Attempt #1:  Feb.28/11
(Both cancelled due to RC being closed down)
(Unable to make contact until April 21st)
Medical Attempt #2:    May 2/11
Interview Attempt #2: May 19/11
Merit Listed: Pending  (Hopefully soon)
Position Offered: Pending
BMQ: Pending

Everything was going great until RC was closed down and all of my appointments had to be rescheduled.
* Update* Got a job offer this morning for BMQ start date Sept.5th- Dec.9th for Infantry RCR  :camo: . Extremely excited!
P.S. To the best of my knowledge I was never even merit listed, they told me to expect a call about being put on the merit list 2 weeks ago,which I never got, and now I received a job offer. :salute:
I'm just waiting for my dates, but looks like we'll be going to BMQ together Romanmaz.
Congrats Romanmaz! I have a feeling you must have been merit listed at some point, even if no one notified you however. Busy time down at the recruitment centers.
Congratulations Romanmaz. Nice to know that someone else who had to deal with RC Mississauga's closure made it through this time around. Good luck.
Hey guys, look like i'll be joining you September 5 for BMQ. Got the call today! Infantry RCR as well. Im so pumped!
Here's my application process from start to finish.

Recruiting Center: Kitchener
Regular/Reserve: Regular
Officer/NCM: NCM
Trade Choice 1: Infantry
Trade Choice 2: Combat Engineer
Trade Choice 3 Artillery
Application Date: March 28, 2011
First Contact: March 28, 2011
Aptitude Completed: April 18, 2011
Interview Completed: May 12, 2011
Medical Completed: May 16, 2011
Merit Listed: May 20th, 2011 for Infantry
Offer: June 22, 2011 - Infantry
Basic Training: September 5, 2011
Thanks guys, looking forward to seeing everyone in St.Jean. No-one better even think about signing a VR  :threat:
Good to see all these 2011 applicants get a BMQ for Infantry, when I applied a year ago. ^^ A medical booked for July 5th? mine was canceled June 13th because the said all Combat Arms trades were closed.  :facepalm:

Whatever, I'm moving on. I spent the last year getting my hopes up, I'll be damned if I spend another whole year.

Sample2K7 said:
Hey guys, look like i'll be joining you September 5 for BMQ. Got the call today! Infantry RCR as well. Im so pumped!

Just note... you may not necessarily end up with The RCR even though you mention it as a preference. They will post you to a regiment that has room/a regiment that needs people - so that means you could end up posted to the PPCLI in Edmonton Alberta or Shilo Manitoba.

Just a word of caution.
mwc - you're not the only one who has waited and a lot have waited even longer than you.  by next year, it'll have been 3 years for me, technically 2 by application date.  Waiting sucks and it can be discouraging, but usually in the end its worth it.  Whether you choose to wait another year or not, I wish you all the best. 

Romanaz - you're damn right no one better VR.. haha

Anyways, good luck to those going this year, extremely jealous but heres to hoping for next year!
A quick update:
Recruiting Center: CFRC Vancouver
Reg/Res: Regular
Trade 1: Combat Engineer
Trade 2: Armored Soldier
Trade 3: Artillery soldier
Application Date: March 23 2011
First Contact: April 26 2011
Aptitude Test Completed: May 3 2011
Medical Completed: Scheduled for May 12 2011 Complete
Interview Completed: Pending Scheduled for July 12 2011
Medical Approved: Pending
Security Check Completed: pending
Merit Listed: Pending
Position Offered: N/A
Basic Training Begins: N/A
lethalLemon said:
I've turned the tide, I've decided to ditch the Primary Reserve and upgrade to Regular Force for various reasons.

Recruting Center: Vancouver BC
Regular/Reserve: Regular
Officer/NCM: NCM
Trade Choice 1: Armoured Soldier
Trade Choice 2: Aerospace Control Operator
Trade Choice 3: Combat Engineer
Application Date: 21 October 2010
First Contact: 08 January 2011
Aptitude completed : 09 March 2011
Medical Completed: Pending
Interview completed: Pending
Medical Approved: Pending
Security check completed : Status Unknown
Merit Listed: Pending
Position Offered: Pending
Basic Training Begins: Pending


Oh boy... well, I hit a bit of a snag in the last couple months. Not pretty, but the whole world doesn't need to know about it.

