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Application Process Samples [2003 - 2018]

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Recruiting Center: Online/CFRC Regina
Regular/Reserve: Regular
Officer/NCM: NCM
Trade Choice 1: Infantry
Trade Choice 2: Armored Crewman
Trade Choice 3: Combat Engineer
Application Date: - December 30, 2011
First Contact: February 7, 2012 - confirmed receipt of supporting documents
Aptitude Test: May 15, 2012
Interview: May 15, 2012
Medical: May 15, 2012
Merit Listed:  Unsure, as I never got called to confirm Merit List Status
Position Offered: June 1, 2012 (Armored Crewman)
Enrollment/Swear in: TBA
Basic Training Begins: June 25, 2012 (My Birthday)
Total Time from Application to BMQ start: 6 Months

Well it finally happened, I got the call today! Nervous as hell but excited as i got called much sooner then anticipated. Excited to join the CF family/team!
If anyone else on the forums is also gonna be in R0452E Give me a shout!
saskcowboy13 said:
Recruiting Center: Online/CFRC Regina
Regular/Reserve: Regular
Officer/NCM: NCM
Trade Choice 1: Infantry
Trade Choice 2: Armored Crewman
Trade Choice 3: Combat Engineer
Application Date: - December 30, 2011
First Contact: February 7, 2012 - confirmed receipt of supporting documents
Aptitude Test: May 15, 2012
Interview: May 15, 2012
Medical: May 15, 2012
Merit Listed:  Unsure, as I never got called to confirm Merit List Status
Position Offered: June 1, 2012 (Armored Crewman)
Enrollment/Swear in: TBA
Basic Training Begins: June 25, 2012 (My Birthday)
Total Time from Application to BMQ start: 6 Months

Well it finally happened, I got the call today! Nervous as hell but excited as i got called much sooner then anticipated. Excited to join the CF family/team!
If anyone else on the forums is also gonna be in R0452E Give me a shout!

Another Blackhatter... not fair.
saskcowboy13 said:
Recruiting Center: Online/CFRC Regina
Regular/Reserve: Regular
Officer/NCM: NCM
Trade Choice 1: Infantry
Trade Choice 2: Armored Crewman
Trade Choice 3: Combat Engineer
Application Date: - December 30, 2011
First Contact: February 7, 2012 - confirmed receipt of supporting documents
Aptitude Test: May 15, 2012
Interview: May 15, 2012
Medical: May 15, 2012
Merit Listed:  Unsure, as I never got called to confirm Merit List Status
Position Offered: June 1, 2012 (Armored Crewman)
Enrollment/Swear in: TBA
Basic Training Begins: June 25, 2012 (My Birthday)
Total Time from Application to BMQ start: 6 Months

Well it finally happened, I got the call today! Nervous as hell but excited as i got called much sooner then anticipated. Excited to join the CF family/team!
If anyone else on the forums is also gonna be in R0452E Give me a shout!

saskcowboy13 said:
Recruiting Center: Online/CFRC Regina
Regular/Reserve: Regular
Officer/NCM: NCM
Trade Choice 1: Infantry
Trade Choice 2: Armored Crewman
Trade Choice 3: Combat Engineer
Application Date: - December 30, 2011
First Contact: February 7, 2012 - confirmed receipt of supporting documents
Aptitude Test: May 15, 2012
Interview: May 15, 2012
Medical: May 15, 2012
Merit Listed:  Unsure, as I never got called to confirm Merit List Status
Position Offered: June 1, 2012 (Armored Crewman)
Enrollment/Swear in: TBA
Basic Training Begins: June 25, 2012 (My Birthday)
Total Time from Application to BMQ start: 6 Months

Well it finally happened, I got the call today! Nervous as hell but excited as i got called much sooner then anticipated. Excited to join the CF family/team!
If anyone else on the forums is also gonna be in R0452E Give me a shout!

Thats an awesome birthday present, little jealous :P
Recruiting Center: CFRC Charlottetown
Regular/Reserve: Reserve
Officer/NCM: NCM
Trade Choice 1: Armoured Crewman
Application Date: March 2012
First Contact: May 2012
Aptitude Test: May 2012
Interview: May 2012
Medical: May 2012
Merit Listed: N/A
Position Offered: June 1, 2012
Enrollment/Swear in: June 7, 2012
Basic Training Begins: ???

Got the call! Wow! What a feeling!
Habs said:
Recruiting Center: CFRC Charlottetown
Regular/Reserve: Reserve
Officer/NCM: NCM
Trade Choice 1: Armoured Crewman
Application Date: March 2012
First Contact: May 2012
Aptitude Test: May 2012
Interview: May 2012
Medical: May 2012
Merit Listed: N/A
Position Offered: June 1, 2012
Enrollment/Swear in: June 7, 2012
Basic Training Begins: ???

