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Are you an Army.ca addict?

Are you an Army.ca addict
Are you an Army.ca addict

Nah....I can quit anytime..

even right now....see.......


I'll get to it later, busy right now

Are you an Army.ca addict?

I tried to stay away...

I now work on a ship at sea...and still get up in the middle of the night to read this F*&%$£G site!
11 days, 6 hours and 20 minutes.

Yea, I think I'm hooked.

Time well spent.
I don't really mind missing out on Army.ca once in a while. 

Heck, after a few days the night sweats and trembling goes away.

It's not a problem . . . . really.

since i fund this siteaug 31 i've been hooked
hello my name is warspite and i'm an army.ca addict
I am definitely an Army.ca addict more than my favourite Pomegranate, 1 pump blackberry, lemonade frappuchino juice blend ;D. It is a great site to come to know people who can be your Heroes and Friends. :)

cheers snowy.
I take the laptop to the can (heads for you Navy-types)... Game. Set. Match.

(oh, yeah, and it has army.ca on it when I go in there...)
Army.ca - The monkey lives on.
I got Army.ca as my homepage so I think I fall into the category of addiced as well!! No rehab for me :D
Jeez -- I guess I'm not as far gone as I feared.

Army.ca is NOT my homepage.  Yet.

But I have been hiding links to it under innocent looking icons.  Is that something I should worry about?

What about being heard saying, "I got to check army.ca" in your sleep. 

Is that sign of addiction?
Logged in for 2 days 2 hours and 27 minutes. Addicted? I choose to think not... ;)

How do you make Army.ca your homepage? I'm technomologically challenged
Kate723 said:
How do you make Army.ca your homepage? I'm technomologically challenged

Click on the "tools" drop-down menu at the top of your screen.  Select "internet options".  It should open to the "general" tab, if not, select it.  The top of that is where you can enter the homepage address of your choice.  Or, to make it easier, go to the site that you want as your home page, choose "use current" then click on "apply" and voila!
Total time logged in: 15 days, 18 hours and 25 minutes.

That's 15 days, 18 hours, 25 minutes worth of work I didn't get done  >:D
muahahaha only 1 day 7hrs and 39min....thank goodness I dont know what I'll do if my laptop was actualy functional....I'd probably get a tan on my forehead that says ARMY.CA from all the radiation coming off my screen  ;D