Recruting Center: Vancouver BC transferring to Calgary AB
Regular/Reserve: Regular
Officer/NCM: NCM
Previous Trade Choice 1: Armoured Soldier (Closed as of 13 June 2011)
Previous Trade Choice 2: Aerospace Control Operator (One opening available - NATIONWIDE as of 13 June 2011)
Previous Trade Choice 3: Combat Engineer (Closed as of 13 June 2011)
Current Trade Choice 1: Aerospace Control Operator (not getting my hopes up)
Current Trade Choice 2: Air Weapons System Technician
Current Trade Choice 3: Aviation Systems Technician
Application Date: Original: May 2008 Reopened: 21 October 2010
First Contact: 08 January 2011
Aptitude completed: 09 March 2011
Medical Completed: 21 March 2011
Interview completed: Pending
Medical Approved: Complete
Security check completed: Complete
Merit Listed: Pending
Position Offered: Pending
Basic Training Begins: Pending

I'm have to go into CFRC Calgary again to complete the file transfer from Vancouver and get this show on the road. CFRC Calgary informed me on 13 June 2011 that Armoured Crewman and Combat Engineer are closed will be for some time until they (CF, NDHQ, etc.) shuffle things around. He also read off the sheet that AC Op has 1 (one) available opening nationwide (which was pretty heartbreaking). What surprises me is CFRC Vancouver never told me any of this, the whole time I dealt with CFRC Vancouver, I always ended up dealing with this grump PO2 and he would never listen to my questions and would just snap answers at me that didn't help and everything seemed to be this big secret - they told me I wasn't allowed copies of MY OWN PAPERWORK FOR PERSONAL RECORDS. Is that not strange?

Anyway, things are back on track and hopefully I can get my interview underway ASAP and on my way to BMQ yesterday :P

Good luck to everyone.
xKraven said:
mwc - you're not the only one who has waited and a lot have waited even longer than you.  by next year, it'll have been 3 years for me, technically 2 by application date.  Waiting sucks and it can be discouraging, but usually in the end its worth it.  Whether you choose to wait another year or not, I wish you all the best. 

Romanaz - you're damn right no one better VR.. haha

Anyways, good luck to those going this year, extremely jealous but heres to hoping for next year!

Same here, almost 3 years and counting  :-\ , but hopefully things keep moving along for me.
And lord knows that VR isn't even in my vocabulary.

Congrats to all who are going for BMQ this year, good luck to all of you.
lethalLemon said:
Just note... you may not necessarily end up with The RCR even though you mention it as a preference. They will post you to a regiment that has room/a regiment that needs people - so that means you could end up posted to the PPCLI in Edmonton Alberta or Shilo Manitoba.

Just a word of caution.

When the recruiter called with a job offer they told me I had been selected for the RCR. They said people with job offers have now be assigned to a regiment. However we wont know which battalion until sometime during or after BMQ
Sample2K7 said:
When the recruiter called with a job offer they told me I had been selected for the RCR. They said people with job offers have now be assigned to a regiment. However we wont know which battalion until sometime during or after BMQ


It doesn't matter what the Recruiter said.  When you get to your Trades training, if the RCR Bns are overfilled, you may land up heading out to the PPCLI Battle School instead.  What advice lethalLemon gave you is HOW the System works.  If you can not accept the fact that the CF will send you where they need you the most, then it is time to pull your application.
Waters81 said:
Same here, almost 3 years and counting  :-\ , but hopefully things keep moving along for me.
And lord knows that VR isn't even in my vocabulary.

Congrats to all who are going for BMQ this year, good luck to all of you.
What trades are you going for? Hopefully things will pick up for the both of us, we might even see eachother on course next year!

Have to be positive about another year.. I have another year to work on my French, continue to work and take some uni classes, yippie
George Wallace said:

It doesn't matter what the Recruiter said.  When you get to your Trades training, if the RCR Bns are overfilled, you may land up heading out to the PPCLI Battle School instead.  What advice lethalLemon gave you is HOW the System works.  If you can not accept the fact that the CF will send you where they need you the most, then it is time to pull your application.

I absolutely accept that the CF will move me around according to their needs. I did not intend my post to be dismissive to the advice offered by lethallemon. However I re read my post and see how it could have been interpreted that way. And lethal lemon I apologize for that. I appreciate all advice offered to me on this site. As my only interaction with the CF thus far has been my recruiting process it was only natural for me to believe my recruiter when he informed me that I would be going with the RCR. If things change and I am reassigned to another regiment I am totally ok with that. I understand that is part of the military life, you are put where you are needed. In my post I simply intended to convey the information given by my recruiter. I don't believe however it was nessecary to immediately jump to telling me I should consider removing my application. But in future I will ensure my posts are more clear and concise. My intent is never to offend or discredit other forum users. Everything aside, I'm thrilled to be accepted to the forces and can't wait for my BMQ!
Don't worry.  I remember way back when, the officer in charge of the Recruiting Centre actually had a form letter that he had me sign stating that he had not lied to me.  As I was a Reservist at the time, I signed it as I already knew what was in store for me, but I laughed at the silliness of that form when I walked out of the office.  How would anyone with no military background have known if he had lied to them or not?
Haha ya I know what you mean. Throughout the entire process I have taken whatever my recruiter has said as the absolute truth. But in reality he could have been misleading me(which I know they wouldn't do intentionally) and I would have been none the wiser
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