Got the call! Wow! What a feeling!

Congrats ma good to see another black beret making it in!!
seawolf said:
Recruiting Center: Online - File transferred to CFRC Hamilton
Regular/Reserve: Regular
Officer/NCM: Officer - DEO
Trade Choice 1: Logistics
Trade Choice 2: Armour
Trade Choice 3: ACSO
Application Date: - November 22, 2011  (initially reserve - changed app to Reg force officially Feb 1, 2012)
First Contact: December 13, 2011 - confirmed receipt of supporting documents
Aptitude Test: June 4, 2012 - PASSED
ACSO Test: June 18, 2012
Interview: July 3, 2012
Medical: July 3, 2012
Merit Listed: x
Position Offered: x
Enrollment/Swear in: x
Basic Training Begins: x

Just had my CFAT this morning. I passed no problem and qualified as Officer - that's pretty much all they told me about the CFAT.
They initially thought they would do my medical today too, but the Med staff were too busy. Also, I was informed they do the ACSO test there. I booked that for June 18th and then Medical/Interview for July 3rd.

More hurry up and wait.
CFRC: Oshawa
Regular/Reserve: Regular
Officer/NCM: NCM
Trade Choice 1:Traffic Tech (was supply)
Trade Choice 2: Supply
Trade Choice 3:RMS
Application Date:June 28 2011
Verification of former service: Arrived Sept 22 2011 (could not move forward in the process without it)
Aptitude completed : did not need/previous service
Med Files from previous service: Arrived 22 Oct 2011 (could not move forward in the process without it)
Interview: Oct 31 2011
Medical: Oct 31 2011
Merit Listed: December 2011 (did traffic tech interview may 14 2012, awaiting merit listing for it)
Position Offered: June 4 RMS Air
Basic Training Begins:July 14 report date

Recruiting Center: Online/CFRC Regina
Regular/Reserve: Regular
Officer/NCM: NCM
Trade Choice 1: Infantry
Trade Choice 2: Armored Crewman
Trade Choice 3: Combat Engineer
Application Date: - December 30, 2011
First Contact: February 7, 2012 - confirmed receipt of supporting documents
Aptitude Test: May 15, 2012
Interview: May 15, 2012
Medical: May 15, 2012
Merit Listed:  Unsure, as I never got called to confirm Merit List Status
Position Offered: June 1, 2012 (Armored Crewman)
Enrollment/Swear in: June 18, 2012
Basic Training Begins: June 25, 2012 (My Birthday)
Total Time from Application to BMQ start: 6 Months

UPDATE: Swearing in finalized for June 18th, 2012
Scoobydude said:
Recruiting Center: CFRC Vancouver
Regular/Reserve: Regular
Officer/NCM: NCM
Trade Choice 1: Combat Engineer
Application Date: December 2011
First contact: January 2012
Appointment Scheduled: February 2012
CFAT: March 2012
Interview: March 2012
Medical: March 2012
References Contacted: June 5th 2012
Merit listed: Waiting
Position offered: Waiting
Sworn in: Waiting
Basic Training Begins: Waiting

UPDATE: References contacted today :)
saskcowboy13 said:
Recruiting Center: Online/CFRC Regina
Regular/Reserve: Regular
Officer/NCM: NCM
Trade Choice 1: Infantry
Trade Choice 2: Armored Crewman
Trade Choice 3: Combat Engineer
Application Date: - December 30, 2011
First Contact: February 7, 2012 - confirmed receipt of supporting documents
Aptitude Test: May 15, 2012
Interview: May 15, 2012
Medical: May 15, 2012
Merit Listed:  Unsure, as I never got called to confirm Merit List Status
Position Offered: June 1, 2012 (Armored Crewman)
Enrollment/Swear in: June 18, 2012
Basic Training Begins: June 25, 2012 (My Birthday)
Total Time from Application to BMQ start: 6 Months

UPDATE: Swearing in finalized for June 18th, 2012

My crewman brother! Congrats!!
Shiggalowe said:
Recruiting Center: CFRC Calgary
Regular/Reserve: Reg
Officer/NCM: NCM
Trade Choice 1: ACISS
Trade Choice 2: Infantry Soldier ( V4, not qualified)
Trade Choice 3: Armoured Soldier (V4, not qualified)
Application Date: Early March 2012
First Contacted: March 28, 2012
CFAT completed : April 11, 2012
Medical completed: April 11, 2012
Interview completed : April 11, 2012
Merit listed: -
Swearing in: -
Basic Training Begins: -

