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Armoured Soldier Recruiting

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Hello everyone,
I am new to this site. I have been reading it for quite some time now to gather information about the process of joining the Canadian Forces. I currently applied as an Armoured Soldier NCM. Somthing about the chances of driving that Coyote just gives me a rush thinking about it.
I have been working our very hard over the past while to prepare. I am averaging a run at the gym on their machines of 9.1-11.1 Mph and am doing about 2.55 miles in 15 minutes (4.02 Kilometers). I dont feel that the cardio is a problem, especially being a full time ice hockey goalie playing about 5 times a week (Average of 6 hours in 5 days)

My Daily routine is as follows:

6:30am = Rise and Shine
6:40 = 50 grams Creatine (non 100% - High Octane)
7:00 - 25 grams of Muscle Juice (Protein mix with other nutrients/supplements)
7:15am off to work
7:30am - 9:30 am lots of water being induced
12:15pm - 1:00pm 25 grams of Muscle Juice + 1800carb lunch
1:00 - 4:00 More water being induced
4:00 - 5:30 1800 carb meal 25 grams of muscle juice
6:00 = Gym

Workout schedule
15 minute carido warmup
10lb Calf workout 8 reps sets X 3
Pec workout 60lb 8 reps X 3
Back workouts 8 reps @ 80 lbs X 3
Shoulder workout @ 80lb X 3
Arm workout @ (50lb X 8, 25lb X 8, 37.5 X 8) X3
Ab Crunches @ 65lbs 35 reps X 3
6 Pullups X 3
Pushups (As many as possible)
Situps (As many as possible)
Rope pull (Rope with 10 lb weight on end, starting with weight on floor, twisting rod in hand to bring weight up to the handle, then back down...tihs burns!!!)

As you can see I do have a pretty active schedule. I work out for 3 days straight and take 4 days off. My difficulty is with pushups. I cant seem to get past 10. Any sugestions to this, I know I am in fit to an certain extent. I have been working on it and just cant seem to get past 10. I have been working very hard on making this, I want to have the thrill of getting into the forces, getting self decipline, and learning everything I can possibly learn. If anyone has any sugestions please let me know. I have my physical test next week and I will be so disapointed if I dont make it, I have had my heart set on this for a very long time.
There is so much advice on pushups already in the forums. Search and read please.
Found my answer....not worries just yet, give me lots of time to prepare....this email came from the CF Recruit Center:


Thank you for your interest in the Canadian Forces (CF).

In order to streamline the recruiting process, to increase the level of success
for new recruits and to expand the CF as part of larger Defence goals
applicants no longer have to complete a pre-enrolment physical fitness

The innovative Recruit Fitness Training (RFT) program at the Canadian Forces
Leadership and Recruit School (CFLRS) in St-Jean, QC is designed to improve the
physical fitness and success rates of CF Regular Force recruits who experience
difficulty meeting the required standard.  If new recruits can meet the minimum
CF fitness standard they will have a better chance of success in completing the
Basic Military Qualification (BMQ) course.

If you are a Regular Force recruit you will take the CF EXPRES test where you
take your BMQ.
Post Script

For those who are joining the Reserves, there is still a PT Test that is administered through the CFRC.

It had been dropped earlier when the PT Testing was moved to the Recruit School, but has been reinstated, after they realized that Reserve Units don't have the facilities, nor the trained personnel, to administer such tests and remedial training.
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