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Are We Raising a Generation of Helpless Kids?


Army.ca Myth
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I don't have kids, but I won't be the parent who blames the teacher b/c my kid failed a test.  If anything, I'd side with him/her.
Every time I walk into the armoury on a parade night, I am convinced that articles like this are wrong.

Couldn't agree more. Are there people out there who have raised their kids to be idiots? Yes. There are however lots of great young adults out there who are actually accomplishing something. People just don't hear about it because the 20 year old future PM's and leaders aren't going around telling everyone how great they are. They are putting themselves through school or doing an entry level job to gain experience.

I think this is just a case of the squeaky wheel getting the grease.
I also agree. The generation of people just behind me are some of the most intelligent, well informed, balanced and mature people I met. I was speaking to a 19 year old who had RRSP savings, an investment account, and was just starting up his own company.  These are people who grew up with the internet in full swing and I think it has a direct impact on them.

On the flip side, I also met a 19 year old (in the army oddly enough)  who had a number of physical assault charges, drunk driving, a sexual assault charge, and last I heard he was caught smoking drugs in the shacks. This was over a three year period that I knew him. Growing up, I had not met anyone who came close to that level of messed up...and he has a job.

It's like Lt.Col. Dave Grossman (Guy who wrote 'On Killing') said in a lecture: 'The kids today are really really good. It has to be one of the brightest and most focused generation in our history. On the flip side, the bad kids today are really really bad! They are some of the worst kids ever seen. And they are scaring the hell out of the good kids. One day, the good kids are going to clean house. It's in the cards.' (paraphrased)

Dimsum said:
I don't have kids, but I won't be the parent who blames the teacher b/c my kid failed a test.  If anything, I'd side with him/her.

Big point to take out of what Dimsum wrote is that the kid failed the test, the teacher didn't fail the kid.

It is important to realise the difference.

I don't think the generation is helpless but I do think that there are self-created barriers that have (in general) allowed laziness to exist. This in some families would result in the over-involvement of parents in the development of young adults.

I can't speak so much to the over-involved parents as I am not that close with my family but I can certainly attest to the generations getting more and more lazy, its something now that I still am guilty of.
I am apalled at how parents are spoiling their children these days. I agree it is not all of them but the majority of my friends all spoil their children to the point of having demanding rotten kids. Why do 5 and 6 year olds need X-boxes and DS and a laptop to play computer games. When I was a kid my parents told us to play outside and when we were bored to use our imaginations to become unbored. I just feel sad wondering what will happen to these kids who are fed a diet of tv and games all day.
Dimsum said:
I don't have kids, but I won't be the parent who blames the teacher b/c my kid failed a test.  If anything, I'd side with him/her.


ModlrMike said:
Courtesy of Snopes:


Sorry to ruin your fun.

Just the same, I agree with the sentiment.

When did Pacific Palisades High School move from California to be renamed Maroochydore High
School in Queensland, Australia?


This is a better link to verify that it is a hoax:


daftandbarmy said:
Every time I walk into the armoury on a parade night, I am convinced that articles like this are wrong.
Keep in mind you're looking at a specific, reasonably motivated sub-set of "young people".  I, too, am impressed by young people I see on parade squares and working in the Reserves and Cadets.  The best of today's youth are very, VERY good!

On the other hand, I hear VERY different stories from my partner who teaches in university:  students too lazy to do even the most basic research; students whining for extra marks when the marking scheme is clear; students not understanding the concept of being responsible for managing their time.  And it's not JUST first year students.
You don't have to go far to find examples.  Look on this site in the Recruiting Threads at posts made by persons claiming to have university educations.  Their posts and claims are a definite insult to the reputations of some of these institutions of higher learning.
George Wallace said:
You don't have to go far to find examples.  Look on this site in the Recruiting Threads at posts made by persons claiming to have university educations.  Their posts and claims are a definite insult to the reputations of some of these institutions of higher learning.
Never even thought of that.

To be entirely fair, even my sweetie echoes Grossman:  the keeners of this generation are HUGELY keen.  Many of the others?  Not so much....
daftandbarmy said:
Every time I walk into the armoury on a parade night, I am convinced that articles like this are wrong.

You change units? :)

Seriously I agree with milnews this is a small representation and there are others too, but at the other extreme and in the very large middle of this group are some things that make me glad I'm old and won't be around to see how bad things will be when they take over. Bear in mind D&B where I work and what I do for a living.
daftandbarmy said:
Every time I walk into the armoury on a parade night, I am convinced that articles like this are wrong.

Come teach high school with me ( or anyone else for that matter) for a full month.
RDJP said:
Come teach high school with me ( or anyone else for that matter) for a full month.

I taught HS for 10 years.  I'm with daftandbarmy.
RDJP said:
Come teach high school with me ( or anyone else for that matter) for a full month.

And when you were in highschool what did your teachers think of your generation? I'd imagine that  they had a similar opinion.
I taught HS for 10 years.  I'm with daftandbarmy.

Things have gone downhill even more in the past 10 years.  Unless you have taught with the full effect of cellphones, it's probably different.

And yes, my high school teachers had probably some of the same things to say about a lot of us....but not to this extent.  The pleasant economic outlook here in Alberta has most of the students thinking that they can walk into any job they like, without the education they need.

THAT certainly wasn't the outlook we had in high school in the late 80's in PEI.
I find that hard to believe. That may be the case in Alberta, but I know in Ontario it is not. Years ago you could get a decent job without even completing highschool, now with just a high school diploma you are hard pressed to get anything better than a minimum wage job.