I haven't been in touch with CFRC Calgary for a few weeks but last time I spoke with the Cpl handling my file he had confirmed that all the forms I had needed from my family physician and optometrist had been received and added to my file. As far as I know I'm still in the running and being processed so fingers crossed. Here's hoping for some good news when I call and check in next week.  :cdnsalute:

I called CFRC Calgary today and was offered a position and took it without a moments hesitation! Never found out when I was merit listed but I would assume it was late May early June

Recruiting Center: CFRC Calgary
Regular/Reserve: Reg
Officer/NCM: NCM
Trade Choice 1: ACISS
Trade Choice 2: Infantry Soldier ( V4, not qualified)
Trade Choice 3: Armoured Soldier (V4, not qualified)
Application Date: Early March 2012
First Contacted: March 28, 2012
CFAT completed : April 11, 2012
Medical completed: April 11, 2012
Interview completed : April 11, 2012
Merit listed: May-June 2012
Swearing in: July 11, 2012
Basic Training Begins: July 16, 2012
They didn't call you with the offer and  when you happened to call them they offered? that's awesome. Looks like everything went pretty fast for you.
Thanks Donny!

Haha I guess they must have got caught up with things and I kind of got swept up under the rug in a sense. I'm really stoked to start training (though I'll be missing my sister's wedding, bummer  :-\, but she understands) and amped up for getting past all the hurdles I didn't clear when I applied last year.
Recruiting Center: CFRC Vancouver
Regular/Reserve: Reg
Officer/NCM: NCM
Trade Choice 1: Artillery-Air
Trade Choice 2: Artillery-Field
Trade Choice 3: Ammo Tech
Application Date: July, 2011
First Contacted: Feb, 2012
CFAT completed : previously completed
Medical completed: March 5, 2012
Interview completed : March 26, 2012
Merit listed: March 28, 2012
Job offer: June 6, 2012 -Artillery-Air
Swearing in: July 4, 2012
Basic Training Begins: July 16, 2012
mouse604 said:
Trade Choice 1: Artillery-Air

I'm going to assume you mean "Artillery - Air defence".......right ?

Just because you know some 17 year-old CoD king is going to think he can be a super-duper aircraft gunner right from civvy street.
Recruiting Center: CFRC Ottawa
Regular/Reserve: Regular
Officer/NCM: NCM
Trade Choice 1: Geomatics Technician
Trade Choice 2: Meteorological Technician
Trade Choice 3: Weapons Engineering Technician
Application Date: - February 14, 2012
Aptitude Test: November, 2011 (From previous unsuccessful ROTP application)
Interview: April 4, 2012
Medical: April 4, 2012
Merit Listed:  Not sure but was told that I'd already been merit listed when I called on April 30th.
Position Offered: June 4, 2012 (Geomatics Technician)
Enrollment/Swear in: June 12, 2012
Basic Training Begins: June 25, 2012
I was also told that there were only seven GEO TECH spots nation-wide for this fiscal year. I am currently counting my blessings.
Vanillaueva said:
Recruiting Center: CFRC Ottawa
Regular/Reserve: Regular
Officer/NCM: NCM
Trade Choice 1: Geomatics Technician
Trade Choice 2: Meteorological Technician
Trade Choice 3: Weapons Engineering Technician
Application Date: - February 14, 2012
Aptitude Test: November, 2011 (From previous unsuccessful ROTP application)
Interview: April 4, 2012
Medical: April 4, 2012
Merit Listed:  Not sure but was told that I'd already been merit listed when I called on April 30th.
Position Offered: June 4, 2012 (Geomatics Technician)
Enrollment/Swear in: June 12, 2012
Basic Training Begins: June 25, 2012

Good to see someone else of the forums going to BMQ on the 25th! Congrats and see ya there!
Little update.

Recruiting Center: Post/Montreal
Regular/Reserve: Regular
Officer/NCM: Officer DEO
Trade Choice 1: Pilot
Trade Choice 2: X
Trade Choice 3: X
Application Date: Second time = January 31st 2012, First time = 2006
First Contact: February 7th 2012, confirmed receipt of documents
Second Contact: May 16th 2012, documents transfered to Montreal Recruiting Center
Aptitude Test: January 2006
Interview: June 2012
Medical: June 2012
ACS: To be confirmed, waiting the completion of my PPL
Merit Listed: X
Position Offered: X
Enrollment/Swear in: X
Basic Training Begins: X
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