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Application Process Samples [2003 - 2018]

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romeokilo said:
The name's Rohan. What is your name? We have another guy who might be with us at the NOAB, he's on the forums too - goes by the username Galahad.

I had to get a doctor's prescription myself after my medical -- my vision turned out to be not V1, so I needed a prescription for glasses.

Sutherland here.  Good to meet you. 
Well time to put my info up,

Recruiting Center: Calgary
Regular/Reserve: Regular
Officer/NCM: NCM
Trade Choice 1: Electrical Dist.Tech
Trade Choice 2: Weapons Tech (Land)
Trade Choice 3:
Application Date: Mar 9/09 (reserves)  Mar 16/09 (Switched Application to Reg)
First Contact: (Mar 30/09 called, I was still listed as Res app, corrected) Apr 3/09
CFAT: Apr 14 2009
Medical: Apr 15 2009
Interview: Apr 14 2009
Listed: TBD
Position Offered: TBD
Sworn in: TBD
BMQ starts on: TBD

I first planned to do a year in reserves and applied thusly.  I was told at that time there was a push for regular forces, so reserve applications would be on the back burner until April. As my application was submitted at my local reserve unit in Medicine Hat, it had to be sent to Calgary.  Later that week myself and the wife decided that going straight to the Reg force was really more practical for us, so I changed my app the following Monday.  I contacted my local recruiter to change the application.  When I had not heard anything by the 30th I decided to call Calgary directly.  Good thing too, as my application was still showing as Reserve forces, so I corrected that then and there.  I got my call today with the dates for my interview, CFAT and Medical.  Yay I finally have something on the calendar to look forward to. 
ACSO (Air Nav) under CEOTP:  2 positions

With there only being two positions available nationwide and for the entire fiscal year... makes for some stiff competition.    :o

Dariusz said:
New numbers are out!! ;D
17 CEOTP for Armour!  :camo:

Recruiting Center: Kitchener
Regular/Reserve: Regular
Officer/NCM: NCM
Trade Choice 1: Infantry
Trade Choice 2: Combat Engineer
Trade Choice 3:
Application Date: April 1st
First Contact: April 1st
CFAT: April 6th
Medical: TBD
Interview: TBD
Listed: TBD
Position Offered: TBD
Sworn in: TBD
BMQ starts on: TBD
walkhard said:
Recruiting Center: Kitchener
Regular/Reserve: Regular
Officer/NCM: NCM
Trade Choice 1: Infantry
Trade Choice 2: Combat Engineer
Trade Choice 3:
Application Date: April 1st
First Contact: April 1st
CFAT: April 6th
Medical: TBD
Interview: TBD
Listed: TBD
Position Offered: TBD
Sworn in: TBD
BMQ starts on: TBD

Good luck on your test tomorrow!
Just go in with a clear mind with a good nights sleep and you'll do fine.

borat said:
Recruiting Center: CFRC Mississauga
Regular/Reserve: Regular
Officer/NCM: NCM
Trade Choice 1: AVS TECH
Trade Choice 2:
Trade Choice 3:
Application Date: Feb 9/09
CFAT completed: Feb 10/09
Interview & Medical completed: Mar 10/09
Listed: April 3, 2009
Position Offered:TBD
Sworn in: TBD

Hello all, long time lurker.

Recruiting Center: CFRC Thunder Bay
Regular/Reserve: Regular
Officer/NCM: NCM
Trade Choice 1: Infantry
Trade Choice 2:
Trade Choice 3:
Application Date: 6-Apr-09
First Contact: 1-Apr-09
CFAT: 9-Apr-09
Medical: 9-Apr-09
Interview: 9-Apr-09
Position Offered:
Sworn in:
BMQ starts on:
walkhard said:
Recruiting Center: Kitchener
Regular/Reserve: Regular
Officer/NCM: NCM
Trade Choice 1: Infantry
Trade Choice 2: Combat Engineer
Trade Choice 3:
Application Date: April 1st
First Contact: April 1st
CFAT: April 6th (passed wOOT!)
Medical: April 20th
Interview: April 20th
Listed: TBD
Position Offered: TBD
Sworn in: TBD
BMQ starts on: TBD
Okay, so I'm applying primary reserve (infantry). I posted on here before about my process taking forever. It's now been 8 weeks, without hearing anything, not even scheduled to write my CFAT, or do the medical/physical. So I tried calling CFRC Vancouver, and it promps you to push 3 if you already have an application in with them, so I push 3 and it says "this call cannot be completed, please try again later" and it does this all the time, 24/7. So instead I try the other prompt, and press 1 to speak with a recruiter. He tells me, okay, if you app. is that old it's past the point of being on my desk, so I'll give you the 1-800 # you need to see about your file. Wonderful, so I call the number, and what do you know, it's just the 1-800 # to CFRC Vancouver, which I called in the first place to speak to him, and I get the exact same prompts, and the one I need does not work.  :(

frustrating . . .

Does anyone know who or where I can get ahold of to get some help?
Hello everyone, first time poster here:

Recruiting Center: Ottawa
Regular/Reserve: Regular
Officer/NCM: NCM
Trade Choice 1: COMM RSCH 291
Trade Choice 2: INT OP 111
Trade Choice 3: --
Application Date: March 20th
First Contact: --
CFAT: --
Medical: --
Interview: --
Listed: --
Position Offered: --
Sworn in: --
BMQ starts on: --
yeah im getting the same things for weeks on number 3, instead i just press number 1 and talk to the recruiter then they usually redirect me.

I think your best bet is to go talk to them physically, but remember its' not Vancouver anymore it's on Royal Ave in New West
Recruiting Center: Halifax
Regular/Reserve: Reserve
Officer/NCM: NCM
Trade Choice 1: Infantry
Trade Choice 2: Combat Engineer
Trade Choice 3: --
Application Date: March 5th 2009
First Contact: March 19th 2009
CFAT: April 7th 2009
Medical/Physical: April 15th 2009
Interview: April 15 2009
Position Offered: --
Sworn in: --
BMQ starts on: --

Recruiting Center: Halifax
Regular/Reserve: Regular
Officer/NCM: Officer (CEOTP)
Trade Choice 1: Armour
Trade Choice 2:
Trade Choice 3:
Application Date: May 22, 2008
First Contact: May 22, 2008
CFAT: 9 March 2009
Medical: 9 March 2009
Interview: 9 March 2009
Merit listed: 31 March 2009
Position Offered: 8 Apr 2009
Sworn in: 13 May 2009
BMOQ: 25 May 2009
BMOQ is in Victoria ???
borat said:

Recruiting Center: CFRC Mississauga
Regular/Reserve: Regular
Officer/NCM: NCM
Trade Choice 1: AVS TECH
Trade Choice 2:
Trade Choice 3:
Application Date: Feb 9/09
CFAT completed: Feb 10/09
Interview & Medical completed: Mar 10/09
Listed: April 3, 2009
Position Offered:AVS TECH
Sworn in: April 22,2009
Training Begins: April 27,2009

Recruiting Centre: Halifax, Nova Scotia
Component: Reg. Force, Officer, Air Force
Trade Choice 1: Pilot
Trade Choice 2: -
Trade Choice 3: -
Application Date: January 16, 2009
Aptitude, completed : February 25, 2009
Interview completed: February 25, 2009
Medical Completed: February 25, 2009
Medical Received: medically unfit, April 6th, 2009

So I'm kind of surprised by this turn of events. Definitely not getting Pilot. My plan B is pharmacy for the Forces though, so I've still got to give them a call to see what my current best course of action is. And reorganize my classes so I can get pre-req's in. We shall see. They're going to let me in for something though!
Recruiting Center: Edmonton, Alberta
Regular/Reserve: Regular
Officer/NCM: NCM
Trade Choice 1: Infantry
Trade Choice 2:
Trade Choice 3:
Application Date: March 1, 2009
First Contact: march 17, 2009
CFAT: April 16, 2009
Medical: April 17, 2009
Interview: April 16, 2009
Merit listed: ---
Position Offered: ---
Sworn in: ---
BMQ: ---

Will update when i figure out the rest
Recruiting Center: Calgary
Regular/Reserve: Regular
Officer/NCM: Officer
Trade Choice 1: Logistics
Trade Choice 2: Air Nav
Trade Choice 3: Mars
Application Date: last week of Jan 09
First Contact: the day after application date
CFAT: 1st week of February 09
Medical: mid February 09
Interview: mid February 09
Listed: mid March 09
Position Offered: Log Officer Navy
Sworn in: May 13
BMOQ starts on: May 25

The team at the CFRC Calgary is very helpful and professional.
romeokilo said:
We have another guy who might be with us at the NOAB

And another.

Recruiting Centre: Fredericton, NB
Component: Reg. Force, Officer, Navy
Trade Choice 1: MARS
Trade Choice 2: -
Trade Choice 3: -
Application Date: September 10, 2008 (on-line)
Aptitude, completed : October 14, 2009 (passed)
Medical Completed: December 8, 2009 (passed)
Interview completed: March 17, 2009 (passed)
Position Offered: TBA
Sworn in: TBA
Basic Training Begins: TBA

I shouldn't complain about waiting to hear, since it took me forever to track down and complete all the documents and get them in.  Plus, working full time makes it difficult to arrange appointments during the working day.  But now that it's finally all submitted, it feels like it's taking forever.  I just want to hear something, anything.
Recruiting Center: Sarnia, Ont
Regular/Reserves: Regular
Officer/NCM: NCM
Trade Choice 1: Infantry
Trade Choice 2: n/a
Trade Choice 3: n/a
Application Date: Early Dec 2008
First Contact: Early Dec 2008
CFAT: Passed Dec 18 2008
Interview: Jan 15 2009
Medical: Jan 15 2009
Medical received: medically unfit April 6, 2009

Well this sucks pretty bad but I'm still going to try and wiggle myself into another trade. I'll be going to the London RC next week sometime to talk with medical staff and the recruiters and discuss whether or not I can get another trade or still try and work something out with my trade of choice. I was unfit due to flat feet, so I just have to wait and see what happens I guess.
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